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*Warning-Spoilers, see post #697* - HBO's Game of Thrones

<I think the damage the dragon did to the wall was a little over the top>

I actually did not understand what the dragon was supposedly doing to the wall. I guess the wall is supposedly made of ice and some rocks and not masonry or reinforcement? 700 feet tall. That is one massive amount of ice. I do not think anything we had seen from the dragons previously indicated their fire generated the kind of therms it would take to literally melt something like that. I mean previously dragon's fire burned up some soldiers and wagons. It did not turn the earth below into glass. If the idea was that the wall was not literally melted but that it fell down, what would be left, a 300 foot mound of slippery ice? Not something easily negotiated, I would not think. Melting a hole through it makes a lot more sense to me, too.

The entire conversion of a dragon seems contrived anyway. Going out to capture a wight to show Cersei never made any sense in the first place, and losing a dragon to the other side because of it just seems too pat. As it turns out, apparently, everyone would have been perfectly safe behind the wall for an indefinite period of time but for losing that dragon. There was no urgency to prepare to fight at all.
Dragons melted the castle at Harrenhall (seen in season 2 or 3), so I don't think it's too much to assume it could melt the wall. Yes, the physics don't exactly make sense, and the half-cocked plan was ill-contrived, but it does move the story forward. I can suspend my disbelief a little more for good TV.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Cersi just let ALL her enemies near her. ALL of them. I wouldn't be so sure that she's so upset with Littlefinger that she won't accept an invite to see him. He's very convincing and if something is in it for Cersi they will meet.
Dragons melted the castle at Harrenhall (seen in season 2 or 3), so I don't think it's too much to assume it could melt the wall. Yes, the physics don't exactly make sense, and the half-cocked plan was ill-contrived, but it does move the story forward. I can suspend my disbelief a little more for good TV.

That is a fair point about the castles at Harrenhall, which lends consistency to the story, and means we had some foreknowledge of how powerful dragons could be. It is not as if an absolutely crucial turn in the plot was determined by some newly introduced element that the faithful watcher could not possibly have foreseen--such as, "you see, dragons that have died and have been turned have blue fire which is thermonuclear quality compared to normal dragon fire!"-- which is what I mean by deus ex machina.

One thing I have liked about GOT is its ability to surprise me with things that are nevertheless consistent with previous events, the characters of individual players, etc., which is excellent story-telling.
I'm going out on a limb here, but anyone who has made this show destination viewing probably suspended disbelief a long time ago. :wink:
The closest person to Cersei is Qyburn and he would be much easier to get to Cersei. Arya kills him, becomes him gets close to Cersei and well goodness happens, LOL


I didnt know
Arya kills him, becomes him gets close to Cersei and well goodness happens, LOL

Shes been a character I've really enjoyed watching evolve. So slight of frame and stature, mild by nature but with an inner fire few paid attention too. Very few see her coming...
If you have not seen this theory, pretty solid from the books anyway, some holes but would make for a very interesting final season..............when it finally gets here...

The High Sparrow's face always seemed somehow familiar.

I didn't realize it's the same actor as the lead in Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" (one of my favorites)

The High Sparrow's face always seemed somehow familiar.

I didn't realize it's the same actor as the lead in Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" (one of my favorites)

He's been in a lot of things. For me it was the IRA boss in Ronin, but most people probably recognize him from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
And if we compare that to the infamous French taunter in Quest for the Holy Grail at about 1:30

Was that a nod to the Monty Python pronunciation?
Hey at least you are not spending money creating homages based on the show, LOL

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