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Tabac: Is there some Trick?

I've been wet shaving with decent soaps for about two and a half years now. Tried a bunch. Found some I like, some I love, a few I don't get on with.

The one that I find utterly vexing is Tabac. Everywhere I look, I see praise for it (apart maybe from the smell). So I bought a puck early on, and have just never managed to get a good shave with it. Looking over threads, I think I am in a minority of maybe 3. So I have to wonder if it is me rather than the soap. I had let it sit for a while, but tonight decided to revisit it to see if I had changed my mind. Loaded up the Truefitt & Hill (pretty good size, decent backbone), loaded the heck out of it, and went to town. Or so I thought....

The problem: regardless of the brush, the water level, face or bowl, etc, I get nice looking lather, and plenty of it. But it doesn't seem to lubricate very well. And I always end up cutting myself along the jaw line (at first, I assumed this was because I'm a moron, but it doesn't happen with other soaps). I noticed tonight that, even after washing my face, it felt kind of sticky.

So I have to ask- does this suggest anything to anyone about what I'm doing wrong? I used to curse the soap, but given everybody else's seeming good luck. I'm starting to think it's me. Is there a preferred hydration level for it?, some other trick? I do have pretty hard water, but that doesn't seem to monkey with any of my other soaps. It seems like the stickiness after the fact is some sobrt of clue, but I'm not sure of what.

I probably should just give up, and be happy that I have several soaps I just love, but part of me won't let the soap defeat me...
I find Tabac and Arko similar in performance IMO. I use the same loading and bowl lathering technique and get at least 3 passes worth of foam and haven't had a cut in weeks (only started in Feb) maybe its a dud puck?
I find Tabac and Arko similar in performance IMO. I use the same loading and bowl lathering technique and get at least 3 passes worth of foam and haven't had a cut in weeks (only started in Feb) maybe its a dud puck?
I have great luck with Arko. I've never heard of a dud puck of soap, but I guess anything is possible.
There is no trick. I just finished of a tub of Tabac in my 3017 treatment. I have been DE shaving for about 8 years and I am quite surprised at your problem.

Come to think of it I might have had the same problem while dialing in MWF. Given I had no patience at all with (for me) subpar soaps it ended with a PIF...

My advice is: your experience tells you that it doesn't work. Leave it behind and enjoy your shaves with other soaps. Your mileage and so on...
According to my experience Tabac needs a lot of water added dropwise to get to the level of slickness and protectiveness that I like. I have however never seen this as a problem to achieve.
According to my experience Tabac needs a lot of water added dropwise to get to the level of slickness and protectiveness that I like. I have however never seen this as a problem to achieve.

I too think that Tabac is a soap that needs more water than usual. Try using more water, it can handle more water than you would think.
The trick with Tabac is to be wearing a white suit, be blowing a disco whistle and have some Barry White playing (vinyls only baby, this brother don't groove to the digi-tal!)

But seriously, it's a thirsty soap so wetter brush or tip-dip to slick it up.

I'm a big fan of this soap. It's as slick as any I've used. I load the brush upside down/sideways, so water and soap drip into my scuttle below. When I think I have enough, I load some more. Then swirl and add water slowly. When I think I have enough water, I add some more. Really great soap, IMO.
Get yourself a bottle of food grade glycerine and add one or two drops to your bowl while making lather. If you are going to face lather add a drop to the loaded brush before you start building.

You SHOULD NOT need to do this with Tabac but doing it will solve your "slick problem"

I find that I enjoy using Tabac shave stick and face lathering more than I do using the puck and building lather in a bowl. Don't know why but this is just how I enjoy using Tabac, In fact I used my Tabac shave stick for yesterday's shave http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/302583-Whats-your-soap-for-today?p=5096642#post5096642

I too think that Tabac is a soap that needs more water than usual. Try using more water, it can handle more water than you would think.
^^^ This.
Tabac is really stable, so it can handle more water than most other soaps out there. If you go too easy on the water, the lather gets thick enough to make it seem like you are dealing with drag rather than glide.

Since it is so hard, a good trick with Tabac (as with many other hard soaps) is to pour a layer of hot water over the puck while you go through your shower/prep routine. This softens up the puck and allows you to get some slick lather going quickly.
^^^ This.
Tabac is really stable, so it can handle more water than most other soaps out there. If you go too easy on the water, the lather gets thick enough to make it seem like you are dealing with drag rather than glide.

Since it is so hard, a good trick with Tabac (as with many other hard soaps) is to pour a layer of hot water over the puck while you go through your shower/prep routine. This softens up the puck and allows you to get some slick lather going quickly.

I've always done the hot water on top with hard soap, but I will try it with a wetter brush and some extra water next time and see what we get.
You might find this thread suggestive: Lathering MWF with hard water.

Here is what one poster said about it.

After trying this technique I can confidently say that hard water has an extreme impact on creating lather. This technique softens the water and the lather is ten times better. For the person who asked, it works for VDH too. I used it on VDH and it produced a lather that would put even my best lathers with hard water to laughable shame.

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This thread is a poster-thread for the YMMV slogan.

Right now, my very best shaves come from Tabac (and I load everything with a Feathers).

Then there are other soaps that others love that don't do it for me - so perhaps you (OP) would not be missing out by moving on.

That said, I agree that this is a thirsty soap - so perhaps a few more drops as you mix would help.

It would definitely be worth your while to crack this one.

Enjoy your shaves !
The problem: regardless of the brush, the water level, face or bowl, etc, I get nice looking lather, and plenty of it. But it doesn't seem to lubricate very well. And I always end up cutting myself along the jaw line (at first, I assumed this was because I'm a moron, but it doesn't happen with other soaps). I noticed tonight that, even after washing my face, it felt kind ofSticky...

Sounds like more water is needed since you find it sticky, I always recommend this method for a new soap/cream; Try shaking out the excess water from your brush and load it until you get a White Root-Beer type head on your brush, apply to a damp face and start building. Any soap that can handle a good amount of water when added in small amounts and Tabac can handle more than most others. Give it a practice lather on your palm, going past the sweet spot of useable lather, slowly keep adding water and lather. Observe how much more water you can add until your lather becomes runny and unusable mess.

Rubbing some lather between your forefinger & thumb while building lather, will give you a feel for slickness. While slowly pulling your fingers apart observe how far the soap "stretches before separating, a good indicator of the hydration level. When your lather is well hydrated, you should be able to remove it from the razor with a few swishes through standing water, if it's too dry you'll have a good amount of soap sticking to the head.

When you find the sweet spot o other additives are necessary.
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