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*Warning-Spoilers, see post #697* - HBO's Game of Thrones

@auk1124 Taboo is a GREAT show...I binge watched that a few months ago. It really made me realize how good an actor Tom Hardy really is, especially after seeing him in The Revenant.
@auk1124 Taboo is a GREAT show...I binge watched that a few months ago. It really made me realize how good an actor Tom Hardy really is, especially after seeing him in The Revenant.
Yes, he is a darn good actor, in the right role. If you haven't seen it already, check out Legend, the film where he plays the Kray brothers. Darn good film. He was completely wasted in the last Mad Max movie, imo. It would have been a much better film if he had been the central character.
In hindsight, does anyone find where we ended up to be a little predictable? I saw that zombie dragon coming from a mile away.
In hindsight, does anyone find where we ended up to be a little predictable? I saw that zombie dragon coming from a mile away.
Nothing in the finale wasn't at least predictable. I was annoyed with the Sansa/Arya drama for the past couple episodes, but I saw the great hall scene playing out like that as soon as I saw Bran was in the room - that didn't make it any less satisfying, though. :death:
To me seeing Baelish get killed was a jaw dropper ( A Happy Jaw Dropper mind you, LOL) for me. I thought they would let him dirty up the joint for a bit longer, I think we all know there would be an ice dragon, I just did not think it would be one of the 3


Needs milk and a bidet!
I thought Peter would make it to the end. But after the Red Wedding, nothing surprises me anymore.

I think that after season 5 of any show it becomes predictable. Dexter is a good example. 8 seasons! I stopped watching after 6.5 I think. Just got way predictable and over the top.
WOW what an episode, now the long night UGH. So if Dany has Jon's baby it will be his son or daughter and his cousin, LOL, gotta love medieval stories, LOL

Jon becomes his own grandpa....

The real question is will Arya let a perfectly good face go to waste? Baelish's likeness could prove useful.
Does anyone else feel that they are being made to believe John and Daenarys will be sharing the throne, happily ever after, yet have a gut feeling that something awful is going to happen, when being reminded that Game of Thrones isn't really a fairy tale? I have dropped my jaw many times, with this series, and I can only assume the final season will have the same effect. I have never been so into a tv show before. Legendary stuff!


Needs milk and a bidet!
Pretty sure Arya will keep Peters face. And use it to get close to Cersi

Why else would Sansa discover all the faces and Arya explain it to her? Sansa is cool with it now.
I think that works only if Cersei doesn't know Littlefinger got zipped.
True but seeing is believing, no? If Cersei sees Baelish, she sees Baelish. I also think the only disloyal person at Winterfell was him, so it's not likely, to me, that anyone would spread the word outside of the chambers. I do see Arya getting her revenge, somehow. Just not sure how. The face makes sense.
In hindsight, does anyone find where we ended up to be a little predictable? I saw that zombie dragon coming from a mile away.

The rest of you all have more subtle imaginations than I do! I am easily surprised.

As I said previously, I thought the zombie dragon melting the wall was a bit too pat and deus ex machina. Actually, dragons being susceptible to being done in by a hand-launched ice spear seems kind of lame. I thought the timing of offing Little Finger was a bit too much of a plot device to get Sansa and Arya on the same page. Although, the chemistry between Sansa and Arya always seemed to belie real conflict and mistrust to me. That is, I think they are good sisters and understand and at base trust each other.

The Jon Snow/Dany romance certainly seemed inevitable, and, to me, not in a good way.

I am not sure that the series has become predictable in the sense that other series do where such series play out similar plots every season after awhile. It is the nature of this series to be building toward an end. I think the writers have been pretty clever about not making everything immediately predictable. Without foreshadowing and a coherent plot, there is not much a story after all. I am not sure what I think of Dexter. I think the problem there was that it got more and more outrageous. The underlying premise was rather outrageous to begin with, but it held together for quite a few seasons.

I read a lot of mysteries and I am always amazed that authors can weave together a compelling plot that I cannot see through from early on, even though I have read hundreds of such things, and a skillful author is also always building in foreshadowing of what will happen in the end.

I think the greater problem with GOT has been a speeding to a conclusion after arguably slow build ups in the past. I think it gives the impression of things happening kind of arbitrarily.

Fabulously good television, though. Makes movies seem like short stories compared to a great novel.
Cersei wouldn't let Little Finger anywhere near her after LF threw in with Sansa at the battle of the bastards. I don't think his face is worth much anymore.

The real question is who is the Hound going to fall in love with when he gets to Winterfell: Sansa, for whom he has always had a crush, or Arya, who he came to care for in his heart?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
The real question is who is the Hound going to fall in love with when he gets to Winterfell: Sansa, for whom he has always had a crush, or Arya, who he came to care for in his heart?
Threeway. Problem solved.
I know in order to buy into a blue-lightning-fire-breathing zombie dragon in the first place there has to be the suspension of reality, but I think the damage the dragon did to the wall was a little over the top. I would have preferred it if the dragon just punched a sizable hole at the base, allowing the army of the dead to go through. That was my only complaint about the finale.
Yeah I saw the zombie dragon coming a mile away as well. Once I saw that Dany brought all 3 to the army of the dead I knew one was going to bite the dust and become a zombie. They sped the show up so much that it has become quite predictable sadly. So we're now down to the final 6 episodes next season and I'm predicting the army of the dead will be defeated but not easily costs will be paid to see their demise.
<I think the damage the dragon did to the wall was a little over the top>

I actually did not understand what the dragon was supposedly doing to the wall. I guess the wall is supposedly made of ice and some rocks and not masonry or reinforcement? 700 feet tall. That is one massive amount of ice. I do not think anything we had seen from the dragons previously indicated their fire generated the kind of therms it would take to literally melt something like that. I mean previously dragon's fire burned up some soldiers and wagons. It did not turn the earth below into glass. If the idea was that the wall was not literally melted but that it fell down, what would be left, a 300 foot mound of slippery ice? Not something easily negotiated, I would not think. Melting a hole through it makes a lot more sense to me, too.

The entire conversion of a dragon seems contrived anyway. Going out to capture a wight to show Cersei never made any sense in the first place, and losing a dragon to the other side because of it just seems too pat. As it turns out, apparently, everyone would have been perfectly safe behind the wall for an indefinite period of time but for losing that dragon. There was no urgency to prepare to fight at all.
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