I've been dipping fairly regularly for the past 7 years or so, and my use has escalated over the past 10 months to the point that my bottom gums are not only hurting but noticeably receding. I always figured I'd eventually kick the stuff (my go-to was always Skoal Citrus), but now it's getting to the point where I really have to.
I'd prefer not to quit cold turkey, since I know I won't have the willpower (especially when I'm drinking and there's a ballgame on...I have no chance). So I figured my best solution was to replace the dip with something more tolerable. Coincidentally, I happened to try hookah for the first time over the weekend, and loved it. That lead to me poking around on B&B for any hookah info, as I would consider tobacco a gentlemanly pursuit. As the internet is known to do, I eventually stumbled on Rob's comprehensive snus entry on the Gentleman's Essentials sticky.
Since the application of snus is similar to dip (yet avoids my lower lip), I figured this would be the perfect replacement for the Skoal. I placed an order on GetSnus for white portions of General, Ettan and Goreborgs Rape.
Just wanted to thank you all for posting this great info. I have two quick questions...
- Are there any flavors similar to Skoal Citrus in the world of snus?
- I was unclear about whether or not it is common to swallow snus. What's the proper spitting/swallowing etiquette? (I can't believe I just wrote that)
Thanks again!
I've been dipping fairly regularly for the past 7 years or so, and my use has escalated over the past 10 months to the point that my bottom gums are not only hurting but noticeably receding. I always figured I'd eventually kick the stuff (my go-to was always Skoal Citrus), but now it's getting to the point where I really have to.
I'd prefer not to quit cold turkey, since I know I won't have the willpower (especially when I'm drinking and there's a ballgame on...I have no chance). So I figured my best solution was to replace the dip with something more tolerable. Coincidentally, I happened to try hookah for the first time over the weekend, and loved it. That lead to me poking around on B&B for any hookah info, as I would consider tobacco a gentlemanly pursuit. As the internet is known to do, I eventually stumbled on Rob's comprehensive snus entry on the Gentleman's Essentials sticky.
Since the application of snus is similar to dip (yet avoids my lower lip), I figured this would be the perfect replacement for the Skoal. I placed an order on GetSnus for white portions of General, Ettan and Goreborgs Rape.
Just wanted to thank you all for posting this great info. I have two quick questions...
- Are there any flavors similar to Skoal Citrus in the world of snus?
- I was unclear about whether or not it is common to swallow snus. What's the proper spitting/swallowing etiquette? (I can't believe I just wrote that)
Thanks again!