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The scent of Tabac now and then.

I love Tabac, I´ve always have but I wonder if the scent has changed over the years?
In the 60´s and 70´s my dad used Tabac and I always think of him when I use Tabac.
But is the scent different today?
I´ve recently bought a couple of bottles of AS from the 70´s and there is a big difference when I compare with the AS of today.
The old bottles smells like todays Tabac mixed with "talcum powder scent" and much more soft/female.
Is this just the sign of aging or did Tabac smell like that before?
The old bottles that I compared with was one 5 ml unopened and one 75 ml with 90% left.
I think Tabac smells plenty feminine, and so does my ten-year old daughter. This morning she picked up the jar and said it smelled like my MIL's bathroom. I thought it smelled perfume-like before but that is almost enough to make me pitch it.
I have been using both the AS and the balm on and off since the late seventies and I can honestly not tell it has changed. So maybe it changed with unnoticable (for me) small steps at a time or it has remained more or less the same and it is the aging you notice.

It is unlikely nothing at all changed through the years but for me the scent remained pretty much the same.
I've only ever used the Tabac soap. It really reminds me of my grandmother's bathroom... floral, powder room, a dash of spicy cologne and a bit of funk. I've actually really grown to love it, but I can't help but wonder if perhaps there was a jar of Tabac hidden away in the cupboard all these years.
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