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Can't I just dip my toe into straight-shaving just to *try* it? PIF #5



OK, fifth round of the PIF series started here (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...-into-straight-shaving-just-to-*try*-it-PIF-1). You'll notice a ton of this text is just being copied from one to another of these. Deal with it! ;)

Previous winners:
pilot project --> Bshell
PIF #1 --> Omak (Congrats on the wedding!)
PIF #2 --> zethreal
PIF #3 --> dgerson (hope you're well on your way cleaning up after Sandy!)
PIF #4 --> skleice
PIF #5 --> you??!?!

As before, this is open to any CONUS wetshaver who always wondered what it was like to try a straight razor shave but didn't want to invest anything to do so (this was me a couple years ago). For example, if you've thought "50 bucks for a razor? 100 bucks? That's just ridiculous. Plus a strop? and hones? how many hones? Holy schmoley Batman, that investment is too much for me just to try it out, only to find out that I don't like it, and I don't want to go through the hassle of reselling it and shipping it and all that."

This is for you. (And by the way, I thought and thought about doing a non-CONUS version, but just couldn't bring myself to cough up the extra cash to ship like that when the razor itself is about the cost of shipping in the 'States alone. Sorry y'all.)

All that is required are five things:
  • you don't own a straight razor, and you've never used one before.
  • If you want in, respond below with...hmmm...ahh...here we go...this could be fun: Name your favorite chick-flick and why. I'll start you off: I admit that I like Pride and Prejudice (the recent one with Keira Knightley). I really like the way Mr. Collins and Lizzy interact, and then contrast that with Pirates of the Caribbean series. And I'm married, not blind.
  • remember, this is a PIF, not just a giveaway, so honor system here…if you win this, you gotta eventually give something away, either here or in your real life!)
  • you try it within a week of receiving it
  • you post a thread in the straighty shave clinic here (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/forumdisplay.php/79-Straight-Razor-Shave-Clinic) about your experience after you give it a try, whether you like it or not.

What you get in this deluxe package, just like last time:

  • a shave-ready-to-my-standards-cuz-I-shave-tested-it Gold Dollar 66, with the shoulders removed, stropped, oiled, ready to shave. Will be sanitized with Lysol (air-dried) and a few minutes under some UV-C light. The past ones were finished on a Chinese 12K or a Coticule, this one is finished on a surgical black Arkansas (if you care).
  • uhh....the original packaging
  • umm....my best wishes?

Yup, no strop, no hones, just the raw power of a shave-ready, hair-poppin' edge on a GD66. Is it pretty? no, but gets the job done. Is it an heirloom? no, but it could last you a lifetime. Can it shave? yes, my experience is yes.

Here's a pic of an earlier one, all fancied up on a piano. Trust me…they all look similar, though I've done better at removing the shoulders on these razors since then.


Now, if you find you like the whole idea after you shave with it once, you can start building your kit around it (a fancier razor, a cheap strop, maintenance kits, hones, lapping film, whatever). If you don't like it, hey, dull it, stick it in a cabinet, and maybe in a couple years you'll get the hankering again (at which point it will need honing again). The point is, YOU WILL HAVE TRIED A STRAIGHT! How many people can say that?

I purchased this thing, removed the shoulders, and honed it up with the sole intention of doing this PIF -- think about it as my 1000th post PIF series (ok, so I'm over 1,200 now). This will be my last for a little while, as I'm still eagerly awaiting my next trio from China and I've given all the rest away either here or at work or other places (the last two went to a beard-competition winner at work and to someone else here on the board under the table). I'm turning into a PIF-a-holic. Why do this? Just cuz I like to let people try something that may be on their bucket-list of life. If you don't win this time, there will be some more chances later.

Some hints to get you started:

  • thou shalt read my good friend Larry's straight razor usage manual beforehand: http://www.whippeddog.com/app/webroot/userfiles/StraightRazorShaving_Manual(5).pdf
  • thou shalt carefully wipe the oil off the blade and tang with a tissue, being careful not to drag the tissue along the cutting edge.
  • thou shalt not allow the edge to touch anything other than strop, hair/whiskers, or skin (delicately)
  • thou shalt keep instrument away from young kids
  • thou shalt use a slightly wetter lather than you would with a DE
  • thou shalt enjoy thyself and be proud for even trying The Way of The Straight.

Let's roll. I'll close this PIF when I feel like it…as before, if we get up too far into the 30-40 range I'll stop it. Typically they've been open 3-4 days. Then I'll draw a name with random.org.

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
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Im in! I've been promising myself that i would try it but never have. Favorite chick flick? Gotta be the notebook. Why? Cause im in to that sappy dappy forever in love romance. Nothing quite wrong with that right!? Okay Thanks :)
hmmm...ahh...here we go...this could be fun: id have to say The Notebook... It was the first movie my wife and I saw before we were married!
Sweet! Count me in; you described both my desire and reluctance perfectly. Favorite chick flick is one I'm unabashed about being one of the greatest movies of all times: The Princess Bride. Seriously. I consider it one of the finer pleasures in my life to have been able to buy the DVD for my 4 year old daughter (and my princess) and have it be one of her favorite movies as well. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." I'm actually going to make that my tagline, now that I think about it...

If it's not for me, I'll PIF it right along. Thanks!

God bless,

I love de shaving. Have a merkur progress on board. Pif'ed a merkur 180 at work. Been thinking about getting a straight and here we go...the perfect opportunity.


Needs milk and a bidet!
not in on this one :thumbup: but who ever wins will not be disappointed with the GD. :straight: Krodor has mad skills :a41:
I love de shaving. Have a merkur progress on board. Pif'ed a merkur 180 at work. Been thinking about getting a straight and here we go...the perfect opportunity.

Ah-ah-ah, Samji. Not getting away with that as an entry. You gotta cough up your favorite chick-flick....come on....what's that? "Whales of August"? "On Golden Pond"? :lol:
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So you're giving away razors? err a razor to some lucky newbie?

That's the ticket! Welcome to Badger and Blade. You'll often see the acronym "PIF" here (Pay It Forward). The idea is that you give away something free to someone else, with the idea that they will in turn give something else away when they are able. Makes for a generous, friendly environment. I hope you like hanging around here, there is a lot going on.

This time, to enter into the "drawing", it'll cost you telling us your favorite chick-flick, as long as you meet the other requirements stipulated in the first post of the thread as well.
if this is still going, Im in, I have been so tempted to try straight and my favorite chick flick is "terms of endearment"
I wouldn't mind being in on this one..

Favorite chick flick? Toss up between Hamburger Hill and Tombstone. I know what your thinking, yes they are if your with the right chick..
Me I prefer a movie like "As Good As It Gets" with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt.
I was delighted by the point/ counter point acting and the engrossing story line. Helen Hunt played her part as a struggling but strong single woman magnificently. Jack didn't act, he was just a typical man.
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Geez, I'd love to give it a go except I have 2 straights that I recently picked up. Neither is close to shave ready. They need restoration, new scales and honing. I'll be getting that done whenever I get the extra cash.....I guess that makes me not eligible... Really cool PIF though. Good luck to all...
I'm in! Favorite chick-flick is "When Harry Met Sally", as it is my SWMBO favorite movie and I enjoy watching it with her. Also, it has a great sound-track by Harry Connick Jr. Don't watch too many chick-flicks, but this one is OK in my book.

Thanks for the opportunity at this PIF!
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I'm in! Hmmm... Mean girls. That's a chick flick right? It's a favorite of SWMBO and its grown on me over the years. I've likely seen it a hundred times and it still cracks me up.

In case that doesn't count here's another(I really want in :biggrin1:): PS I love you. It's another favorite of SWMBO and its a pretty cool plot. The dude dies and has all these letters sent to his wife after be dies. I think it's a pretty sweet thing to do. He more or less trumps any romantic thing I've ever done.
Great PIF. Don't include me, I participated in a similar activity like this already. But I'll still participate in the chick flick bit. I like P.S. I Love You. Besides having a great cast, I've been to Ireland, saw the actual place where they shot the bridge scene, and am going to take my girlfriend there someday. I also think it's a powerful story about being selfless even after death.
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hey this is a great idea for a PIF. I think you can tell a lot about a man by his choice of chick flick. Don't count me in, but I guess I'd have to go with Chasing Amy, not your normal chick flick but to me it fits the bill nicely.
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