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What Almond cream are should I should try?

Hey Gang,

What Almond cream should I try?

I did try T&H Almond and it has nice sweet scent but I don't know TOBS Almond scent. It is good?

I love the smell I wish I can sniff for a while.

If you choose one of Almond scent, which it be? T&H or TOBS?

Do you like Almond Scent? Does it give you a good shave?

Chris A
TOBS Almond has a sweet almost marzipan scent to it. Col Conks is a great almond soap on side bar and also has that sweet scent.
I recently purchased some D.R. Harris Almond cream, and it is really excellent stuff. Very intense, sweet, marzipan/cherry scent. Efficacy knocks the socks off of T&H, and in my experience it outperforms Trumpers as well.

Scent-wise, I may enjoy Trumpers the best. It's a soft and slightly sweet marzipan. A little more subtle than the Harris. But the Harris cuts superbly.

I can't speak to TOBS, Cella, Valobra, Boellis, or P.160. Yet. :biggrin:
C&E's Sweet Almond Oil cream gives me the best shave ever ... I'm not crazy about the smell, but I tolerate it in order to get the super-slickness and moisturizing.

Unfortunately, its not being made anymore. Fortunately, I have 3 new tubes and 2 new pucks stockpiled in the closet.
I've heard Cella (hard cream/soft soap) and Cyril R. Salter are the best.

I've never heard of Cella, but I've been using Cyril R. Salter's Almond shaving cream for the past two years, and love it. It has not only the sweet, cherry/marzipan aspect to it, but also a drier, roasted-almond flavor that endures, once the sweetness has "melted in your mouth".

Not long after I bought this shaving cream, I began searching for a companion afterscent, and found that Lolita Lempicka's Lolita Lempicka au Masculin continues the "edible experience" for the remainder of the day (or night).

Smooth shaving!
I am with Leche; Col. Conk makes a great soap (ok, so it isn't a cream, but it is still almond!). The lather can be a bit picky if you don't get the water just right, but I think that as helped me with lathering more than it has hurt me. It provides some great slickness and great smell.
Of all the Almonds that I have tried, I have to stick with the eshave Almond cream, that is by far the nicest smelling and best performing cream I can find.
It is on the sweeter side with a bit of cherry smell to it, but what a gorgeous creamy thick smooth lather.

--makes me want to eat it!
You ask about a cream, but all I know about are both soaps, Cella and P160. I could not tolerate the dry and sharp almond fragance of Cella even though I tried for weeks because it is such an outstanding performing lather. P160 has the "good" almond fragrance, sweet and very pleasing. Plus, the lather produced by P160 is superb in all respects.


I know it might not be a pure Almond-only cream, but the tub version of Acqua di Parma is awesome. The slight hint of almond makes me want to recommend it - whereas other almond creams are just too strong for me.

Great, smooth, close shave. Just need to get your water quantity and prep right!
having only tried the C&E SAO, i can only nudge u in that direction for a cream. But the Col. Conk Almond soap is very nice-and available almost everywhere.

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