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I'm glad for Rousey's sake that she's not getting paid by the hour. She'd be dirt poor otherwise. Looked like she took a page or two out of Randy Couture's playbook with the dirty boxing bits. At the end of it, I laughed out loud when Big John pulled her off; it looked like he took her right off her feet and moved her out back of himself seemingly effortlessly. When Big John wants you off of someone, you're coming off.

I was slightly disappointed that Ronda didn't come out with Hot Rod's kilt or bagpipes, but I'd say he would've been proud of her performance.
Palhares cranked another sub too long. Added a half dozen eye pokes to the mix this time too. This guy's got to go.

I completely agree! Shields' eyes looked like someone threw acid on them. And that submission......seriously, Palhares needs to be banned. What does that say about WSOF that he is your champion.

I missed the fights live but will watch them in the week (away from home).

Sounds like a few incidents again....and glad I didn't go against Rhonda.

Well I just found the Main Event and saw it. She put a beating on Bethe and was stalking her down. Rhonda seems unbeatable.

Correia was a +800 underdog while Rhonda was a ridiculous -1600 favorite. I can't ever recall seeing such a large wagering disparity for a UFC fight.

I'm glad for Rousey's sake that she's not getting paid by the hour. She'd be dirt poor otherwise. Looked like she took a page or two out of Randy Couture's playbook with the dirty boxing bits. At the end of it, I laughed out loud when Big John pulled her off; it looked like he took her right off her feet and moved her out back of himself seemingly effortlessly. When Big John wants you off of someone, you're coming off.

I was slightly disappointed that Ronda didn't come out with Hot Rod's kilt or bagpipes, but I'd say he would've been proud of her performance.

That's two recent main events where the referee had to literally lift/push the winner off their feet to stop a whipping (the other being the Dillashaw/Barao rematch). Regarding Rousey, that would have been simply awesome if she came out to Hot Rod music while rocking a kilt. Since she didn't, can we blame Reebok? ;)
Blame rebook.

apparently dana mentioned that big nog agreed to retire. He will be offered a job with the UFC. I hope it's true.

And shogun agreed to a rampage rematch, at this point I don't like his odds.
Shogun actually looked better than I thought he would.

Rousimar Palhares used to be one of my FAVOURITE fighters. I loved the notion of a fighter who was so single-mindedly dedicated to one technique, and the seeming inability of fighters to stop what they knew was coming.

That being said, this switch to arm-related submissions is more than I can tolerate.
Regarding Rousey, that would have been simply awesome if she came out to Hot Rod music while rocking a kilt. Since she didn't, can we blame Reebok? ;)

Easy to work around. Get a kilt, slap a Reebok sticker on there. If anyone asks, it's the new Reebokilt. The new Reebok kilt for athletes.
Easy to work around. Get a kilt, slap a Reebok sticker on there. If anyone asks, it's the new Reebokilt. The new Reebok kilt for athletes.

With the type of exposure, publicity, and name recognition that she has, it would not surprise me if they let her do it as long as it as the Reebox logo on it.
Thanks for the link. That explains it then. So, it seems that "some" fighters will be getting to add logos, while others will not. Seems like that will go over well.
Thanks for the link. That explains it then. So, it seems that "some" fighters will be getting to add logos, while others will not. Seems like that will go over well.

About as well as the Reebok deal I imagine. The UFC pretty well has a policy about what they do as it relates to their people: "You'll either like it, or there's the door." They hold most of the cards nowadays, and they know it. They may yet one day run themselves into the ground, but will there be anyone left by that time to pick up the pieces?

Fact of the matter is, sponsors or no sponsors, unless you're a well known mid to top tier fighter in the UFC, you're not making much dough. $5k to $15k for one fight sounds like a lot of money for just one fight, but if you only make the card twice a year (if that), you're not living well. In addition to the bills we all have (rent/mortgage, food, car, utilities), UFC fighters have to pay trainers, coaches, gyms, travel and probably more.

In fact, unless your name rhymes with Rousey, Jones or McGregor, you're probably working a full time job in addition to training just to make the proverbial ends meet.
Not in total agreement with your sentiment. UFCs entry level contract is now a 10k/10k deal (or so it seems, based on reported salaries from recent cards). Most of the lower ranked fighters go three times a year (UFC has a LOT of cards to fill), so that is potentially $60k a year, and no worse than $30k. Add in the Reebok $$$ times three, and it is a fair to middling income stream. Yes, the fighter has to pay the various costs for training, etc, but also gets to declare those expenses on their tax filings. So, an entry level fighter "might" need an outside gig to make ends meet, but a SUCCESSFUL entry level fighter will soon find themselves on the receiving end of a new and better contract, more income from the Reebok deal and the likelihood of being able to be self supporting through fighting. Michael Bisping would be a good example, but Rory MacDonald would be an even better one.

And I accept that, for every Bisping or Rory that makes it into the salary stratosphere, there are a dozen or more who will fall by the wayside, but that is not the fault of the UFC, it is the nature of sport. Who cries for the undrafted Junior A hockey player who ages out with nary a sniff at the NHL? Or the "D" League Guard who cannot break into the NBA? Or the "can't miss" running back who goes back for his senior year in the SEC only to shred his knee and remain undrafted?
Shogun actually looked better than I thought he would.

Rousimar Palhares used to be one of my FAVOURITE fighters. I loved the notion of a fighter who was so single-mindedly dedicated to one technique, and the seeming inability of fighters to stop what they knew was coming.

That being said, this switch to arm-related submissions is more than I can tolerate.

Agree about Shogun.

Also agree about Palhares, he has to be cut. He is inable to disconnect fighting for sport from fighting for survival. This isn't a street fight and he just can't do that for whatever reason. Having a knucklehead like Mazagatti be the ref for him doesn't help either.
If I'm in charge of WSOF, I ship him his win bonus, strip him of the title, and tear up his contract. Cut from the UFC, cut from WSOF, this guy used his last straw a looooonnnnngg time ago.

Hard to blame Mazzagatti, as he got in there as quick as he could. Once the opponent taps, and ESPECIALLY when the REF is on you, you just HAVE to let go.
I'm not defending paul harris, but bustamante has said has mental issues. Even watching him in BJJ competitions, something just doesn't click up there, and he just doesnt let go of the sub.
Then he needs to get those sorted out before he steps foot into a fighting cage or ring again. Safety first . . . for ALL fighters.


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He must be cleared to fight, both mentally and physically?

But even so, how many of these incidents are they going to let him get away with?
I am not saying WSOF should keep him around. No, he needs to be gone. I am saying he needs to get his "issues" sorted BEFORE any OTHER organization even THINKS about hiring him. Either that, or fighters simply need to start refusing fights with him for H&S reasons.
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