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The Vorpal Blade Goes Snicker-Snack...

"Beware the square-point razor," they said. "What's the big deal?" I said. "You'll see," they said, ominously.

Using a newly honed razor for the first time - a little 4/8 with a very sharply squared off point. Damned if that thing didn't catch on the curve of my jaw as I was coming down my cheek and give me a nice 1-inch-long shallow slice.:blushing:

A cutting stone has since been employed to round off that corner. ::grumble::

On the bright side, the newly honed edge did give me a close and comfortable WTG pass for the small portion of my face that actually got shaved.
When I first started doing razors for others, my mentor commented that I was trying to kill off the new guys. My normal method of sharpening a razor was to make it ALL sharp including the tip. Words to the effect that I had made a weapon of veritable destruction were used for one razor. While some may like it that way, especially for trimming mustaches or sideburns, it is pretty advisable to mute the very tip unless there is a definite preference.

I mute my own now... not because I've ever carved into myself but because I know it would happen if I kept making them sharp.
The Spanish point on my W&B bit me the other night. I was used to using all my forgiving round points, and got lazy, and I paid for it.
A one-inch cut? And square points are to be blamed? Used with the requisite caution, they are capable of giving great shaves.
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I have a Case Temperite that can reach out and touch someone. It's the only razor I have that I have to be extra careful right on the ridge of the jaw line right by my ear.
My most recent Hamburg concave has a very nicely honed square tip and it has bit me every day this week. Bloodthirsty little SOB...the worst was, of course, on Monday morning. I opened my mouth at the WRONG time (story of my life) and I got one of those nice filet cuts which I then in turn, had to navigate around the rest of the week.
I have a Case Temperite that can reach out and touch someone. It's the only razor I have that I have to be extra careful right on the ridge of the jaw line right by my ear.

Exactly - I got caught right on the edge of the high spot of the joint of my jaw.

I ended up rounding off the corner ever so slightly. Nicely radiused it into the end, so it looks like it was born that way.
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