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Well, I guess it was only a matter of time.

Ooohhhhh! What a bargain...each head only costs $5.20 (not including S&H)! Let's see, I was only able to get three shaves out a cart when I used them so that equals $1.73 minimum for each shave! Sign me up!!!
Probably one tucked behind the top for getting under your nose, etc.

That's exactly what it is. These are the same as Dollar Shave Club's "Executive" $9 a month package, and with DSC you get four carts a month.

I've used them out of curiosity when I was wishy washy about DE's and I will say that they most definitely shave smoother and better than a Fusion, not to mention they last longer (I used the same cart for almost two weeks shaving daily). If I had to switch to a more than two blade cartridge right now, I would use the Dorco Pace 6, which is weird since I hate their DE blades with a passion.

I've used Dorco's "Twin II" as well, but for a longer period than the Pace 6. When I worked at Dollar General from 16-18 I would pick them up there for $1.25 for a handle (they didn't sell the carts separate) and six carts, add onto that my 25% employee discount and I was seriously budget shaving at 5 cents a cart.

Also why is there no cent symbol button on the keyboard?
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Cool to know that the Dorco/$ Shave Club blades are decent. I don't think in going back to cartridge but I really like Dollar Shave Club's idea.

The no cents sign, yeah... You've seen what people post on the internet. Most of it doesn't make much cents ;)

Cool to know that the Dorco/$ Shave Club blades are decent. I don't think in going back to cartridge but I really like Dollar Shave Club's idea.

Their carts are great, but their DE blades suck (YMMV and all that). My dad was a regular Fusion user until I introduced him to the Pace 6 when I was using it, and my brother loves their four blade cart hailing it as "What the Quattro should've been" (Him being the lone Schick man in a Gillette family).

The no cents sign, yeah... You've seen what people post on the internet. Most of it doesn't make much cents ;)


I just now noticed it, It could replace the useless ampersand button.
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