I am hard to please. When it comes to razors, knives and guns i love perfection (other thingsd too but for the purposes of this discussion these will suffice). I went through three 9mm before i found the one i loved. I went through dozens of knives from $10 blades to $400+ Chris Reeves knives. When i find something i like I keep it. My favorite razor to date has been my 1930 Ericsson Ammoco open comb. Its not perfect. There is plate loss (gone) on the Pot metal that cannot be replaced. It is a PITA to clean that compared to a plated razor. This all changed yesterday when my new Weber arrived. This is the new all stainless polished model, not DLC or ARC. I got it with the Wave handled because i thought it looked cool.
IMO this is the razor all other DE should be judged by. I have used Fatip, Gillette NEW (long and short comb), Gillette OLD, Fatboy, Slim, Black Beauty, Merkur Progress and Slant, Tech, Feather, the aforementioned Erricson, plus every cartridge out there and a ton of disposables. This smokes them all. First pass Was smooth and WTG got it very close. I was surprised how nice one WTG pass was. The proof os always the ATG pass. My right neck and left jawline are my problem areas. the jawline always feels like i am pulling the hairs out. Not so this time. One swipe and smooth. My neck i have to use a light touch and short motions because my beard grows in seeming every direction at once and across the neck is impossible for me unless i want to cut my own throat. More than two passes and a light touch up always results in burn and bumps. That has all changed now.
I went WTG, ATG, *SIDEWAYS on my neck* and buffed as much as I needed to to get it (my neck)BBS. My neck has never been BBS, and the alum test afterwards was phenomenal. This is just one time, but usually with a razor my first day is my worst day. I used a Personna Red and GZD barber soap (think nice smelling Arko on Steroids).
The non problem areas were 2 passes with a small touch up on a spot i just more or less missed. I was able to go quickly and efficiently, unlike the Fatip and NEW that require time and care. I am totally impressed with this and if in a month or so i still feel the same way i see a Den reduction sale. I could honestly use this everyday for the rest of my life and be happy with it. Rarely do I find something like that, as evidenced by my knife collection. I have 12 of them i used regularly, when honestly any one would do. I felt that was about my razors until now. I do not know how this compares to the DLC or ARC models, or if a different handle will net different results. If you had an inkling - try it. The worst that can happen is you sell it in under 30 minutes for a $5 loss on BST.
IMO this is the razor all other DE should be judged by. I have used Fatip, Gillette NEW (long and short comb), Gillette OLD, Fatboy, Slim, Black Beauty, Merkur Progress and Slant, Tech, Feather, the aforementioned Erricson, plus every cartridge out there and a ton of disposables. This smokes them all. First pass Was smooth and WTG got it very close. I was surprised how nice one WTG pass was. The proof os always the ATG pass. My right neck and left jawline are my problem areas. the jawline always feels like i am pulling the hairs out. Not so this time. One swipe and smooth. My neck i have to use a light touch and short motions because my beard grows in seeming every direction at once and across the neck is impossible for me unless i want to cut my own throat. More than two passes and a light touch up always results in burn and bumps. That has all changed now.
I went WTG, ATG, *SIDEWAYS on my neck* and buffed as much as I needed to to get it (my neck)BBS. My neck has never been BBS, and the alum test afterwards was phenomenal. This is just one time, but usually with a razor my first day is my worst day. I used a Personna Red and GZD barber soap (think nice smelling Arko on Steroids).
The non problem areas were 2 passes with a small touch up on a spot i just more or less missed. I was able to go quickly and efficiently, unlike the Fatip and NEW that require time and care. I am totally impressed with this and if in a month or so i still feel the same way i see a Den reduction sale. I could honestly use this everyday for the rest of my life and be happy with it. Rarely do I find something like that, as evidenced by my knife collection. I have 12 of them i used regularly, when honestly any one would do. I felt that was about my razors until now. I do not know how this compares to the DLC or ARC models, or if a different handle will net different results. If you had an inkling - try it. The worst that can happen is you sell it in under 30 minutes for a $5 loss on BST.