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What did you use today? +Rate the shave 1-10 (10 best)

Sunday morning shave was excellent. Macduff's soaps are just SO nice to shave with. Hope everyone has a great day.

Pre: Shower
Brush: Omega boar
Razor: Unknown brand. Fantastic shaver
Soap: Macduff’s Alberta Boys
Toner: Thayer‘s - Unscented
Splash: None
Serum: Jack Black Protein Serum
Balm: Zingari Man Aftershave Balm - Unscented
EDT: Louis Vuitton Orage

3 Passes
No Knicks, Cuts, Irritation

Shave Rating: 10

Mon 27
Soap & Aftershave Stirling Ozark Mountain
Brush Boti 24mm Lemon Candy
Razor Henkels & Friodur 472
Missed Stirlings & a straight so grab the 2 and head out for a short trip although just arrived home after 2 weeks at sea. Outstanding lather & scent from the soap, brush, and splash combination.
Enjoyed a great shave with this excellent razor...the edge was buttery smooth and crisply keen...Rating 10!!

GRUME 27 May 2024

Bobby B’s Daily Shave Report



Shaving Blade
Buffing Blade
Rainwater (small
Prep: Cold Shave: Hot
KCG Shaving
VDH Buffing & tight spots​
Bic Chrome
#58 of 100
Shave #
And out
King C. Gillette
8 of 10
Cube 2.0 Menthol
Left Timeless Blue Bowl​
Noble Otter Lonestar
Timeless Blue Bowl​

Noble Otter​
1 Prep
2 Lathering

  • Comments: Another near perfect shave this morning. Will help our adult son with working on our lot this morning / afternoon.
  • I want to take a moment and thank all our forum’s veterans and active duty members for their service on this Memorial Day.

Very Light​

  • Rinsed & dried face
  • Witch Hazel Dickinsons f/b buffing
  • A/S Aqua Musk f/b buffing
  • Omega Alum stick
  • Deodorant: Mennen Speed Stick
366 daily shaves

Mühle Rocca R94Super Max Blue Diamond (2)Mühle Rocca Silvertip
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Hampshire Wool Fat (14)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9/10 (Minor redness)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
8/10 (Smooth)


Nice kickstart of the week with Mühle Monday - effective, comfortable and smooth. This razor is definitely in my top 5 of all time.

Extended shave notes can be found here.

Enjoy your shave today!
5/26 yesterday’s shave

Razor: Blue Ribbon, Germany
Hone: Charnley Forest
Brush: Omega Pro 10949 “Big Red”
Soap: Haslinger Meereslagen (seaweed)
Aftershave: Wm. Neumann Heartwood

“Big Red” was called into action to lather up the Meereslagen. What a treat. Too early to tell where Meereslagen falls in my Haslinger rankings…but it’s definitely towards the top.

Same Blue Ribbon straight razor as yesterday but, with a different finishing hone.

Played with my newest rock, a Charnley Forest, and it was fun. The edge was comfortable and sharp.

I can’t wait to see what this rock can do.

The Wm. Neumann Heartwood is great. I love the scent and it makes my face feel great.

New flavor of Haslinger and a new stone, what a great way to start the day.

No issues, easy DFS result and more play time 9.6/10.
Razor: Wade & Butcher
Hone: Coticule
Brush: Connaught Omega Premium Jade
Soap: Martin de Candre Fougere
Aftershave: Wm. Neumann Signature 1907

My Wade & Butcher fresh off a Belgian Coticule finish. It doesn’t feel sharp at all. The buttery Sheffield steel just wipes away the MDC lather and my whiskers magically disappear.

I’m enjoying playing around with Coticules. I watched a video yesterday of Gary Haywood and he makes it look so easy. I tried to follow his guidance and it worked pretty well. It’s the archer and not the arrow in this case. I’ve have so much more fun in store learning “The Way of the Coticule”.

Wm. Neumann 1907 smells like…Victory! Awesome.

Great shave. Lots of fun playing with a rock and a Wade & Butcher. 9.75/10.
Preshave: Hot shower
Soap/Shave cream: Stirling Soap Pharoah's Dreamsicle
Brush: Jequil & Corenveo 24mm
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89 Lined Handle
Blade: Treet Carbon Steel "Black Beauty" (1)
Post shave: Pinaud Clubman
Rating: 10/10

I'm pretty much past the experimental stage when it comes to razor/blade combinations but there are a few that still intrigue me. I have a nice stash of different Treet blades, compliments of our Blademaster @Eric_75 and have been impressed with them overall. One that I had tried before with some success was the so-called "Black Beauty", the carbon steel blade. And it was time to give it another try in a nice neutral razor, so one of my two EJ DE89's got the vote.
And, boy, was it a nice shave; smooth, certainly close enough. Absolutely delightful. I'm glad I've still got some more left!


Monday, May 26, 2024

RazorMerkur 34C
BladeTreet Dura Sharp (4 / 10) [1]
BrushSemogue Pegasus Boar

LatherStirling Eucalyptus Mint (Sample) [5]
PostClubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

6 / 10

Perfectly comfortable, but surprisingly inefficient, which has been a theme in my few shaves with this Merkur. I’ll see if I can dial in whatever particular angle or technique is needed for the razor over the course of the week.

Pre Shave: Warm Shower, Stirling Baker Street Liquid Bath Soap, Stirling Unscented Pre Shave Soap
Razor: Yaqi Romulus SB
Blade: Kai Titan ProTouch MG (7)
Soap/Cream: Barrister & Mann Cool
Bowl: The CaYuen Workshop Medium Damascus Textured Wet Shaving Lathering Bowl
Brush: AP Shave Co Sand Ebonite Handle 24mm G5A Knot
Post Shave: Cold Water Rinse, Thayers Unscented Witch Hazel, Nivea Unscented Post Shave Balm & B&M Cool AS
Rating: 10/10 A comfortable efficient 3 pass BBS shave with one touch up, no weepers, or cuts but some minor irritation. A very good shave, but minor irritation persisting, so may be blade needs changing earlier than normal.

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
GEMonday, May 27th 2024

Razor : Gem Push button- Mfg 1958-65, mild to tame mid range. One of my favorite ASR razors for looks with black and gold. This little razor still performs well and with good technique and sharp blade it will give stellar shaves. Had a close comfortable shave this morning.
Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE(3). Very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
Soap : Ach Brito Lavanda cream, nice lavender with a (mild peppermint ??) in the back ground scent + excellent lather qualities.
Brush : Yaqi "Moka Express" 24mm synthetic. Excellent lather generator, luxury heavenly cloud like soft tips, gentle splay scrubber + excellent lather painter.
Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
Post shave : Ach Brito Lavanda splash with witch hazel+ a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
Results : Dial 9.5.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=:a17: Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Gem push button razor with a coated Gem blade. Very close to a close BBS this morning but still borderline so 9.5 will work!
SOTD May 27 2024.jpg

Have some great shaves!
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