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Cremo Original Classic my 2cents

A previous thread concluded that cremo is a brushless shave cream as well. As far as brushless creams go, I have to say I had higher expectations than I should have. I much prefer Alba botanical mango emollient shave cream which I used back in the day with disposable razors before seeing the light and changing to DE razors.


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thoughts on how it stacks up vs other economical creams, like proraso, cremo,pacific shave company etc?
I consider Proraso Blue to be amongst the best creams on the market. Better than GFT, Blenheim Bouquet, T&H, D.R. Harris, TOBS and others. The metal tube and low price is a bonus.

Not all agree, but that's been my take on if for a decade or so. I've used a dozen or so tubes from start to finish.
I consider Proraso Blue to be amongst the best creams on the market. Better than GFT, Blenheim Bouquet, T&H, D.R. Harris, TOBS and others. The metal tube and low price is a bonus.

Not all agree, but that's been my take on if for a decade or so. I've used a dozen or so tubes from start to finish.
I've tried all prorasos except the red, I enjoyed the green and the white. The blue's performance was great, but the smell takes getting used to for me, as I, dislike musky scents in general. ( maybe why most of my cologne collection is fresch scented smells haha) I might have to then give proraso blue another shot? along with an order of kmf mint? 😎
I use Cremo during the week as a quick shave before work. It is slick and it reactivates nicely for touch-ups. So far, my favorite scents are the original orange, Sandalwood, and French Lavender.
Day four or five of using Cremo, tried one application, then doing second pass without rehydration. Poor results, and some Razor irritation. Think the product needs be applied, reapplied for each additional pass. Product does leave face nice & smooth. I always shower post shave, and shampoo hair, using Shampoo on face also. Do not think tube of Cremo will last 90 days, but still a bargain for price paid. Cleaning off Razor with running water takes more time then most Soaps, as product is think and creamy. JMHO.


Dull yet interesting
Day four or five of using Cremo, tried one application, then doing second pass without rehydration. Poor results, and some Razor irritation. Think the product needs be applied, reapplied for each additional pass. Product does leave face nice & smooth. I always shower post shave, and shampoo hair, using Shampoo on face also. Do not think tube of Cremo will last 90 days, but still a bargain for price paid. Cleaning off Razor with running water takes more time then most Soaps, as product is think and creamy. JMHO.
You have to rehydrate it between passes.
I consider Proraso Blue to be amongst the best creams on the market. Better than GFT, Blenheim Bouquet, T&H, D.R. Harris, TOBS and others. The metal tube and low price is a bonus.

Not all agree, but that's been my take on if for a decade or so. I've used a dozen or so tubes from start to finish.
Tried kiss my face cool mint today and can say for 100% certantiy that I, love it and it's performance and slickness, The 7$ I paid for it on amazon made it that much better.
Use it again yesterday, Cremo that is, this time I put good amount before each pass of the Shave. Got best result with product, sort of BPIA to have to stop and wash hand before picking up Razor between passes. But it is what it is, and the product works, but is not a ME friendly as Soap N Brush.


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Tried kiss my face cool mint today and can say for 100% certantiy that I, love it and it's performance and slickness, The 7$ I paid for it on amazon made it that much better.
"Green Tea & Bamboo" (my favorite) as well as Lime were also nice scents from KMF but I think both are discontinued.
So I am over 10 days using same Tube of Cremo, I think the product has learning curve, and is not cut and dry to use effetely. It has positives, and Negatives.

The product is very slick, sort of hard to ringed off Razor with hot running water, leaves skin smooth, and the Tube no way Jose will last me 90 days as advertised. JMHO

Product works best for me if rubbed on my finger working into skin, Shaving with Short Strokes, hitting place again time two. I only do With and Across Grain, seldom Against the Grain. When pass one is done more Cremo applied, but less then first time, as face is already slick.

Think Soap, Brush N Bowl are better, more cost effective, and you have the advantage of small amount of Soap equals lot of Lather for many passes.

Cremo is good product, it works OK, but is messy to use and clean up after. When you can buy it under $2.50/Tube it is good deal, as back shave cream, IMHO.
Cremo really isn't designed for the 2 or 3-pass DE shaver, or, I would have to say, DE shaving in general. It is geared towards multi-blade cartridge users that typically only do one pass with maybe a bit of a clean-up pass. If used properly, it is sufficient for the first pass and then by rubbing some more water over your face it will reactivate its slickness for the clean-up. Used this way you can get 90 days out of it. I did when I was using cartridges, and I used it for many years. It is a good shave cream for that use case scenario. When I started with DE shaving, I had a portion of a tube of Cremo remaining and had ordered a 5-tube pack. I quickly realized that Cremo wasn't designed for DE shaving, it was messy, didn't rinse well off the razor, and was difficult to see what areas I had missed. I got a brush and real shave soap and never looked back. I returned the 5-pack of Cremo. I just recently found the partial-used Cremo tube under my sink and threw it out.
Was in Walmart today buying Liquid Bandage at suggest of friend who made me a suggestion because of me being allergic to adhesive on bandaids.

Noticed change on New Cremo packaging, No Mention of Product being 90 Day Supply.

Cremo really isn't designed for the 2 or 3-pass DE shaver, or, I would have to say, DE shaving in general.
For the benefit of others reading: I use Cremo with my DE razors all the time and it works fine. It helps to have a fingertip sprayer to keep it from getting too dry. Rinses fine for me, provides a nice slick shave surface, and has a nice post-shave feel.
It's "different"...bit of a learning curve...just like there is with a soap & brush.

Cremo is definitely slicker than snot and less drying than some soaps...a very effective product regardless of shaving utensil.

I still prefer traditional lather for little reasons, but mostly because it's fun.
Today was DAY # 25, Tube is totally empty, got one last shave out of tube, cost per day was about 11 Cents a shave pretty good.

Funny tube said 90 Day Supply, no way, unless Ken, Barbie's Friend the little Doll was using.:straight:
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