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Terre d' Hermes, again.where to buy

Awhile back I was pondering a purchase of Terre d' Hermes, and I thank you all for your comments regarding the EdT and the parfum, but I never moved forward, purchasing either. Still kicking it around and like others that are on FragranceX's spam list, I get a flyer in my inbox about a fall sale, free shipping + 11 or 13% off, so naturally I'm thinking of Hermes again and I notice (for example), Fragrance X isn't offering much of a discount to their normal price for 3.4 ounces listing it at $103 compared to Nordstrom, a front line retailer charging $111 for the same bottle

Anyone that has done business with FragraneX knows they are a discounter and as such will sell frags that have been returned by front line retailers like Saks, Nordstroms, etc. I believe I'm answering my own question but I'll throw it out here for those gents that have purchased Terre d' Hermes from both retailers (maybe this is a small pool?) Should I buy TdH from Nordstroms or FragranceX? Or put another way...is it worth the crap shoot buying it from FragX?

I'm thinking, if they're (FragranceX) charging $8 off retail, perhaps they have fresh juice and it isn't returned from other retailers that aren't discounters

Let the opinions fly!



Reddick Fla.
Just a question and opinion...is an $8 discount worth it to you for (possible) substandard juice? Not being able to tell how far off the top shelf the stuff is, might be setting yourself up for disapointment and buyers remorse. For $8 more, I'd stick with the know quality.

That being said, FragX might be selling very fine product...I've never personally done business with them.
Actually the difference in price (discount) is higher than $8 when factoring in the 11 or 13 % sales promotion on top of that. I'm wondering if Fragrance X is selling fresh juice off Hermes's normal price and only discounting it very little because of that fact. Again, I was inquiring those that have purchased TdH from Fragrance X and have actual experience


Reddick Fla.
Just my opinion, but whenever I buy a fragrance from Nordstrom or Saks, I get the sales person to fill up my bag with nice size samples of other fragrances I want to try or my SWMBO likes. I swear I walk out of those stores with $100 in samples. Lol.

This way I don't feel like I'm "rolling the dice" with a discounter and I'm injecting some extra value into my transactions.

Best of luck.
Just my opinion, but whenever I buy a fragrance from Nordstrom or Saks, I get the sales person to fill up my bag with nice size samples of other fragrances I want to try or my SWMBO likes. I swear I walk out of those stores with $100 in samples. Lol.

This way I don't feel like I'm "rolling the dice" with a discounter and I'm injecting some extra value into my transactions.

Best of luck.

~~~good POV...I should point out I do not live anywhere near Saks, Nordstrons, etc. ...I live in the sticks<LOL>...all of my purchases are done 'online'

the price I pay to live far far away from the Sit-Tay and all that goes along with urban living. If it sounds like I'm quite content in my rural surrounds, you bet I am, having been born, raised in Detroit...at least my first 29 years. FWIW, birthday # 57 rolls around next month :thumbup:


Reddick Fla.
~~~good POV...I should point out I do not live anywhere near Saks, Nordstrons, etc. ...I live in the sticks<LOL>...all of my purchases are done 'online'

the price I pay to live far far away from the Sit-Tay and all that goes along with urban living. If it sounds like I'm quite content in my rural surrounds, you bet I am, having been born, raised in Detroit...at least my first 29 years. FWIW, birthday # 57 rolls around next month :thumbup:


Reddick Fla.

A Detroiter!!! I live right across the river from Detroit! I actually hit Somerset Mall with my wife (in Troy) which has all the big name department stores. My wife loves Tom Ford Tuscan Leather but it's really expensive...Sooooo...when she's getting her makeup done or shopping in Nordstrom, I hit them up for free samples of the Tuscan Leather.

Glad to hear you're avoiding the nasty Detroit winters, but since you've been gone, the Detroit Lions have won some games! :a47:


I have made many purchases from fragrancenet.com including TDH. I received another bottle as a gift and I would never be able to tell them apart. @ $85+/- for a 3.4oz bottle of the EDT vs. $118 for retail, I would say pull the trigger with a discounter. I often impulse buy at brick and mortars (Creeds and nice frags), but never hesitate to buy online at a reputable discount site as well.
Another place to check out is overstock.com. They have a pretty nice selection of high end frags and you can usually find coupon codes for 10%-15% off.
A Detroiter!!! I live right across the river from Detroit! I actually hit Somerset Mall with my wife (in Troy) which has all the big name department stores. My wife loves Tom Ford Tuscan Leather but it's really expensive...Sooooo...when she's getting her makeup done or shopping in Nordstrom, I hit them up for free samples of the Tuscan Leather.

Glad to hear you're avoiding the nasty Detroit winters, but since you've been gone, the Detroit Lions have won some games! :a47:



~~~Yeah, how bout dem Lions?<LOL> Been awhile since I've wondered around Ontario but there is some beautiful country in your province...Georgian Bay, North Channel. Sailed those waters with my folks as a kid in the 60's...was up there last in the early 70's


Reddick Fla.
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