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What did you learn from your last shave?

Using a short handle on a Merkur 25C, using to much pressure, and trying to squeeze out a fourth shave from a Personna blue lab yields irritation.
Despite the great reviews, my RR Mission 3pc. may not be for me. Been chopping up my neck consistently since I got it- even with different blades.
Just got my first batch of striking soaps. I need to use more water and that I can go against the grain in some areas but not in two small spots on my neck.
- Breaking in a new badger brush sometimes sucks. Let's hear it for the smell of wet dog in the morning.
- I am definitely NOT of The Chosen. I tried The Veg for the second time today. A few seconds after the alcohol burn faded my face started burning a second time in that uncomfortable, bad skin reaction way.
When you're using a new razor, one that you've been warned is more aggressive (Executive Shaving Braveheart), and you're in a hurry, don't treat it like a Gillette Slim Twist, and don't use a pre-shave oil that you forgot sometimes causes mild irritation, and don't go against the grain toward the end of the second pass, and don't let your lather get a bit too dry and think "Och, never mind" and don't apply rose water before alum, and don't go over your chin, where - until recently - you had a beard - It doesn't end well, you dolt. (No weepers, no cuts, but I wouldn't look out of place at the local burns unit in the hospital)
That MWF is a lot more work than I care to put into it. That and the fact that I prefer to face lather and the amount of time it takes to get a good lather on the face I actually got an irritation before the razor even touched the face.
Do more research on prep. Be aware of how your products will need to be used to give an optimum shave. Determine your trouble areas. Endeavor hto do better. Understand this us a merger of products and a user, if one or both falters your asking for failure. Read as much as you can about others experiences, new techniques, and not afraid to ask for advice. Be realistic that a great shave actually does take a lot of great work and effort. Day 1 down and the rest of eternity to go.
That for some reason the more shaves under my belt, the better I like the current bade I'm using. I think the more experience I get I can Use any of the nine or ten brand of blades I've used and think it is great.

Use only enough pressure on the razor to keep it against my face. Don't drag, pull, rake, or scrape the razor. Let it GLIDE across your face and it will do the work.
- A Fatboy on 9 is not the most aggressive razor that I own and it gives a good shave
- Past day 5 the shaves have not been as smooth as I would like with my Astra SP, but they are still above average shaves.
-BBS begins 5 minutes after the shave, not the second I put the razor down (something I always forget).
-Shave oil isn't the worst thing going
-Don't be cavalier with a new razor
-Moisturise with & across the grain
-You have a moustache now, that part of your face really doesn't need lathered
When you're using a new razor, one that you've been warned is more aggressive (Executive Shaving Braveheart), and you're in a hurry, don't treat it like a Gillette Slim Twist, and don't use a pre-shave oil that you forgot sometimes causes mild irritation, and don't go against the grain toward the end of the second pass, and don't let your lather get a bit too dry and think "Och, never mind" and don't apply rose water before alum, and don't go over your chin, where - until recently - you had a beard - It doesn't end well, you dolt. (No weepers, no cuts, but I wouldn't look out of place at the local burns unit in the hospital)

I share your misery. My first couple uses of my att r1 went similar. That's right, my first couple shaves. Wasn't even smart enough to adjust the second time!

And yes, the braveheart packs a punch. Cheers.
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