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What did you learn from your safety razor shave today?

Approach the lathered skin with the razor, in such a way that the cap touches the surface first.... With the speed at which I shave, I often land the razor on my skin carelessly at all sorts of angles, where the blade can nick or cut the skin as it lands. Same thing applies when shaving with a SR, remembering to keep the blade flat until the blade has safely landed on the surface of the skin, then, and only then adjusting the razor angle before performing the actual shaving stroke. - I wish I always remembered this important aspect of technique !!


I shaved a fortune
I learned that for me a perfect shave seems elusive. There's a patch of stubble on the left side of my chin that will sometimes just randomly tug or resist the blade slightly. No matter the blade, razor, prep, days of growth or lack thereof. I use short strokes, long strokes, slanted strokes, guillotine strokes, and yet somedays my chin hair just offers a touch of resistance. Guess that's why everyone's growing goattees lol
Seth, my chin and the surrounding areas have always been the most challenging for me too. A month or so ago, Aaron asked me if I was deviating from the sweet spot razor angle there and sure enough, he was right.

I started paying closer attention to maintain the best angle and it’s made a world of difference. I don’t know if that will help you, but it was a huge leap forward for me.
Seth, my chin and the surrounding areas have always been the most challenging for me too. A month or so ago, Aaron asked me if I was deviating from the sweet spot razor angle there and sure enough, he was right.

I started paying closer attention to maintain the best angle and it’s made a world of difference. I don’t know if that will help you, but it was a huge leap forward for me.
The goatee is the bane of my existence. I can get mostly smooth shaves but there's always a little resistance there
I learned that you can use JATAI (clear) shaving cream to shave around the ouches on your face.
I previously used that cream to trim up my sideburns with one of my razors. The website shows the primary use of trimming hair lines.

I had a pair of bad cuts on my face from a previous shave that had scabbed over but I still needed to shave. I did not want to slice off the scabs and prevent them from healing naturally, so I applied the clear shaving cream in the area of my cuts. I then shaved that area, avoiding the cuts (since the clear shaving cream did not hide them). I then used my regular shaving soap to lather the rest of my face/neck and shaved those areas separately.

I wish I had thought of this years ago!
I finally learned two things.
1. I need to stop changing so many variables. I have a new brush, a new lathering technique, I'm using soap and AS samples, a blade sampler, with a new razor. The only thing I've not changed is my alum, which I dropped this am. No wonder things aren't going to plan.
2. Connected with the first one - I really need to go back to face lathering. I'm good at it and having a bad lather really makes everything else way harder to judge.
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