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The Journal of a Backwards Professor


I think this fits, Gents
I wonder how that happened. Thats the first I've seen like that but I doubt many would think to check the blade stops. I check mine every time I tighten the handle. The blade can be pushed into the stop slightly when closing the razor but I'd doubt its wear.
I was comparing the blade stops my Schick E Type razors up close, as I read they vary quite a bit. That is when I decided to look at the blade stops on my MMOC, and noticed the difference. The blade is tight. It looks like the tip that holds the blade flat is worn off and probably just makes it more aggressive on that side, as it lifts the blade slightly.

I can probably fix it with a little bit of tin-knocking. I made sheet metal gaskets for the heat ex-changers in oil refineries when I was a lad, so I learned a little about moving metal with a hammer. Just like welding a dinged up boat prop, you have to peen it into shape after welding it. It makes the repair stronger.

I'm in no hurry, I'll probably start looking for another MMOC, and use the Bullet Tip when the blades show up. Of course, right now I am more interested in how my Schick injectors shave......... Jim gives his Type E open to clean some pretty high marks.

They are all gonna have to wait as last night's shave with my GC OC84 was on par with my Piccolo SE when taking down a weeks worth of stubble in one pass. It was a very comfortable shave, with zero irritation. Like I hadn't shaved at all. Except a weeks worth of stubble was gone.
It does require a very gentle touch, but I barely felt the blade at all, what I felt was smooth...

Now I need to find some scales for my GD New Arrival for the Gold Dollar Mod Competition. I haven't done any mods to the blade other than honing it, and I don't like the heavy wooden scales it came with, so I just bread-knifed the blade and am gonna see about filing the pins off.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I seem to remember Jim, @Chan Eil Whiskers, learning how to replace pins in straights, somewhere in his mega thread...

If you're not concerned about saving the scales removing the pins isn't hard. Just file away. Go into the scales if it so happens.

Some time back I started a thread on pinning scales knowing I was the world's worst at the task. The thread ended up being very instructive thanks to the input of gentlemen trying to help me figure it out and thanks too to some material I stumbled upon.

Scales are probably easy enough to make if you have the right tools and mostly just a pain if you don't. It does take some practice. Drilling the holes right is a matter of techniques and also practice. The video I embedded in the thread shows a few seconds of the way old timers did it, but those few seconds changed the paradigm for me; from there it was just practice with junk scales.

Pinning is mostly technique and practice. It takes some doing to get it just right.

Now I need to find some scales for my GD New Arrival for the Gold Dollar Mod Competition. I haven't done any mods to the blade other than honing it, and I don't like the heavy wooden scales it came with, so I just bread-knifed the blade and am gonna see about filing the pins off.

When I look at the entries it always blows my mind what can be done with a GD.

Good luck and happy shaves,



I think this fits, Gents
Sunday, May 10
GC OC84 Polsilver(8)
Omega 10066
Wickham 1912 Club Cola
Layrite No. 9

I don't usually soak my brush while I shower, but tonight I did. I gave the brush 2 shakes and about 40 swirls until I saw lather on the puck.

When I put the brush to my face lather started dripping all over the place, yet it was not runny on my face. Well, maybe a little runny, but thick enough to stay where it needed to be. Hydration was very good.

I kept a gentle touch shaving WTG at the design angle and I couldn't feel the blade until halfway down my neck, so I stopped there and finished the rest of my face and neck WTG.
Then I shaved the lower part of my neck ATG until I felt the blade start to tug.

There was probably enough lather in the brush for 6 passes, I didn't need to add any water at all for the 2nd pass.

I shaved my face nose to ear, it really tugged under my lips, but that was the only place, the GC OC84 was smooth everywhere else.
My neck was mostly N-S with some XTG and freestyle on my chin.
I saw a weeper under my jaw on the right side that stopped right away by itself.

I have been using the titanium handle that I started my Fixed Four with on my GC84-P. Since then I roughed up the finish with 180 grit emery cloth and it has much better grip. It is 2 grams heavier, and with the OC baseplate also 2 grams heavier, the balance is perfect with my GC OC84-P weighing in at 71.5 grams.

I could have chased a BBS, but I just lathered my face so I could smell the Club Cola while I cleaned up my gear.

Two passes and a very presentable shave.

The Witch hazel went on like silk, and there was nary a hint of a sting from the Layrite No. 9, with the Nivea balm adding to the already wonderful shave.
My face and neck feel smooth, but most of all, comfortable. As in the blade didn't touch my face.



I think this fits, Gents
Monday, May 11
Gillette Platinum(1)
Omega 10066
Wickham 1912 Club Cola
Layrite No. 9

BBS. No irritation. 3 passes. Great kit.

20 swirls, the last 10 with meaning with a damp piggy, and I needed no more. I only soaked the boar 5 minutes, that was all it needed to perform and hold enough water and soap for 3 passes.

I started ATG just shaving the lower part of my neck, then shaved my face and neck WTG. Two days of stubble just disappeared with one easy stroke as I can feel the blade cutting the hair, with the Club Cola not only smelling wonderful, but providing enough cushion that I don't feel the blade touching my skin.

After brushing on another wonderful layer of lather on my face without rinsing, I shaved my neck ATG with light dusting, not quite buffing passes. I started steep and progressed to neutral as the stubble reduced. Very little resistance was offered to the fresh Gillette Platinum.

I shaved my face nose to ear, the GC OC84-P offering no resistance over my soul patch that the Polsilver SI(8) was tugging at.

I lathered up for again, not sure if I needed a 3rd pass.
This shave was easily as close and comfortable as the last two shaves.

I swept the GC OC84 from my ears to my nose like there was no blade and finished my neck with mostly XTG strokes, the lower part of my neck WTG. I used almost no pressure, just let the razor sort of float on the last pass. I never felt the blade on the last pass.

I patted the lather off my face with a moist towel and let my face dry as I cleaned up my gear, I wanted to enjoy the post shave feel.

When I smoothed on the Witch hazel I knew this was a great shave. It felt slick and smooth. I let it dry and patted the Layrite No. 9 with a gentle ASL note, not a burn or sting at all. I love the way the sweetness of the No. 9 blends with the Club Cola.
The Nivea balm confirmed that the only remaining stubble was the area surrounding the scar from my mole removal, and now that the feeling is coming back there, that is as close as I dare get.
I clipped it once and didn't feel it until I saw blood, so now I put my finger on it and stretch the skin out of the way.

I like this razor. A lot. My GC OC84-P is 4 grams heavier than my GC84-P, but the head feels light. The razor feels substantial, but the balance is better. With a firm grip it is easy to maneuver.

Was this a Damn Fine Shave?

I think it was.

Is it a


I think this fits, Gents
Shave Mail (meme).jpg

Actually, yesterday's mail.

Ordered from Amazon on Sunday.

I'm still waiting on my shipment from Connaught that has my Proraso SANDALWOOD Shaving Cream Soap BOWL 150 ml, VITOS Extra Super COCO Soft Shaving Soap (100 ml JAR), my Fatip Original Grande GOLD Safety Razor, and 10 x GEM Stainless Coated Single Edge Blades (dispensers) that shipped April 27.
Tracking from the UK would be nice, but they still beat shipping from Canada.

Since my crappy HOA still hasn't replaced the mailbox I have to drive 11.5 miles round trip to the Post Office to get my mail, along with about 300 other not-so-happy residents. It is my understanding that the lady in charge of the HOA now has a mandate from the Postmaster to get the mailbox replaced, I was told this at the Post Office. The lady in charge at the HOA has not been forthcoming with the residents on this matter and her name is MUD.

FedEx has my shipment of scales, pins and washers, an Omega 10005 boar, and some blades I have been wanting to try from Maggards on the truck as I speak. I ordered them on Sunday.


I think this fits, Gents


Got the scales, pins and washers from Maggards, along with some blades to try and a new piggy.


I think this fits, Gents
Wednesday, May 13
Gillette Platinum(2)
Omega 10066
Wickham 1912 Club Cola
Clubman Classic Vanilla

I have gotten so used to my badgers that it is taking me some time to get my piggy dialed in face lathering. I still got a good lather, just not in the same league as the badger.
Face lathering is immoral but I can't stop myself.480.jpg

The 1st pass started over my lips WTG, the razor gently removing the stubble without complaint. I shave both sides of my face WTG, then my chin and neck N-S. I found that light buffing passes gently removed almost all the stubble, keeping the angle neutral.

If I start to go steep I can feel the teeth and the blade at the same time, neutral and the blade seems to disappear even though I know it has positive exposure.
I am holding the razor firmly and paying attention to the angle at all times. The firm grip allows me to guide the GC OC4-P so it just glides over my skin, the blade finding the magic balance of cushion while slicing the hairs cleanly and flush.

On the 2nd pass I shaved my face nose to ear, then bugged ever so lightly under my left jaw. I could just barely feel the blade skim as it gently removed the stubborn whiskers with no resistance.

The Witch hazel was again very slick feeling as I had let my face dry as I cleaned up my gear, wanting to feel the post shave and smell the Club Cola.

I just got the Classic Vanilla today and wanted to see how it compared to the Layrite when I patted it on. There was no ASL sting to speak of, and the scent is muted compared to the No. 9.
An hour after shaving I am getting a nice light whiff of vanilla.

The Nivea balm was nice as usual, and the 2 pass shave was not quite a BBS, but definitely a top-notch shave.

Can I toss my GC OC84-P about like my Piccolo? NO.
Is my GC OC84-P as efficient as my Piccolo? More.
Can I shave withmy GC OC84-P everyday. YES
Will my GC OC84-P bite if I don't pay attention. YES.
Would I be willing to try a Fixed Four with my GC OC84-P? YES.
What blade will I use if I try a Fixed Four?
It will definitely be a blade I have used before.



I think this fits, Gents
Friday, May 15
Gillette Platinum(3)
620 Wickham 1912 Club Cola
Proraso Red ASL

This is my favorite Semogue.

When I first started wet shaving last year, I chose a synthetic brush because we have very hard water here in beautiful Southern California. I tried an 1800, but I could never get it to break-in. Maybe I was impatient, as it was my first piggy. I traded it for an Omega 49, which I like, but don't use much.
The fellow I traded the Semogue 1800 told me it worked just fine for him once it was properly broken-in.

I use filtered water now, so my synthetics mostly sit around waiting for me to get the WMS out.

40 swirls or so and the damp piggy was ready to go. The shave was pretty much the same as the last 7 shaves, with one small difference.
I used the bronze/titanium handle.

1st pass WTG, 2nd pass XTG, 3rd pass ATG. Light pressure, neutral angle, slow sweeping passes with some light buffing.

I let my face dry while I cleaned up my gear.

When I put the Witch hazel on it felt a tinge of sting on my neck, then let it dry before it patted on the Proraso Red for the first time.
It is supposed to be a sandalwood scent. I have stayed away from sandalwood in the past because my first shaving soap was TOBS Sandalwood and it went to the bottom shelf where it has remained.
The Proraso Sandalwood is much more pleasant scent, and I liked the way it felt when I put it on. There was very little ASL sting, which was gone before I was done putting it on.

Nivea balm finished another pleasant shave.

My face feels nice.


I think this fits, Gents
Saturday, May 16
Gillette Platinum(4)
Semogue 620
Amici shaving soap
Proraso Red ASL

I was downstairs in my garage workshop man-cave most of the day working on one of my Gold Dollar razors for the Mod Contest. Actually, I messed up the first one, and had to start over.
Lucky for me I already have a GD 66, and a GD 208, both of them shave-ready. Since I like the checkered scales on the 208, I left it alone for the time being. I got most of the grinding work done, now the fun part, polishing the grinding marks out........

30 swirls and the Amici was thick and creamy. The shave started out under my nose and I could feel the blade. Same thing as I maneuvered the razor around my lips. Shaving my face felt fine, but as I got to my left jaw I could start to feel the blade.

The blade wasn't tugging at all, but I was very aware of the blade on my neck, shaving WTG. I finished the pass and wiped off my face and cleaned up my gear.
The Witch hazel felt ok, I let it dry before I applied the Proraso Red, there was nothing but a nice soothing feeling and pleasant aroma wafting through the room. Nivea balm finished nicely, but my neck is tender.

It appears the Amici lacks the cushion needed to the GC OC 84-P.

The shave, a SAS.

The Amici shaving soap, bottom drawer.


I think this fits, Gents
Sunday, May 17
Gillette Platinum(5)
Koh I Noor
TFS Ginestra di Taormina
Proraso Red

I have been going through my boars, realizing that most of them have not been broken-in all the way yet.
My Omega 10066 has the most use, and does seem to get softer each time I use it. My Omega 49 is by far my largest brush, and was a real lather hog at first, it continues to improve, I haven't tried face lathering with it yet. The Omega 10290 is kinda a mixed bag, it is my smallest boar and whips up a mean lather, it is not far behind my 66.
The Semogue 620 surprised me, and became a favorite right away, even though it is on the smallish size.

I just picked up an Omega 10005 boar, and it is going through it's break-in process right now. I read that washing, then soaking the brush in water and leaving it in the refrigerator a few days speeds up the process. Then repeated drying and soaking for a week or so. I think that is what I read. It isn't like I am in a hurry to use it.

I have only been using shaving brushes for a year, and have a lot to learn about how to properly break-in a boar brush.

It seems there are a lot of differing techniques involved, some of which include a fireplace and some type of linen to wrap the brush in while you blaze the tips of the brush in the flames. It doesn't say what type of gloves to wear, I have some from work that are rated at 500 Centigrade, but that is probably overkill.

Another method involves using the brush while showering, I do know a lot of men that do shave in the shower, but I am not one.

One method that sounds easy, is to just use it, but then you must suffer through many miserable lathering sessions. That is pretty much what I have done.

This Koh I Noor my brother got from Italy, it is my first banded boar, and it is the reason I got the Semogue 620, because it performed well right out of the box. I have only used it less than a dozen times, and it is my softest boar right now.

I gave the TFS 30 good swirls, and needed about half of that. Once hydrated it had all of the cushion the Amici shaving soap was lacking in. The scent is hard to track down, it is supposed to be citrus, but I am not detecting that, some type of woodsy floral, not overpowering, pleasant.
There was enough lather for 6 passes.......

Two nice WTG and XTG passes was all I needed for a nice close comfortable shave. I did a little ATG buffing under my chin, and there was no irritation at all.

The Witch hazel felt slick with the Proraso Red blending in nicely with the TFS, to mention it felt nice on my face. Nivea balm finished up.

The TFS will stay in the rotation as it just helped get me a nice Close Comfortable Shave.


Raven Koenes

My precious!
Sunday, May 17
Gillette Platinum(5)
Koh I Noor
TFS Ginestra di Taormina
Proraso Red

I have been going through my boars, realizing that most of them have not been broken-in all the way yet.
View attachment 1101549
My Omega 10066 has the most use, and does seem to get softer each time I use it. My Omega 49 is by far my largest brush, and was a real lather hog at first, it continues to improve, I haven't tried face lathering with it yet. The Omega 10290 is kinda a mixed bag, it is my smallest boar and whips up a mean lather, it is not far behind my 66.
The Semogue 620 surprised me, and became a favorite right away, even though it is on the smallish size.

I just picked up an Omega 10005 boar, and it is going through it's break-in process right now. I read that washing, then soaking the brush in water and leaving it in the refrigerator a few days speeds up the process. Then repeated drying and soaking for a week or so. I think that is what I read. It isn't like I am in a hurry to use it.

I have only been using shaving brushes for a year, and have a lot to learn about how to properly break-in a boar brush.

It seems there are a lot of differing techniques involved, some of which include a fireplace and some type of linen to wrap the brush in while you blaze the tips of the brush in the flames. It doesn't say what type of gloves to wear, I have some from work that are rated at 500 Centigrade, but that is probably overkill.

Another method involves using the brush while showering, I do know a lot of men that do shave in the shower, but I am not one.

One method that sounds easy, is to just use it, but then you must suffer through many miserable lathering sessions. That is pretty much what I have done.

This Koh I Noor my brother got from Italy, it is my first banded boar, and it is the reason I got the Semogue 620, because it performed well right out of the box. I have only used it less than a dozen times, and it is my softest boar right now.

I gave the TFS 30 good swirls, and needed about half of that. Once hydrated it had all of the cushion the Amici shaving soap was lacking in. The scent is hard to track down, it is supposed to be citrus, but I am not detecting that, some type of woodsy floral, not overpowering, pleasant.
There was enough lather for 6 passes.......

Two nice WTG and XTG passes was all I needed for a nice close comfortable shave. I did a little ATG buffing under my chin, and there was no irritation at all.

The Witch hazel felt slick with the Proraso Red blending in nicely with the TFS, to mention it felt nice on my face. Nivea balm finished up.

The TFS will stay in the rotation as it just helped get me a nice Close Comfortable Shave.

View attachment 1101550
For the past two weeks I've begun to reexplore my boar brushes after a year or more using synthetics. The week before that I used my badger brushes. I was not impressed by badgers compared to my synthetics. I was however impressed by my boar brushes. I know exactly how long to soak and shake to get the water ratio right the first time to face lather. They don't make a mess like my synthetics. I have to re-wet the tips of my synthetics to get the water ratio right for the lather. This creates over flow of product that runs down my arm. It's a minor distraction compared to how wonderful synthetics feel, and it's only when I build the lather for the first pass. Once it's right it's right. To tell you the truth, a well broken in boar feels every bit as soft as a synthetic in its own way. I, for one, really like to break in a boar naturally. I like how it feels less and less scritchy over time, and then one day, all of a sudden, it feels like heaven. Anyway, I feel like I get to intimately know the brush as it evolves. I may play with my boars for awhile unless I switch to using a cream. Nothing beats a synthetic for use with a cream (mess aside).
Sunday, May 17
Gillette Platinum(5)
Koh I Noor
TFS Ginestra di Taormina
Proraso Red

I have been going through my boars, realizing that most of them have not been broken-in all the way yet.
View attachment 1101549
My Omega 10066 has the most use, and does seem to get softer each time I use it. My Omega 49 is by far my largest brush, and was a real lather hog at first, it continues to improve, I haven't tried face lathering with it yet. The Omega 10290 is kinda a mixed bag, it is my smallest boar and whips up a mean lather, it is not far behind my 66.
The Semogue 620 surprised me, and became a favorite right away, even though it is on the smallish size.

I just picked up an Omega 10005 boar, and it is going through it's break-in process right now. I read that washing, then soaking the brush in water and leaving it in the refrigerator a few days speeds up the process. Then repeated drying and soaking for a week or so. I think that is what I read. It isn't like I am in a hurry to use it.

I have only been using shaving brushes for a year, and have a lot to learn about how to properly break-in a boar brush.

It seems there are a lot of differing techniques involved, some of which include a fireplace and some type of linen to wrap the brush in while you blaze the tips of the brush in the flames. It doesn't say what type of gloves to wear, I have some from work that are rated at 500 Centigrade, but that is probably overkill.

Another method involves using the brush while showering, I do know a lot of men that do shave in the shower, but I am not one.

One method that sounds easy, is to just use it, but then you must suffer through many miserable lathering sessions. That is pretty much what I have done.

This Koh I Noor my brother got from Italy, it is my first banded boar, and it is the reason I got the Semogue 620, because it performed well right out of the box. I have only used it less than a dozen times, and it is my softest boar right now.

I gave the TFS 30 good swirls, and needed about half of that. Once hydrated it had all of the cushion the Amici shaving soap was lacking in. The scent is hard to track down, it is supposed to be citrus, but I am not detecting that, some type of woodsy floral, not overpowering, pleasant.
There was enough lather for 6 passes.......

Two nice WTG and XTG passes was all I needed for a nice close comfortable shave. I did a little ATG buffing under my chin, and there was no irritation at all.

The Witch hazel felt slick with the Proraso Red blending in nicely with the TFS, to mention it felt nice on my face. Nivea balm finished up.

The TFS will stay in the rotation as it just helped get me a nice Close Comfortable Shave.

View attachment 1101550
I have been going through my boars, realizing that most of them have not been broken-in all the way yet.
You can completely break in a boar brush before using it. I have completely broken two boar brushes in which I have not shaved with yet.

It seems there are a lot of differing techniques involved, some of which include a fireplace and some type of linen to wrap the brush in while you blaze the tips of the brush in the flames. It doesn't say what type of gloves to wear, I have some from work that are rated at 500 Centigrade, but that is probably overkill.
Please do not involve anything more than your hands, cold water, shaving soap and a clean towel to break a boar or horse hair brush in.

Another method involves using the brush while showering, I do know a lot of men that do shave in the shower, but I am not one.
Some men my use a new brush to exfoliate skin in order to begin the break in process. If you have sensitive skin a non starter.

One method that sounds easy, is to just use it, but then you must suffer through many miserable lathering sessions. That is pretty much what I have done.
Also my Major Mistake made with a Semogue 2000, Zenith Chubby Scrubby, Zenith Horse Hair. My conclusion. If you have Sensitive Skin. Why in the world you subject your skin to Abuse? Breaking in a shave brush when Totally Unnecessary. My main brush experience has been using one Plisson Silvertip for over three decades. My recent switch to DE shaving and well more of everything including brushes. I have recently knotted two badgers and two boar knots. There is a detailed description in breaking in boar which also applies to horse brushes, in my journal. GC.68OC, GOLD GRANDE, YAQI CHROME MELLON - A JOURNEY - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/gc-68oc-gold-grande-yaqi-chrome-mellon-a-journey.585819/post-10710182

I have established my brush rotation the two boars in the photo have not been shaved with and are Fully broken in. The Zenith boar was broken in on my sensitive face skin, Ouch. So was the horse Ouch, Ouch.


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I think this fits, Gents
Once it's right it's right. To tell you the truth, a well broken in boar feels every bit as soft as a synthetic in its own way. I, for one, really like to break in a boar naturally. I like how it feels less and less scritchy over time, and then one day, all of a sudden, it feels like heaven.
That is what happened with my Omega Silver Tip that I used for my Fixed Four. I was very pleased with it from the first time I used it, when all of a sudden around 50 or 60 shaves, BOOM, it felt like a completely different brush, in a very good way. I am not sure if I will find a better brush.

The Koh I Noor has been good at making lather from the first time I used it, it just didn't seem to hold much lather. That is until last night when it made a strong bid to get into the rotation, even after lathering my face fully three times, there was a huge amount of lather left in the brush, and it has passed the softness level of all of my boars......

As far as synthetics go, I started with a Vikings Blade White Knight, used it for almost three months straight. Until I got a case of BAD, now when I pick it up, I find it too heavy and scritchy......... I have an Omega 10005 S-Brush that is super soft, just like the 2 Bruce's that my kids stole from me........ I'm not sure why I don't use it more, I guess I am on a boar and badger kick right now.

I'm hoping that the Omega 10005 boar I just got will become a regular in the rotation, as I really like the shape of the handle and the knot. Time will tell.

For now the Koh I Noor is gonna get some use......


I didnt know
It took six solid months of every other day shaving before my Omega 10005 boar was, I felt, broken in. At that point the tips of the bristles turn snow white when soaked for less than 30 seconds.


Those tips are so soft it defies description beyond they're softer than my Silvertip and every synthetic I've used while being equally as soft and plush as my Maggard Plissoft.

Before it got to that stage, it went through several changes. First it wouldnt make a nice lather, then it started to hog the lather it did make. Then it became very floppy and would fling lather around. Each stage lasted about a month of every other day shaving. Just as I got use to it, it would change again. Then one day while soaking it, the day I took those pictures, Feb.15 2018, it became stable and hasnt changed since. The length of those white tips has gotten a tiny bit longer as the bristles have split deeper down the shafts, but the performance of the brush has remained the same. It has the backbone of a corn broom in comparison to my Maggard and is why I dont use it. For under $20CAD though, if I liked boar brushes I couldnt ask for a better one.

I further believe that once the entire knot turns white like that it will be finished. That however, would take many, many years.

One thing you may want to do Doug, is dip the handle in some clear poly. The varnish over the Beechwood is very thin and fragile, not to mention the sticker will wear off quickly, and the handle will absorb water and likely crack. Mine had a crack in it out of the box but the varnish lasted about a month before I noticed the handle absorbing water. I tied a string around the base of the knot and dipped the entire handle into a gallon pail of MinWax clear poly and hung it to dry overnight. That left a bit of a drip bump on the base of one side that I took off with wet sandpaper. The handle has been fine since.


I think this fits, Gents
One thing you may want to do Doug, is dip the handle in some clear poly. The varnish over the Beechwood is very thin and fragile, not to mention the sticker will wear off quickly, and the handle will absorb water and likely crack. Mine had a crack in it out of the box but the varnish lasted about a month before I noticed the handle absorbing water.
One of the reasons that I ordered the Omega 10066 instead of the 10005 was because I had read complaints about the Beechwood handle cracking. The 10066 was my first boar and I still didn't know the difference between a fan or a bulb knot. I had already picked up the 10005 S Brush, and liked it, but wanted to try a boar. The Beechwood handle on the S Brush has a fairly thick coat of varnish on it and shows no signs of cracking or wear, but it also hasn't been used much either.
The first thing I noticed when I got the 10005 boar is the Beechwood handle doesn't have as much varnish on it, and is actually rough........ The knots look the same.
I have some clear poly I can use, but I also have some nice stringed instrument lacquer that will make it real pretty, I also have some crimson water based stain that might really spruce it up. Now that is an idea!!!!!

Now back to soaking in the fridge and hand lathering............
You can completely break in a boar brush before using it. I have completely broken two boar brushes in which I have not shaved with yet.
I have put the brush in the fridge damp, didn't know it was suppose to be soaking in water. Any reason why you use Proraso Red for the initial hand lathering? I used Wilko on my Koh I Noor and that seemed to do the trick.
I have put the brush in the fridge damp, didn't know it was suppose to be soaking in water. Any reason why you use Proraso Red for the initial hand lathering? I used Wilko on my Koh I Noor and that seemed to do the trick.
I’ve used half a dozen different soaps for breaking in brushes. Hand lathering allows you to flex the hairs. A stiff boar or horse knot takes a fair amount of hand lathering before it will comfortably splay. It is also a good time to check out, compare and dial in lathers while your doing it.
Not a scientific explanation. My feeling is the extra hydrated hairs in cold water split easier and stay cooler from friction when towelling. I always let a brush completely dry out after a session. I keep repeating the sessions cold soak, hand lather, towelling until the brush is too my satisfaction. From hand lathering and towelling I have removed all the scritch from my horse hair and boar brushes. I’ve had painful and uncomfortable shaves breaking brushes in on my sensitive skin, which I will not do in the future.


I think this fits, Gents
Monday, May 18
Gillette Platinum(6)
Koh I Noor
Wickham 1912 Club Cola
Proraso Red asl

I have been blooming my soap pucks lately, something I haven't done for almost 6 months. I have stopped soaking my brushes while I shower also, instead giving them a 3-5 minute soak after I shower.

That is the routine that works for me so far, as face lathering is a new adventure every-time I change brushes or soaps.

20 swirls of Club Cola was still more than needed, I added lots of water after the initial coat. The ever present scent is very pleasing as I lather up.
I took extra care around my lips, then shaved my face nose to ear, and my neck XTG.
On my neck, I started to feel the blade a bit. I don't think it is the blade(6), I have gone well over 20 shaves with a Gillette Platinum.

With a well hydrated lather I shaved my neck ATG, making sure to buff as I could feel the blade, and I wanted to make sure I got a BBS, as I knew I was gonna be paying for it.

The Witch hazel gave my face and neck some relief with some stinging, so I let my face dry before I applied the Proraso Red,, which gave notice of an aggressive shave. The Nivea balm helped some.

Oh, I got the BBS.
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