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What did you learn from your last shave?

Hey all. Need some help here. Had the 34c HD for about a year now. Dropped it on a hard tile floor and the safety bar broke off.... I was devastated. Finally had a great set up. HD, astra SP, TOBS jermyn st.
Angry with it breaking I purchased a different razor. The muhle r89(newer version). My face/neck is on fire! I take my time and pay attention to my angle and technique. I am on my 4th shave and am regretting getting this razor... any ideas??

First off you may want to post a thread in the general shave forum.

My guess is the Muhle is more aggressive than the Merkur. It could arc the blade more and put the blade at a different angle. You can either try different blades in the Muhle or just buy another 34C. I have the 34C and like the razor but I have since moved on to vintage razors. I have a 1964 Gillette Slim Adjustable and I can adjust the gap to taylor it to the blade being used. Very sharp blades(Feather) set at a 2 or 3, my favorites so far the Merkur and the Gillette 7 o'Clock Permasharp I run them at 5 or 6. I also have a 1964 Gillette Tech Ball end which is a little less aggressive than the 34C and is a nice little razor to shave with. The Slim is my #1 razor and the others very rarely get used. They just sit on the shelf as back up in case the blade I am using goes south in the middle of the shave. Hope this helps.
That a person can enjoy the shave too much and go for that full 3rd pass that you don't normally do and end up with some razor burn afterwards. And to top it off the 3rd pass didn't really do that much more that my usual 2nd half pass/clean up I usually do.
That when lathering with a synthetic brush, i is always important to keep a little more water in the brush. This reduces the amount of time spent adding more water and generates a much nicer lather (YMMV).
Gillette 7 O'Clock Black from India are ok for 4 shaves, but Indian Gillette 7 O'Clock Green are better and cost less
Close, but no cigar
- I still love Aqua Velva ASes. Wearing the Musk today.
- The RazoRock OLD Type clone is a very nice razor. Without doing a side-by-side comparison, I would say the performance is close to the original.
- Vulfix makes a nice brush
I learned that I should have tried Feather blades sooner... they're amazing, and not nearly as dangerous as it seemed they would be based on what I've heard.
A Fatboy dialed down to 3 with a Feather blade can be awesome. Col. Conk doesn't suck at lathering like I thought it did when I tried it as noob 4 months ago. It was me that sucked at making lather. Loaded long off a warm soft puck and it exploded out of bowl yesterday. Lime is a great warm weather soap.
Used a shaving stick for the first time today. It turned out pretty good, there's definitely room for improvement. What I actually learned is that La Toja smells just like Grey Flannel by Geoffrey Beene to me haha.
I shaved with a Micro Touch One for the 1st time this morning - it's a great little razor, if anything it's slightly more aggressive than my Weishi 9306CL
One small design flaw - although the TTO action is perfect when the razor is empty, sometimes it doesn't always close 1st time when it's got a Bic Chrome Platinum blade in it, possibly due to the extra thickness of a Bic blade
There's a reason that Lucky Tiger is popular. There's a quick whiff of orange/tangerine (the smell of a Dreamsicle) then the scent is gone and you're left with a great face feel. I really like Lucky Tiger.
That waiting for three days should have made for a great shave today but even with a hot shower and great softeners, it was so bad that Witch Hazel and Aveeno ASB couldn't stop the bumps.
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