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Technology Question HDMI on ipad

So I was looking at the ipad, and was thinking, "why don't they just put an HDMI out on this thing?" Seems that if you had that, you could pretty easily connect it to your A/V receiver to stream netflix movies via safari right to your home theater. One simple plug, and away you go. You could stream 720/1080 and just rock. Or is apple viewing this as cannibalizing their Apple TV business? I have always thought they like to sell devices that fall just a little short.

On the flipside, does anyone know of a laptop with an HDMI out built in to allow this sort of thing?
With either the iPad or a PC laptop, I think the idea here is to use a wireless router to connect to the TV.
Jobs almost seems semi-opposed to HDMI for some reason, only the mini and appleTV had hdmi. Hell even only the Mac Pro had DVI. Otherwise it's just displayport. Meanwhile almost any PC laptop and some netbooks have HDMI out, also I believe the Viewsonic Gtablet(Android 2.2 os) has hdmi out
you can always get a displayport->HDMI converter from monoprice for macs

Most mid level and higher end laptops also come w/ HDMI out...new netbooks tend to have them as well.
Just be sure that the mac displayport -- HDMI adapter you choose supports audio passthrough for the ipad.

+1 on many (but not nearly all) laptops having hdmi.
With either the iPad or a PC laptop, I think the idea here is to use a wireless router to connect to the TV.

Problem is that the TV is really just a monitor. All the sources switch at the receiver, so I would not have the audio I want with that method.
Jobs almost seems semi-opposed to HDMI for some reason

Same reason they are opposed to flash... they prefer to eliminate features that take extra juice rather than beef up their devices and further drive up the (already high) price point past what people will pay for them.
Same reason they are opposed to flash... they prefer to eliminate features that take extra juice rather than beef up their devices and further drive up the (already high) price point past what people will pay for them.

The latest iPhone does have more battery capacity than the previous models. The problem for manufacturers is that they are already using the best battery technology that is available, which they themselves do not develop. Those that do develop battery technology are working hard at improving the capacities of them so that they can sell them to the manufacturers.
Is it even capable of 1080? Seems to me they'd want a wide screen first and then would want to support various audio formats on the device before sending them outside. Also, some of those formats probably require a license fee. Of course, most of the new audio formats are useless on the device itself.
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