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Wedding Suit

I'm getting married in November and I'm struggling to find a suit that will fit the bill. I have never worn a rental tux that fit correctly and the idea of having a suit that I can continue to wear post-nuptuals is very appealing.

The requirements:
-3 piece (vested)
-grey (ideally mid-grey b/c I already have a charcoal suit)
-slim cut
-2 button jacket
-flat front (more of a nice to have then a must)

The budget:

I've looked all over (suitsupply, MW, JAB, indochino, e haberdasher, gilt, nordstroms rack, j crew, etc) and can't seem to find something that really satisfies all my must haves, seems to be a good value, and I'm confident will fit

November is cutting it close but if you follow Indochino's measuring guide precisely and anticipate having it remade, you'll end up with a great suit. I'm sure the other MTM brands are comparable. I'm also a fan of J Crew and, believe it or not, Banana Republic's Italian wool suits. I've lost a lot of weight and my Indochino suit needs to go to the tailor but here's the best picture I have from when it fit:

I have found that the best option in a situation like this is to have it personally made for you. I get all my suits done by Tom James. My guy also works out of Boston. I see you're in CT. If you're close to Boston, PM me and I'll send you his info if you're interested. The problem: it's going to break your budget. If you're firm on the budget, Indochino is not a bad way to go. But I would say that the handmade option is the best if you are particular.
I have found that the best option in a situation like this is to have it personally made for you. I get all my suits done by Tom James. My guy also works out of Boston. I see you're in CT. If you're close to Boston, PM me and I'll send you his info if you're interested. The problem: it's going to break your budget. If you're firm on the budget, Indochino is not a bad way to go. But I would say that the handmade option is the best if you are particular.

I've considered them as well. Break my budget by how much?
How about hitting the outlet malls around the US holiday in October? They usually have decent sales from what I remember. And the trick is to pick up one of the coupon/voucher books from the reception for other discount.

A few years ago I picked up a Versace suit for $500. Actually we're heading to NYC over that weekend and a new suit is on my list.
At your budget (pretty low), I consider Tom James. They take precise measurements. It's not a custom made suit (bespoke), but they stock sizes in smaller increments than stores, different combinations, etc. to get a better fit. This is known as "made to measure" in the business.

Check the internet or yellow pages. Tom James doesn't have stores, they send a guy out to where you are to take measurements and show you catalogs and fabric samples. You can get exactly what you want without any limit for availability.

$500 may be a little tight, but they have suits in that range.

Thanks for the info everyone. I really appreciate it.

I'm starting to lean towards Indochino, but I'm still VERY open to alternatives. I've heard the Tom James sales people are highly aggressive and, while I'm certainly capable of dealing with that, I don't feel they bring enough value over someone like an indochino to deal with that nonsense. Additionally, I think I've ruled out a tux. I have no use for a tux post-wedding so purchasing one feels like a waste and I'm convinced that renting one will result in sub-standard results.

DSMDylan - I ran through a mock customization on indochino the other day and noticed they don't appear to specifically ask about surgeon cuffs (is this just automatic?) or a ticket pocket. Do you have any insight on if these are options still? I see they show photos of some of the suits with the ticket pocket so perhaps it's automatic on those and unavailable on others? Also, my understanding is that their suits are half-canvased. Is that accurate?

Thanks again everyone.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Additionally, I think I've ruled out a tux. I have no use for a tux post-wedding so purchasing one feels like a waste and I'm convinced that renting one will result in sub-standard results.

You are no doubt correct about the sub-standard rentals.

Besides, for a daytime wedding (if yours is one), a tux is going to be technically incorrect, as it's 'evening wear'.
DSMDylan - I ran through a mock customization on indochino the other day and noticed they don't appear to specifically ask about surgeon cuffs (is this just automatic?) or a ticket pocket. Do you have any insight on if these are options still? I see they show photos of some of the suits with the ticket pocket so perhaps it's automatic on those and unavailable on others? Also, my understanding is that their suits are half-canvased. Is that accurate?

When you're picking options, there's a button in the top right for "more options" where you can choose ticket pocket and functional cuff buttons, among other things. Their suits are half-canvassed, yes. I'm not sure Indochino is a good option though. It will take 3-4 weeks to get your suit and there's a great chance it'll need to be remade to be perfect. The remake is more like 2 weeks in my experience but if your wedding is in November, you're cutting it reeeeaal close. Of course, they could get it almost perfect the first time and it may just need a slight tailoring which they'll reimburse you for.
My actual wedding date is 11/29 (black Friday) so I should be ok with indochino's turn around time. I figure I have until the end of the weekend to make up my mind.

I still feel like I may be missing something though...
You might get a Hugo Boss suit in the 5-6 range. I think that would be a great way to go. Saks and Nordstroms often have different prices than the Hugo Boss store.
My actual wedding date is 11/29 (black Friday) so I should be ok with indochino's turn around time. I figure I have until the end of the weekend to make up my mind.

I still feel like I may be missing something though...

Oh, great. If you've got a solid 2 months to work with, you won't have a problem. Follow the measuring guide to a T and just anticipate that it will need to be remade so you won't be discouraged if the first one isn't perfect. If it doesn't need it, all the better. My first suit ended up fitting just fine. I sent it back to bring it from an OTR fit to a bespoke fit. From what I've seen, if you're on the slimmer side they usually fit better the first go around.

The only reservation I'd have is that Indochino isn't the only MTM option so I'd explore the others thoroughly. One I've seen that I've really liked that you didn't mention is Dragon Inside.
WOW, I hadn't checked out Dragon Inside but they look great. (THANKS!)

It appears they offer a full canvased suit for roughly the same price as Indochino. Have you used them? I would love to hear how they compare to Indochino (fabric quality, fit, service, turn around, etc).
The OP is cutting it pretty close.

Let this be a lesson to everyone else, every man needs a nice long lasting not trendy Navy solid and Charcoal solid suit at the ready.
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