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TOBS Avocado question~

Based on responses I got here when asking about thick-lathering creams, I recently purchased a tub of TOBS Avocado.

Y'all were right---that's some thick, slick stuff and I love it, except . . .

Hoo, buddy. That's some seriously, errrr, vegetable aroma. :lol:

I guess my question would be . . . do the other TOBS creams lather up just as thick and slick as the Avocado? I'm guessing Almond or Lime or something might be more to my taste.

I like the smell of the Avocado. It doesn't make me think vegetables though. Anyway the only other I've used is the Rose which is wonderful. On par.
I like the smell of the Avocado. It doesn't make me think vegetables though. Anyway the only other I've used is the Rose which is wonderful. On par.

+1 I don't get vegetable at all. However, I resisted getting some for a long time becasue I was one of many who thought avocado was the scent, not the ingredient (the oil, I believe), LOL! Could this be the case for you and the scent has mentally tranformed into vegetable? :wink:

I absolutely love the scent and it produces and fantastic, slick lather. My only TOBS so far, but have heard great things about the whole line. Good luck!
No, it really smells like . . . not avocado, so much, just . . . not good. Not unpleasantly bad, just sort of "green" and vaguely clinical/institutional. I'm reminded of steamed broccoli or boiled cabbage more than I am avocados, actually.

I guess my question would be . . . do the other TOBS creams lather up just as thick and slick as the Avocado? I'm guessing Almond or Lime or something might be more to my taste.

With respect to full disclosure, I generally prefer soaps to creams and with creams, I much prefer Trumpers to TOBS, but, that being said, I get the longest lasting and most consistent BBS shaves of almost any of my products with TOBS Avocado. I have tried TOBS Mr. Taylor, St. James, Almond, Rose, and Avocado, and the Avocado has been the anomaly for me thus far. While they all give very good shaves, it is the only one that gives me great shaves.

At first, I truly disliked the smell of TOBS Avocado, but it has grown on me over time, especially in light of the great shaves it provides (much like Tabac). Also, much like Tabac, I even find myself craving the scent from time-to-time.

Of course, all this being said, YMMV!

Good luck and hope you continue to enjoy the Avocado!,
I feel your pain good sir. I got a TOBS sampler from Shavingessentials and was pretty much disgusted by the Avocado's smell. It smells like the inside of a pumpkin!

That said, the other TOBS creams are equally awesome creams, just with much MUCH better scents.
It smells like a less-strong version of their rose cream. It's my favorite out of the sampler I got. Just ordered a tub of it today from WCS.
Geeze I had to have gotten a bad batch, I lathered it up and don't think I could ever bring myself to shave with it. It smells really gross to me and nothing like the Rose cream (to me) like benvh said.

Very strange :confused1
Well, my first cream was TOBS Avocado and I love it, I will probably not try another scent. My next creme will be Nancy boy. With that said I will always have TOBS Avocado in my rotation.
When I got my first tub of Avocado, I couldn't get too excited about it but I kept coming back to it. When it was gone, I did not order a new one right away but after a few months I realized I really did miss it and just got a replacement tub. I don't know what the scent is but I like it. Gives me great shaves and I'm glad I have it back.
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