"Beware the square-point razor," they said. "What's the big deal?" I said. "You'll see," they said, ominously.
Using a newly honed razor for the first time - a little 4/8 with a very sharply squared off point. Damned if that thing didn't catch on the curve of my jaw as I was coming down my cheek and give me a nice 1-inch-long shallow slice.
A cutting stone has since been employed to round off that corner. ::grumble::
On the bright side, the newly honed edge did give me a close and comfortable WTG pass for the small portion of my face that actually got shaved.
Using a newly honed razor for the first time - a little 4/8 with a very sharply squared off point. Damned if that thing didn't catch on the curve of my jaw as I was coming down my cheek and give me a nice 1-inch-long shallow slice.

A cutting stone has since been employed to round off that corner. ::grumble::
On the bright side, the newly honed edge did give me a close and comfortable WTG pass for the small portion of my face that actually got shaved.