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The MMA Thread

I hope Saturday some of the Brazilian legends retire. I have desire to see them all go out on a string of knock out losses.

I'm guessing that came out wrong?

I understood what you meant, if big nog loses this i'll be sad for sure. Nothing against struve or little nog, but i like shogun better.
At a catch weight of 145, i favor cyborg. At 135, the odds favor ronda. In my opinion, no matter the weight, cyborg will light up ronda on the feet. And we will get to see how good cyborgs ground game really is.
Do you think we'll ever see her fight Cyborg? With every fight, I feel like there's less and less incentive for Ronda to take it. Unless her mom runs off with her money, I think she'll call it a day and get out before she gets banged up. She's fortunate that she hasn't been seriously injured in the cage, but she must have lot of wear and tear from so many years of intense training.
At a catch weight of 145, i favor cyborg. At 135, the odds favor ronda. In my opinion, no matter the weight, cyborg will light up ronda on the feet. And we will get to see how good cyborgs ground game really is.

Weight is not relevant. If ronda can lay hands on her, Cyborg is going to go for a ride . . . and the "stop" will be abrupt. I have seen more than a few of Justino's fights. IF she were to land a clean shot, it might be trouble, as Ronda's chin has never been truly tested. BUT, there is no one in women's MMA with Ronda's grappling pedigree. Cyborg loses this fight every day of the week.

Do you think we'll ever see her fight Cyborg? With every fight, I feel like there's less and less incentive for Ronda to take it. Unless her mom runs off with her money, I think she'll call it a day and get out before she gets banged up. She's fortunate that she hasn't been seriously injured in the cage, but she must have lot of wear and tear from so many years of intense training.

The ONLY way this fight comes to fruition is if one of two things happens . . .
The first and most likely is that Zuffa offers her STUPID money to make it happen, knowing that it's Ronda's going away fight.
The second is if Cyborg leans out and actually makes the drop to 135 consistently and registers a win or two in the UFC. I doubt this happens.
On a related note, I watched Furious 7 at the hotel this summer when I was on vacation. Seemes like Ronda's fight scene is the longest stretch of combat that she's had in her career.

That made me laugh! ^

Ronda used to come by my dojo, before she started mma. I lasted 30 sec. /cueinappropriatejoke

Weight is not relevant. If ronda can lay hands on her, Cyborg is going to go for a ride . . . and the "stop" will be abrupt. I have seen more than a few of Justino's fights. IF she were to land a clean shot, it might be trouble, as Ronda's chin has never been truly tested. BUT, there is no one in women's MMA with Ronda's grappling pedigree. Cyborg loses this fight every day of the week.

The ONLY way this fight comes to fruition is if one of two things happens . . .
The first and most likely is that Zuffa offers her STUPID money to make it happen, knowing that it's Ronda's going away fight.
The second is if Cyborg leans out and actually makes the drop to 135 consistently and registers a win or two in the UFC. I doubt this happens.

Most people underestimate the whole 'Olympic athlete, world medalist' thing. The other day someone was telling me how Correia is a brown belt in BJJ, and how that's far ahead of even a low level black belt in judo. Correct, when dealing with 'normal' folks. Ronda's fought hundreds of times, or more, from the age of 12, all the way up to the highest level in the world. Correia has a fraction the experience and expertise.

I'm also a firm believer that the typical MMA path is flawed: learn a bit of this, a bit of that, become well-rounded. Most fighters are jacks of all trades, masters of none. Ronda is not only a judo master, but specifically she mastered one technique in judo. Judo champs usually only use 2-3 techniques really well, but they can do it to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Ronda dictates the fight, creates the situation in which she can win using the technique she excels at, then executes just that and wins in spectacular fashion. THAT's why she's winning, because she truly mastered something, and is fighting people who never took the time to master anything (even if they are good fighters in their own right).

So until a monster comes and catches her jaw, or a master comes and challenges her technique, she'll keep winning.
Ding ding ding . . . could not have put it better.

My buddy used to complain about Ronda and her arm bars. "It's all she does" . . . to which my response is, "EXACTLY". Because, what does it say about Rousey when EVERYBODY knows the arm bar is coming at some point. EVERBODY knows the various things to avoid in order to NOT get arm barred. and yet, EVERY ONE of her opponents (except one, I think) gets ARM BARRED?

It's like the line in Billy Jack, where he tells the redneck, "I am going to take this foot here, and I am going to hit you on this side of your face with it, and there is not a DAMN thing you can do about it." Just before he kicks the hell out of him.
There are additional aspects to it, as well: judo is extremely efficient. Ronda could have put heart and soul into boxing, and been world champ, but it wouldn't necessarily be bringing her wins in the Octagon, because it's hard for 135lb women to KO. She just happens to excel at something that uses her physical gifts in the most effective manner possible. There are a ton of people she could never knock out, but there isn't a single arm on this planet she can't break.

It's really cool to watch her mom's World Championship fights (AnnMarie was the first US world judo champion ever). It's 100% Ronda, or rather, Ronda is 110% mom. She's the nicest lady, a great teacher, and a complete beast. Her mom's newaza/ground developed so well because she had a bad knee, making throws difficult. Adapt and overcome!
Almost forgot that Rousimar Palhares is going to de-leg-ify Jake Shields this weekend, too. Oboyoboyoboy. Palhares is another fighter like Ronda. He's a one-trick pony . . . but it's a helluva trick.
Almost forgot that Rousimar Palhares is going to de-leg-ify Jake Shields this weekend, too. Oboyoboyoboy. Palhares is another fighter like Ronda. He's a one-trick pony . . . but it's a helluva trick.

I think this could be a pretty good fight. It's going to depend on how much Shields has left at 36. In his prime, I think Shields could have decisioned him with no problem. He seems to have got a little more spring in his step since he got cut from the UFC, so I'm optimistic. I couid see this playing out like Palhares v. Henderson.
In regard to Ronda being a judo master and wearing the oft applied label of 'one trick pony', this quote from Bruce Lee seems applicable: "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." She's made bank on that one trick so far, that's for sure. You might have to catch her blinking a few times to take her out, but she's only gotta catch you once.

In light of the recent passing of her namesake ("Rowdy" Roddy), it'd only be right if she made her entrance in a plaid kilt to the tune of bagpipes.
I think shields BJJ is going to be enough to neutralize paul harris. I aldo dont think shields will want to go to the ground that much anyway. So this could be a boring stand up fight.
On a side note, given that this is an MMA thread. if one of the boys does NOT use the line, "I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some ***, and I'm out of bubble gum." on Monday Night Raw this week, I am going to be sorely disappointed.
I didn't even realize that Maia was on the card until I saw the results of the first round posted on Sherdog. I guess that all the fighters that I like are on their way out.
So sad that big nog lost. I seriously think he should retire, he looked very bad tonight. I'm just glad he didnt get KO'd.
Effing LMFAO!!! How embarrassing, she knocked her out cold. Oh well, she'll eventually lose and i cant wait to see it happen.


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I missed the fights live but will watch them in the week (away from home).

Sounds like a few incidents again....and glad I didn't go against Rhonda.

Well I just found the Main Event and saw it. She put a beating on Bethe and was stalking her down. Rhonda seems unbeatable.
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Palhares cranked another sub too long. Added a half dozen eye pokes to the mix this time too. This guy's got to go.

Palhares is a tough guy, but he fights like he's been watching too many Paul Vunak streetfighter videos. Shields' eyes looked pretty ripped up from Palhares' gouges and he kept cranking Shields' arm well beyond any believable explanation that he couldn't feel Jake's tap.
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