I haven't tried Trumper's almond, but performance wise I find T&H and Trumper's both are excellent. T&H almond has a pretty strong scent, marzipan to my nose.
Performance wise you can't go wrong with either of them.
Performance wise I have not found much of a difference between any of the "3 T's".
I don't specifically recall the almond scent from either of those brands as almond is not my favorite but I do have favorite scents from each of the 3 T's.
Agreed, T&H's almond smells very candylike. I also had a T&H sampler, and Trafalgar ended up being my personal favorite.
Unfortunately, I haven't tried the other two T's yet. That needs to change, because I've heard very good things about Trumper and TOBS' different ranges.
Love the T&H Almond cream! It is my favorite almond cream of all. That said, I agree with the sentiments that there is not much difference between the three T's performance wise. To me T&H cuts a tad closer than the others IMHO and I love the scent of their almond the most out of all of them. For me, a straight user, with the T&H Almond, although T&H cuts a tad closer, I don't give up any cushion performance. Can't explain it, but it's really a favorite.
Now for full disclosure I don't use creams all that much anymore as I am most a shaving soap guy. And I do rotate through the three T's when I do choose a cream, but T&H is really one of my favorites out of all of them. My only gripe is the traditional T&H Sandalwood cream is gone. It's been replaced with a "modern" interpretation of sandalwood which is not my cup of tea, but I digress.
I've tried the Almond from both Trumper's and T&H, and as they say YMMV, but my impressions generally were that the Trumper's scent or something in the Trumper's cream didn't mesh well with my skin. I had a pretty irritated neck and ended up with a lot of scratching (granted this was a number of months ago and I was using a Gillette Fusion at the time). Around the same time I used the T&H Almond, didn't love the scent, but had no irritation. I finished the tub, and haven't bought any more almond scents. I did however, buy a tub of T&H Ultimate Comfort and that is now my favourite cream - I'm a big fan of TOBS and T&H, but for whatever reason the couple of Trumper's creams I've bought have irritated my skin.