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Ultimate Carry-on travel shaving kit?

So, I find myself traveling alot for work - like a week a month in Europe specifically. I've been carrying a Vie-Long pony size 13120 brush, Arko shaving stick, a cheap disposable 2-blade razor, and some Thayer's Witch Hazel with Aloe... I can do better than that. Ideas/Suggestions? Remember: no DE or SE blades in carry-on luggage :-(
My travel kit consists of:
Gillette 1949 Superspeed
Frank Shaving Finest Badger Hair Travel Shaving Brush
Arko Stick
Osage Rub in travel spray bottle

If you can't check your DE blades, you can buy drug store blades at your destination.

I sometimes use a Bump Fighter handle and Trac II blades.
Schick cart, Proraso Green tube, my cheap boar is current carry on.

Cart because of convenience of not having to post/buy blades at destination.
Raso green because it'll lather anywhere regardless of water quality.
Boar because it dries quicker than my badgers for some reason.

I also carry a small decant of Proraso AS and a styptic.
I use a knockoff Atra handle with Wal-Mart carts or a real Sensor handle with real Sensor carts, plus a travel size brushless cream (KMF, Alba or even a travel size
can of Foamy, Barbasol or Edge).

For me, it has to be easy enough to get through security without a hassle and cheap enough to shrug off if lost or stolen.
No fancy stuff here.
I guess it depends on the disposable your're using. The really cheap ones are godawful. I use a Schick slim twin when traveling for just a few days. It's the disposable version of the sensor/atra/trac II. I picked some up at target just the other day. While I can get a decent shave with them it's always nice to get back to some real hardware. Might want to pack a really good ASB for extra moisturing?
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Buying drug store blades at your destination never seems to work out for me - neither does mailing them a week ahead to the hotel. Checking a bag ISN'T an option - the whole point of my endeavor is carryon.

I just purchased an Atra handle from WCS http://www.westcoastshaving.com/Atra-Razor_p_1245.html and two Mach3 handles from ShaveABuck http://shaveabuck.com/mach-3-handle-modern-design-p-636.html and http://shaveabuck.com/english-grip-style-mach-3-handle-p-635.html I'll try those and report back...
Buying drug store blades at your destination never seems to work out for me - neither does mailing them a week ahead to the hotel. Checking a bag ISN'T an option - the whole point of my endeavor is carryon.

I just purchased an Atra handle from WCS http://www.westcoastshaving.com/Atra-Razor_p_1245.html and two Mach3 handles from ShaveABuck http://shaveabuck.com/mach-3-handle-modern-design-p-636.html and http://shaveabuck.com/english-grip-style-mach-3-handle-p-635.html I'll try those and report back...

You and I went in opposite directions on this. I gave up trying to solve the problem you are wrestling with and decided to check. So far so good.

Disposables are pretty good to me. Especially those orange handled Bic sensitives. I love my DEs and injectors but the Bic Sensitive is the king of shaves! Second the recommendation of KMF as a brushless cream. Works pretty good.
I have found that a small piece of styptic pencil is wise to carry while travelling because there is more chance of nicking yourself in an unfamiliar shaving environment using non everyday shaving equipment.

In fact my styptic pencil is permanently stored in a small compartment of my DOPP kit because I barely ever use it at home.
Well, if you can't take blades with you and don't want to buy some at your destination, then you have severely limited yourself. Speaking only for myself, the Ultimate travel kit would be one of the old Gillette Deluxe travel kits from the 1920's or 1930's. They are simply beautiful. I don't think there is anything like them being produced today.
Honestly, that's a pretty good kit there...cheap stuff, no worries about loss, etc. The Arko will lather under any conditions easily. As a potential upgrade of the razor, you might look at the Bic Metal. It's a single blade disposable, so a tad more like a DE/SE, and with a fixed head and steel "safety bar". I'm actually not a fan of the Guard for use on the face. I was never a cartridge user (only did DE or electric my whole life), so the pivoting head just annoys me terribly.

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He said he's had trouble with that. I could image there would be some risk of not getting your stuff, given the generalized incompetence I see at hotels, unfortunately. Myself, I'd still check bags, but some do really like to travel carry-on only.

Mail blades to yourself at your destination hotels. You can carry everything else on board.
Honestly, that's a pretty good kit there...cheap stuff, no worries about loss, etc. The Arko will lather under any conditions easily. As a potential upgrade of the razor, you might look at the Bic Metal. It's a single blade disposable, so a tad more like a DE/SE, and with a fixed head and steel "safety bar". I'm actually not a fan of the Guard for use on the face. I was never a cartridge user (only did DE or electric my whole life), so the pivoting head just annoys me terribly.


I like the look of the Bic Metal. Looks really nice for a disposable.
I use the Bic Metal for my carry on as well. In fact I prefer the shave of it to the Feather blades in my DE kit. I am running through a sampler pack of blades to see if I can find a better blade more like the Bic.

Any recommendations?
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