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What did you learn from your last shave?


Hahaha.. lucky you mate, they are nicely priced.. mine however is the complete opposite :(

They didn't work so good for my S1, I will try them with my Parker 24c. Hopefully it will work better with that razor.
I can get a DFS in a hurry with a can of Barbasol that rivals any other shave with any other product. It's good to have something in the den to use for in a pinch
I learned that from my blade sampler that I prefer them in the following order:
Gillette 7OC Super Stainless
Gillette Silver Blue
Voshkod & Red Personna's are basically a tie

Also, after a week of shaves, I'm getting much better lathers from Stirling. Still not as nice as with Mike's, but certainly acceptable.
I learned that a cut down Feather Pro light blade in an old Schick Hydro-Magic razor provides a superior shave-- quicker, closer, with no nicks or razor burn and with less effort than with a Gillette(any type), Weber, Feather, Above The Tie or All the other D/E razors that I have or have used. So easy and so damn good I am truly flabbergasted!
A single pass shave (atg on neck, wtg on face) really worked for me this morning.

I had the least feedback from my alum block to date.

I also need to hydrate my lather even more. (Either that or I just take so long per pass that that's what's causing it to dry out... Or both... Either, I think I need more hydration still)
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