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The World Shave Off Showdown

Look forward to the results!! :a21::a21:

Got my money on the Gibbs here. Excited to see the results!

I suspect Gibbs will be smoother but which gaps/numbers will be dialed in for both our worthy tools ?

Looking forward to the shave off because Jared has sent me those two razors to test myself.
Happy shaves

Thank you Gentlemen for your input and comments. I'm going to write up the Shave Off review in the morning as I have not been feeling good. About a month ago I had Phenomena/Bronchitis and I think I just had a relapse as I have not felt myself since getting it and even after the two doses of antibiotics. So now I'm on a new one and I've got some tests that I have to get done. I went to work today for the first time in 5 days and it just knocked the heck out of me so I got home and basically I just need to go to bed so I'll do my very best to get the Shave Off report up in the morning as I normally get up early. Worse case scenario if I don't do it in the morning I have another full day at work tomorrow as I had to catch up both today and tomorrow so if it's not going to work tomorrow I have the day off on Friday and I'll post it up for sure. Sorry to hold this up guys. It was a good Shave Off and there certainly was a clear winner in both smoothness and efficiency. Also I set them both on Max settings Jason and I'm glad your going to get to shave with both razors. Make sure you put a good blade in both razors also.

Great Shaves my friends!
Shave Off Complete:

Gibbs adjustable vs Gillette Fatboy adjustable

Good morning gentlemen!
Sorry this report took so long to post but as I mention in a previous I've not been feeling well and it's taken me out of my normal routine so I thought although I've got to go to work today I can cut down the Shave Off report to a simple one as the winner emerged fairly quickly in the Shave Off. The Fatboy as some may know is special to me as it's the first DE razor I had when I started this hobby over 10 yrs ago and it was the only razor I had for a few yrs. That Proraso and a cheap badger brush but I was hooked and never looked back at cartridge shaving again. I know the razor very well and luckily I got one in excellent condition and honestly when I bought it I had no idea what I was doing as I knew nothing about any razor. I just remembered my Father had a razor that looked like that and I liked the name Fatboy. Well a few years ago after acquiring more and more razors I decided to preserve my Fatty and had it replated in Rhodium and although I don't use it as much as I used to nowadays it will never leave my den. My Gibbs is one of two I have left from a RAD spree I went on a few years ago where I would get on a certain razor and buy multiples because at the time I had a bad case of RAD so with the Gibbs for instance I ended up acquiring 5 of them and last year when I finally got a handle on my RAD ( sort of LOL ) I sold 3 of them and so I'm down to 2 mint ones and I may even let one go and start getting down to only one example of a certain brand or model of a razor. Anyway enough about my RAD and back to the Shave Off. I'm not shy I've made it known before that the Gibbs adjustable as of about 10 days ago has been my favorite adjustable for both efficiency and smoothness. Well that may have changed but that's another story for a different day and time. Anyway I put my custom made brass handle on the Gibbs which extends the length of the razor and I'm still trying to figure out if I like the added length as it does loose a little bit of it's wonderful maneuverability that it has with the stock handle. It's also not as head heavy either but again it had its own unique feel that I connected to and although I like the look of the longer handle it lost some of that for me and this Shave Off confirmed that for me. So along with the stock handle I've got a custom one that is basically the exact same length as the stock handle only it's made in brass and I'm gonna put that back on.

Preparing for the Shave Off I cut a once used Kai blade to fit into the Gibbs and also put the other one in the Fatboy. I decided to use my TOBS Grapefruit shave soap as I'm a fan of Grapefruit anything. I also used my citrus blend AS I made as i never really found one I liked and after many tries I think I finally nailed it. Fresh and clean citrus blast with a nice amount of projection and longevity and some skin food in it. I had an old cologne bottle if fits in nicely so I'm good to go with a citrus AS. I'm doing my normal 2 pass shave going both WTG and ATG as the ATG pass always finializes my evaluation of how smooth a razor is as I've found some razors although they feel smooth on both the WTG & XTG pass don't always maintain that same smoothness on the ATG pass so when using the SSSST and certain razors where I know I can get a great shave in only 2 passes most of the time I go both WTG & ATG and eliminate the actual XTG pass as anyone who uses the SSSST knows that you do actually get a little XTG both ways when using the 3 stroke movement. I also decided to really test these two so I set both on max setting which is 9 on the Fatboy and 6 on the Gibbs as you know they'll probably be even smoother when set on lower settings.

Gear used:
Gillette Fatboy
Gibbs adjustable
Kai blades
TOBS Grapefruit shave cream
Homemade Citrus blend AS
Declaration Grooming Fan brush
Thayers lemon ( not shown )

1st Pass WTG - So I started with the Fatboy on the right side of my face to start my N to S pass and with 2 days of growth and like I said both razors set on max settings and the Fatboy has little trouble taking down the stubble with a fair amount of blade feel and moderate audible feedback. It's head size has no problem getting under my nose and the maneuverability is very good. I finish the pass and a good one it is. I continue my way downward with the Gibbs and within a few strokes on my more difficult right side neck it's clear to me that it is both smoother and more efficient than the Fatboy and I've been down this path before and found the same results the two other times I've done Shave Offs with these two. So you may be asking why didn't you just stop after the first pass and I easily could have and ended up with a nice DFS shave but I've committed to 2 passes so 2 passes it will be. Gibbs wiped away my 2 day stubble like it wasn't even there and I'll note both razors have no problems going over my adam apple. so finished the pass and went right over to the other side of my face for the next N to S WTG Pass with the Gibbs and on this easier left side the Gibbs shined as it so effortlessly took down my growth. So 2 excellent passes from the Gibbs. Picked up the Fatboy for the last section on my left side neck and heading S with pretty much the same feel as when I used it on my right side face only this neck area is even easier to shave so another excellent pass from the Fatty! Rinsed and Lathered up for the ATG pass.

2nd Pass ATG - Starting at the base of my neck on the right side I did a little skin stretch and headed up North with the Gibbs and this razor is special when you get the feel for it. It had no issues taking down and sending whatever stubble under my skins surface and doing it very smoothly. Grabbed the Fatboy to continue my S to N pass and the blade feel is more present on the Fatboy than the Gibbs on both passes but this is still what I consider to be a fairly smooth shaver just not as smooth as the Gibbs. Efficiency of the Fatboy on max setting is what I'd call very good. Not in the " Very Efficient " category but at the top of the " Efficient " category going back to that Shave Off. It's still smooth enough for me to go ATG under my nose and around my mouth but I'd suggest you use a very light touch and let the razor do all the work. Same goes for the Gibbs. So finished up my ATG pass on my right side and headed over to the base of my neck my left side. Fatboy had no problems taking down my stubble on this easier more predictable left side so an excellent pass from the Fatbay. Took the Gibbs to finish up the last section and the ATG pass on my face and wow the Gibbs gave me an excellent smooth pass while wiping away any left over stubble that might have been there. So this Shave Off is complete and I'll say a nice overall shave experience from these two classics.

Post Shave:
Rinsed with warm water and then cold. Splashed a little Thayer lemon on and started cleaning my gear up and I must add I've been using a couple of DG brushes that member @Sharp_Obsession Jared sent me that are fan brushes. I've always want to use one and I find myself doing a lot more painting lately once I do my initial swirling movements and I think that the Fan brushes may paint a little better than my bulbs I have. Just an observation I thought I'd throw in. So thanks again Jared I've got to get a fan of my own. Once my face dried I did a quick cotton test but from just feeling with my hands I pretty much knew what kind of shave I got from both razors.

The short story is the Gibbs is smoother and more efficient than the Fatboy for me. An I stress that message for me as I use a different technique than many and the SSSST definitely changes the dynamics of how a razor shaves so if your using a more traditional technique your results may be different than mine. Just like to throw that message in now and then in case your a new follower of this thread. The Gibbs took me to a Level 2 BBS while the Fatboy gave me a solid BBS 1 and not part of the ATG pass paragraph I took the Gibbs and went over the areas that Fatboy shaved to balance out my shave. After 12 hrs I evaluated the Shave Off and I was BBS 1 in some areas so a nice long lasting shave.

Scoring System:

Gillette Fatboy

1. Smoothness = 50 points
2. Efficiency = 16 1/2 points
3. Balance = 7 points
4. Maneuverability = 4 points
5. Glide = 4 points

Total score = 81 1/2 points

Gibbs adjustable

1. Smoothness = 52 points
2. Efficiency = 18 points
3. Balance = 7 points
4. Maneuverability = 3 1/2 points NOTE: with the longer handle and that number would go up with the stock handle.
5. Glide = 4 points

Total score = 84 1/2 points

So the winner is obviously the Gibbs as that was no surprise for me and like I said pretty much the same results in now what has been the 3rd meeting of these two great classic adjustable razors. Love them both!

Any questions or comments on your experiences shaving with these two razors please feel to post them up or if you want to do your own Shave Off with them and post it in here be my guest. Like to hear others thoughts on razors I shave with. Always can learn is my motto.

BTW it's good to be back!

Great shaves my friends!



Hi Frank, hope you’re feeling better. I have both of these razors as well. I heartily agree with your results. The Fatboy is nice but the Gibbs is nicer. Thanks for doing the Shaveoff.
I don't have either of these razors, but I'm so glad to see you're feeling well enough to shave, Frank!
As always, a wonderful and informative report!
so far 2 razors I really like for smoothness have lost out, Fatboy and EJ DE89, but both lost to 2 razors I have never used, guess RAD will be setting in soon.
Sorry you're feeling bad again Frank. Hope you get better soon.

Great Shave Off. Exactly as I expected the Gibbs and Fat Boy to showdown. Two great razors, but the Gibbs is a little smoother.

And just to help. The other brush is Declaration Grooming in a Mozingo handle. This one is a Morris & Forndran 3XL. The handle is by Brad Sears and the knot by Lee Sabini.
Firstly I hope that you get rid of your bronchitis soon. Great write-up as usual Frank.

I agree with your results. I did expect there to be a bigger points difference.

That said, talking lengths of handle on the Gibbs. I've tried all from standard length up to 105mm in 5mm increments and I keep going back to the Standard length or 80mm (which is about where the Rex is). For me that's the sweet spot. Whoever designed the Gibbs, except for the weight of the head vs the handle - got it pretty much spot-on.
Hi Frank, hope you’re feeling better. I have both of these razors as well. I heartily agree with your results. The Fatboy is nice but the Gibbs is nicer. Thanks for doing the Shaveoff.

Thanks Ray and yeah the Gibbs just is smoother and more efficient but the Fatboy is another awesome classic.

I don't have either of these razors, but I'm so glad to see you're feeling well enough to shave, Frank!
As always, a wonderful and informative report!

Thank you Ian! You should get yourself one of the two as they are both real classics.

Another great write up. Wishing you a swift recovery to full health

Thank you for the kind and thoughtful words!

so far 2 razors I really like for smoothness have lost out, Fatboy and EJ DE89, but both lost to 2 razors I have never used, guess RAD will be setting in soon.

I know and in this Shave Off it's sometimes the luck of the draw. Get a Gibbs you won't regret it one bit.
Sorry you're feeling bad again Frank. Hope you get better soon.

Great Shave Off. Exactly as I expected the Gibbs and Fat Boy to showdown. Two great razors, but the Gibbs is a little smoother.

And just to help. The other brush is Declaration Grooming in a Mozingo handle. This one is a Morris & Forndran 3XL. The handle is by Brad Sears and the knot by Lee Sabini.

Thanks Jared and yes anyone who has both pretty much know the Gibbs is just a step ahead of a Fatboy in both smoothness and efficiency.

Also for clearing up the brush knot and handle thing. I always forget which is which.
Firstly I hope that you get rid of your bronchitis soon. Great write-up as usual Frank.

I agree with your results. I did expect there to be a bigger points difference.

That said, talking lengths of handle on the Gibbs. I've tried all from standard length up to 105mm in 5mm increments and I keep going back to the Standard length or 80mm (which is about where the Rex is). For me that's the sweet spot. Whoever designed the Gibbs, except for the weight of the head vs the handle - got it pretty much spot-on.

Hi Claudio!
Well I'm pretty stingy with the points as I know there are some razors that will probably knock on the door of the 60 point max score when it comes to smoothness.

I agree with you that Gibbs got it right the first time. With your shorter stock sized brass handle it's perfect. Heavier than the stock bakelite handle but still short enough so it maintains maneuverable for me with the stock length than the longer one. It's also for me both smoother and more efficient than the Rex which is still a decent shaving razor.

Good post Claudio!

Thanks for the kind words my friend!

Get better soon Frank

Although the FB is a special razor I am not surprised the Gibbs won out. Outside of some shave board threads I think it’s an under appreciated but excellent razor that can compete with any highly priced modern day unobtanium
Get better soon Frank

Although the FB is a special razor I am not surprised the Gibbs won out. Outside of some shave board threads I think it’s an under appreciated but excellent razor that can compete with any highly priced modern day unobtanium
Absolutely and I think it has not reached the status it deserves because of the fact that you have to modify the blades which is very easy with a good but inexpensive metal cutter.

An thanks for the kind words I'm feeling a little better today.
Great shave off report.
The Fatboy is one of my favourite Gillettes. There is just something about how it feels in handle and shaves great for me. But the Gibbs being smoother is making my RAD tingle.
Get better soon!
Great shave off report.
The Fatboy is one of my favourite Gillettes. There is just something about how it feels in handle and shaves great for me. But the Gibbs being smoother is making my RAD tingle.
Get better soon!

Hello my friend

Like i mentioned I’m a big fan of the Fatboy and mine means a lot to me as it was my first DE razor. I can get a great shave with it and your right it just feels so good in hand and similar to but not exactly Aristocrats, Presidents for example with good balance and maneuverability. The Gibbs is top heavy with the stock Bakelite handle on it but it’s still very maneuverable and with the metal handle it gives it more balance but the it’s the efficiency of this razor that’s right up there when set on max setting and the smoothness it exhibits that takes it a step beyond the Fatboy in Shave comparison.

So with all that said do yourself a favor and get one but get a good one! Let me know if I can help you find one should you decide to get one. After owning 6 of them I pretty much know what to look for when trying to find a good one.
Thanks again for the kind words!
Frank I hope you are feeling better first and foremost. You have to take care of yourself.

That was a great shave off. I have both of those razors now on loan from Jared and I have had one shave with the Gibbs and it was a great one I must say. I look forward to using them both for a while.

Happy shaves, see you in a week
Frank I hope you are feeling better first and foremost. You have to take care of yourself.

That was a great shave off. I have both of those razors now on loan from Jared and I have had one shave with the Gibbs and it was a great one I must say. I look forward to using them both for a while.

Happy shaves, see you in a week

Hi Jason

Glad you got both and please let us know about your shave with the Gibbs and what setting and blade you used etc. after you've had a couple of shaves with it and same goes for the Fatboy.

Yes I'll see you at the Shave Show my friend!

Hi Claudio, I have one of your handles in 85mm and it is perfect for me. Beautiful handle too. But now you are tempting me to get a shorter one. Lol.
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