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Time to buy my first real brush

Hello B&B,

It has been 3 months since I ditched the Mach Fusion and shave goop. I have been getting along well with my Van Der Hagen kit but it is time to upgrade the brush and I'm looking for suggestions. Here is a line-up of what I am planning on using with the brush if that information is important.

Merkur 180
Feather and Astra blades
TOBS soap

I am thinking about the EJ Silver Tip Medium simply because I have seen it pop up on B&B so often. If anyone has other suggestions I greatly welcome them.

Thanks, JVW

Another question: As a beginner how important is Silver Tip? Is a lesser quality beneficial for any reason? I am going to get a boar brush in addition to a new badger. Thanks again.
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Interested to hear the suggestions here. I also am looking to upgrade from my starter brush. Thanks for posting JVW
Pretty much any Omega/Semogue boar brush $10-30. They are quality products and will serve you well. No need to pay ridiculous amounts for a brush.
I don't have firsthand experience with the WD's, but everyone raves about them. The price is right and Larry is a super guy to deal with. I went the way of the Rooney 3/1. Been a super performer for me.
Final update:

I finally decided that I was not ready to decide. As a result I have purchased the Edwin Jagger Silver Tip, the Edwin Jagger Best badger, and the Omega 10066 boar. Thank you for all the input.
Final update:

I finally decided that I was not ready to decide. As a result I have purchased the Edwin Jagger Silver Tip, the Edwin Jagger Best badger, and the Omega 10066 boar. Thank you for all the input.

Congratulations on keeping an open mind :thumbup: :lol:, you are about to be infected with SBAD
Final update:

I finally decided that I was not ready to decide. As a result I have purchased the Edwin Jagger Silver Tip, the Edwin Jagger Best badger, and the Omega 10066 boar. Thank you for all the input.

Good way to go about it without breaking the bank. Give that boar a good lathering everyday even when you aren't using it to shave with. Do this for a few weeks. Once it breaks in it's a different brush.
Brush care is not a big deal. As long as you dont get to aggressive with them and keep them moist all the time you should not have any problems.
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