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Wet Shaving and Women

Have anoy of you noticed increased success with women since you got good at wet shaving? Do you feel better which translates into more confidence in asking women out or more attention from them?
Have anoy of you noticed increased success with women since you got good at wet shaving? Do you feel better which translates into more confidence in asking women out or more attention from them?

No, not exactly....but those very lines would be a great opening of a late-night DE infomercial: "Are you tired of losing women because of your unsightly Mach 3 razor burn?" "Are you ready to wield the persuasive powers that come with using a DE?" :biggrin:
No, not exactly....but those very lines would be a great opening of a late-night DE infomercial: "Are you tired of losing women because of your unsightly Mach 3 razor burn?" "Are you ready to wield the persuasive powers that come with using a DE?" :biggrin:

There was another thread that quickly devolved into one of those.... pickup one-liners everywhere.

......You got me dialed up to 9....various 'red tip' and 'blue tip' jokes and the obligitory 'fatboy' jokes :lol:
Have anoy of you noticed increased success with women since you got good at wet shaving? Do you feel better which translates into more confidence in asking women out or more attention from them?

First let me say I'm extremely new to wet shaving and married, so take my comments with a large grain of salt.

That said...

I can tell you my wife sure likes the wet shaving for some of the same mystique and class reasons men do. I think you'll find the same reaction in many women who might see a nice chrome stand with your brush and razor in your bathroom.

I can also tell you women take the grooming and cleanliness of a man very seriously. A "real" aftershave and balm over a hint of witch hazel and remnants of eucalyptus are going to really differentiate you as a man from the kids who want their life to be an Axe commercial.

Being noticeably smoother without razor bumps, ingrown hairs, etc will also help your appeal.

And as much as all those effects work directly for you, the effect I'm sure is doubled (or more!) when your own confidence reflects it.

In short, while I haven't tried to meet any new women and obviously being a wetshaver won't give you any guarantees, I can't believe it wouldn't be working for you- especially with a woman who will be a good match for you. (it's easy to forget while you're single that there are a lot of women out there that it's in your best interest to repel!)
More confident? Now that I think about it, yeah, I guess so.

My wife certainly likes it. She's amused by my shaving ritual and RAD, but she digs the close shave.

A female colleague at work hugged me and gave me a buss on the cheek for a job well done the other day, and when she drew back, she made quite a fuss over how smooth my face was.
My wife could care less- thinks it's all a waste of money. She of the lady bic and ivory soap for her legs.

So, in a word, no. Because she thinks I am being at least a little silly, or perhaps even stupid, it probably hurts.
joto: I'm in the same boat, but I suspect it's more good-natured ribbing than actual scorn. She admits it is a closer shave, but still I get the rolled eyes and sarcastic comments whenever she sees me getting out my "potions." The kids like the various smells, but they've stopped trying to identify them. Now when I ask "what's it smell like?" They just say "like Daddy!"
My wife could care less- thinks it's all a waste of money.

My missus says the same thing - having gone from sarcasm to amused tolerance for my multitudinous razors, blades, soaps & creams she also throws in a hint of suspicion for my motives! :001_unsur
Just let it be known that you shave with a straight and see if notice the difference in how the women treat you.
My girlfriend actually likes me with a day or two of stubble, but she also likes the ritual of the shaving process. I usually indulge her stubble preference during the weekends, but weekdays are BBS.


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I don't think it made me more confident. It made me more confident on using the tools. My other half likes the 2-3 days of stubble but also love the BBS...
Confidence? Not really. But my wife gets a kick out of my "hobby," says I'm obsessed with things like B&B and wetshaving etc.

Then, in the same breath she'll make a comment about being glad I'm a "groomer" and not a grungy type...
Since I'm not "on the hunt" I can't really say.

But I will say that my wife always thought she'd end up marrying a guy that used a shaving brush and mug.

She did. :cool:

(though, I'm not so sure she approves of the AD's) :biggrin:
My wife likes the 2 day stubble. She's also an old movie buff. I forget the name of the movie but she saved on the DVR a Cary Grant movie where he was shaving with a brush. She equates that part of the movie to my new hobby of shaving.

Disclaimer #1: I'm not saying my wife is Old. I'm saying she enjoys older black and white movies, Abbot and Costello, MGM channel. etc.
Disclaimer #2: I'm not saying I resemble Cary Grant, far from it. I am working on my Suave. :biggrin:

She really likes the smell of the tabac, and asked if I leave my shaving mug out while I travel.
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