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What did you learn from your last shave?

Today I learned two things, first if I maintain my angle and pressure my shaves become DFS, I also have almost got my passes mapped out and have very few places that need touch ups. Second, after a full week of using C.O. Bigelow, I believe, I am hooked. I really like everything about it cooling, slickness and the ease in lathering.
What did I learn from my last shave? hmmm three things.

1) No two shaves are exactly the same
2) A light touch with a Merkur 34c HD gets you the same result with more comfort.
3) An Astra Superior Platinum on it's 3rd shave is 'da bomb' - smooth and close.
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Tonight I learned to make sure the blade is properly seated on the Merkur Futura before snapping on the top, otherwise it cracks the blade. Second time for me in two months.
Keeping an SE almost flat against my face improves the shave immensely and using no pressure. Whiskers come off like butter. (Ever Ready 1924 Shovelhead)
That no matter how much I try it seems that Gillette TTO's are just not for me. I've got too many damm fine razors to keep trying to figure them out. Life is too short for crappy shaves!
I think I discovered that the glycerin pre shave soap i started using is having a negative effect on my shaving experience for some reason. I was doing pretty good, but after using the glycerin soap, my neck line started getting bad razor burn. I'm still learning, but for some reason i was getting very mild burn before as opposed to horrible burn after. :confused:
I am developing a preference for thicker lather (Cool whip thick)....

Learning what consistency of lather works best for you is a door-opening thing. The challenge then becomes figuring out how to get that same consistency out of a range of products.

I've also found that what consistency works best is not necessarily the same from product to product. So much more learning still to do, always!
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