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Gentlemen's Essentials: Snus

Any thought on this vendor: http://www.snuscentral.com/

Also since it's been awhile since this thread started, anybody know of any deals/samples out there?

SnusCentral has been my only supplier for close to 2 years now. Absolutely no problems with any of my orders. Cheapest prices on the web, not counting specials and shipping (Blame shipping costs on the US Gov/PACT Act.).
I have seen very few complaints about the service, less than other web shops.

Of course, in the interest of full disclosure I pen a few articles for SnusCentral.org, so I may have a bit of a bias.
SnusCentral has been my only supplier for close to 2 years now. Absolutely no problems with any of my orders. Cheapest prices on the web, not counting specials and shipping (Blame shipping costs on the US Gov/PACT Act.).
I have seen very few complaints about the service, less than other web shops.

Of course, in the interest of full disclosure I pen a few articles for SnusCentral.org, so I may have a bit of a bias.

They seem pretty legit, their prices are right, the first time customer discount doesn't hurt! I tried to order some but they require my SSN to verify my age. I've been taught as long as I can remember to never give out your social security. How do you all feel about this?
Not giving out your SS number is generally good advice. BUT with the new laws in place in the US companies are being extra careful about the age verification thing. SC's is a secure site, at least as sercure as most other vendors. In the end you have to decide if it's worth the risk. Personally I've been a customer for so long I'm grandfathered in and didn't need to make the decision.
Contact them, they might have another (better) alternative for you.
This is an interesting thread. I'm glad it was resurrected. I read through the main article and most of the posts. I'm a cigar smoker, when the weather is condusive to it. Since I live in Minnesota, this limits my cigar smoking to about six months if I'm lucky. So, I thought I'd give snus a try. I stopped at a tobacco shop on the way home and picked up a tin of General Original. I figured I'd try a packet this evening after the kids go to bed.
Just thought Id give an update on my order from PremiumSnus, I have no affiliation with them btw. So anyways, I ordered 12 cans from them on 5/3/2011 and I received it today which is the 5th! The package arrived well packed with no damage or wrong items and all the dates were good. So I give PremiumSnus.com a definite thumbs up :thumbup:!
PremiumSnus is another MaKe WeBo front (aka buysnus). They do the supplying for SnusCentral as well. I haven't ordered snus lately (I don't use it often anymore) but I've found them to offer the best prices compared to Northerner, even when factoring shipping.
Thanks for the info Jabar. This is where things get confusing for me. Why do these companies feel the need to confuse us with all these different websites for the same products?
Thanks for the info Jabar. This is where things get confusing for me. Why do these companies feel the need to confuse us with all these different websites for the same products?
Northerner began the mirror website frenzy; it has 30+ websites. Northerner also purchased other competitors' websites, including the new and very good stateside GetSnus distributor (originally operated by Swedish Match) before PACT became a reality.

Northerner has a full monopoly over legal stateside snus distribution ("legal" meaning Northerner charges the very hefty state taxes as dictated by PACT) and their prices reflect this. The only other option is to import directly from Sweden via a MaKe WeBo site (buysnus, snuscentral, etc). Shipping is more expensive, but mandatory US state taxes aren't automatically levied. Again, I last purchased snus in November '10, so policies might have changed since. Long gone are the days of buying rolls of snus from Sweden for around $2 a can shipped.
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It is incredibly annoying trying to find a can of Swedish snus to try. The two tobacconist in my area (several hours drive for the next nearest) are out of stock, and have been for some time with problems getting restocked.

Websites seem to have quit doing sample packs, both fee and free. I can't justify spending the bucks required to ship whole rolls or whole 10+ can variety packs for something I might not like, without knowing someone or somewhere locally to recover the cost on them (or just give it away so it's not wasted, even!).

Does anyone know a site still doing sampler packs? snuscentral has the bag of snus option, which looks like a great way to experiment if I end up liking snus, but I was hoping to find a more traditional intro. I don't know, something off the wall like a regular can of General portioned. Call me crazy :p

I'm willing to jump through all the legal ringamarole and pointless feel-good hoops, even! Come on the man, quit trying to keep me down! :cursing:
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The sample packs haven't been manufactured in about a year. It's a federal crime for tobacco companies to distribute free or paid samples of smokeless tobacco (thanks Obama) so your only option is to find a local retailer or order a sampler from one of the online vendors.

I don't know how far you are from Charleston, but almost all of the tobacconists down there have a General cooler. You can also check the General store finder on their website to see if anyone else near you carries it, but be sure to call them first before driving out there, as the info on the website is somewhat out of date.
Great writeup Rob! I have been using snus the last 7 years (1 or 2 cans a day), and even I learned a great deal by reading this!

The most popular snuss in Norway and Sweden at the moment is:

General Loose

General White portion
Skruf portion (Strong - white - cranberry - original)


Use the Fat, Luke!
Snus central has great selection and customer service, but very high shipping costs. I try to order from Northerner when I'm doing a small order, and snuscentral when I want 100+ cans.

Northerner has terrible customer service, so be sure to only order snuses that they have a lot of in stock. If you order a snus that says they only have 50 or less cans, that count might be inaccurate, and your order will get delayed for MONTHS.

Any thought on this vendor: http://www.snuscentral.com/

Also since it's been awhile since this thread started, anybody know of any deals/samples out there?
Ok, I just stumbled on this thread and have been reading through it. I am ashamed to admit to being a Camel snus user for the last few years now. A can lasts me between 2-4 days normally as I can only use it when at work, my wife detests my tobacco usage but tolerates my occasional cigar. I am in the discreet user crowd. I am now very interested in trying a proper snus. Without having to get a sampler, anyone have a recommendations for brands/flavors to try? FWIW, I currently use camel mellow and frost because of availability at my local service station. I am not overly fond of the sweet flavors of camel, but didn't have a clue what I was missing. Maybe I will check out the several good tobacconists in town to see what they have available to them.

Any advice to get me up to par with the "in crowd?"

Ok, I just stumbled on this thread and have been reading through it. I am ashamed to admit to being a Camel snus user for the last few years now. A can lasts me between 2-4 days normally as I can only use it when at work, my wife detests my tobacco usage but tolerates my occasional cigar. I am in the discreet user crowd. I am now very interested in trying a proper snus. Without having to get a sampler, anyone have a recommendations for brands/flavors to try? FWIW, I currently use camel mellow and frost because of availability at my local service station. I am not overly fond of the sweet flavors of camel, but didn't have a clue what I was missing. Maybe I will check out the several good tobacconists in town to see what they have available to them.

Any advice to get me up to par with the "in crowd?"


General white or regular portions are great, and probably the most common ones you'll see. I haven't had any menthol ones to throw my support behind them. Roda Lacket white and Grov snus are pretty fantastic also, Roda is actually my favorite.
Thanx for that. Doing a little looking now, how's the General Mint, white portion? Any mildly flavored (other than tobacco) good snus to recommend?

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