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To mill or not to mill

Ok...so I received a new stick of Irisch Moos and had a chance to use it over the weekend.
Love the scent and the way it made my face feel, but seemed to have a little problem getting a decent lather (no issues with any other soap). So, my question is should I mill it into a bowl, or just adjust my technique to the stick?
Pretty much whatever works best for you.

I wet the tip of the stick slightly, wet my face, and rub it against the grain of my beard and it produces mounds of lather after I put the brush to it. The IM works well in stick form for me.

I felt the Valobra stick was a little too hard and had the problems you decribe so I milled that one into into a bowl. I love it now too.
well....i was reading joel's topic about using a shave stick and i think i might give it a few more tries before i mill it down.
I mill every shaving stick into bowls as I get much more lather compared to a shaving stick. Try putting the stick under hot water for about 10 seconds to soften it up a bit.
I think bowl idea would work best for maximum lather, but the shave-stick medium is much more fun. You just need to figure out the recipe for lathering with a stick before it gets to be neat.
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So, my question is should I mill it into a bowl, or just adjust my technique to the stick?

I haven't tried the IM stick but +1 to 40boy's and Empty Words' suggestion of wetting the end...I do that with Palmolive sticks and get great lather, it's the equivalent of leaving a puck with some water on before you start your prep.
If you do mill the stick, make sure it's really squished down, otherwise you get lumps of soap on your brush...it still works but you end up with about 5 times the lather you need! :w00t:
I just got my first stick (IM, also) and have been using it for a few weeks. Love it! I just followed the sticky post to the letter and it's been easy for me. What problems are you having? I milled VDH into a bowl a few months back. it seems like I use the soap a little faster that way, though.
Yes, wetting the stick first is a must IMO.

The TABAC/IM sticks are so big, that I sometimes use them like bowled soap, I hold them upside down & just swirl the brush over them loading soap. Works like a charm, and you get Mantics "Upside down lathering trick" too.

But I'm one of those who like to use a stick the stick way. Just wet it first & keep your brush very wet, especially if were talking TABAC/IM.
I know its maybe just me, but its happened the last 2 sticks of the Moos. I had to break it in.:001_tt1: This first 2 applications were a little rough to apply, literally. (maybe the sharp edges) and yes I soaked a little. Smooth as silk afterwards. matter of fact my new to me Fatboy bought from garyg arrived yesterday and I think I'll go and try that combo out.:wink2:
I got a stick of IM on Sunday and gave it a shot. I was skeptical, but I followed the instructions and worked up a marvelous lather with a Chubby 2. Enough for four passes -I was really surprised.

I had considered milling, but the stick worked really well. I'll keep it in stick format for travel and as a break from the bowl.
The lather works up nicely at first, but by the time I'm done with my cheeks and neck areas it's starting to dry out.

Are you leaving water in the brush after you soak it? Or are you shaking it all out? I shake out a little bit so that it isn't dripping. Yet, there's enough water in there that if I push while lathering on my face it might drip a little. I do have to dip the tips of the brush in water 2 or 3 times during the initial lathering.

Are you leaving your face nice and wet before you start rubbing the stick on your face? Also, I leave my face a bit wet between passes. That is, I rinse after a pass, leave most of the water on, then lather up.

I'm using a fairly small brush (Simpsons Commodore X2). I haven't tried it with my larger brush yet, but I'm wondering if I'll have to change the amount of water to soap ratio.

BTW, I'm not trying to talk you out of milling. Just seeing if I can help out :) I've only been using the stick for a few weeks, so I'm no expert.

Good luck! Sax
Are you leaving water in the brush after you soak it? Or are you shaking it all out? I shake out a little bit so that it isn't dripping. Yet, there's enough water in there that if I push while lathering on my face it might drip a little. I do have to dip the tips of the brush in water 2 or 3 times during the initial lathering.

Are you leaving your face nice and wet before you start rubbing the stick on your face? Also, I leave my face a bit wet between passes. That is, I rinse after a pass, leave most of the water on, then lather up.

I'm using a fairly small brush (Simpsons Commodore X2). I haven't tried it with my larger brush yet, but I'm wondering if I'll have to change the amount of water to soap ratio.

BTW, I'm not trying to talk you out of milling. Just seeing if I can help out :) I've only been using the stick for a few weeks, so I'm no expert.

Good luck! Sax

I've been giving my brush (Simpson Chubby 2) two shakes. It still feels moist enough. I also wet my face and stick before I begin applying the soap, and I also rinse between passes (always).

I decided to split the difference. I milled half the stick and left the rest in the tube. That way I can still practice using the stick. I tried what I had milled today for my shave and it turned out just like my Tabac.:001_smile
I've been giving my brush (Simpson Chubby 2) two shakes. It still feels moist enough. I also wet my face and stick before I begin applying the soap, and I also rinse between passes (always).

I decided to split the difference. I milled half the stick and left the rest in the tube. That way I can still practice using the stick. I tried what I had milled today for my shave and it turned out just like my Tabac.:001_smile

Glad it worked out for you! I tried the stick with my larger AOS brush this morning and found it to be a little more difficult then when using the Simpsons (Which is an X1, not an X2 BTW. That was a mistake I made in my other post). It does seem like I have better luck with soaps and sticks when using a smaller brush.
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