I want to share a beautiful story. My CD-ROM was giving me a lot of grief lately, refusing to read disks. Sometimes it would work and read the disks, but other times it wouldn't. If it just broke, I'd replace it, but it seemed to get better and then start malfunctioning again, just when I needed it the most. Yesterday I decided I've had enough, took it out of the PC, and gave an outlet to my feelings toward it. I threw it on the floor and started kicking it, then jumping on it, finishing with a mighty stump, with all I've got. The second after the stump-de-grace I felt something was wrong. I felt a strange dull pain in my heel, that only got worse. I threw the CD-ROM out the window of my 3-rd floor apartment and focused on what was going on with my heal. It got swollen, and started to really ache. After an hour I couldn't step on my heel. I thought it would pass with time, but this morning it's only worse, I can't even touch it. I started pondering whether I broke something. I don't think I did, but who knows. Anyhow, I don't have the energy to go to the doctor and have it checked, I'm lazy. I will give it some more time. But the lesson to be learnt from this is NOT to stump your CD-ROM or other parts of your computer. I will not commit this mistake in the future.