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Stupid things I don’t understand


Needs milk and a bidet!
My wireless router has a LED light on it. Blue when it’s connected red when internet is out.

First of all….stupid. I don’t need a light to know when the internet don’t work. There are no less than 13 devices connected to the internet at any given time. I think I’ll know straightaway when it’s out.

Second of all…stupid stupid. The light can be turned off and on with a button. Why not just save yourselves some engineering and get rid of the light altogether.

Third of all….stupid stupid stupid. The button to turn the light off must be pressed and held for 3 seconds. Why? Why can’t I just push it and off. Push it and on. Why do I have to HOLD it pushed in for 3 seconds?? You think someone will push it by mistake? The light will go off and they will have no clue when their internet stops working???

Fourth of all….stupid stupid stupid stupid. The darn thing is BRIGHT! At night it’s like a lighthouse beacon lighting up the room!

Why even have it on there in the first place? Some tech nerd thinks it’s cool? I keep it off all the time. A useless feature.

I don’t understand.



I’m stumped
I hear ya. Geek blinking logic. If anything, the default should be off and push the button if you want to check status.
Now you think that's stupid, my fibre ONT has lights you can't turn off. Why oh why!


I smell like a Christmas pudding
On my router there is no physical on/off button for the light, but you can log in to the web interface and set the light to on, off, or dimmed. You can also program the light to be on, off, or dimmed, according to a schedule. You can even have the entire router shut on and off according to a schedule. It is the same with the WiFi extenders around our home. At night the program turns off the lights that may keep us awake, dims the lights that are useful for getting around the house, and leaves on those in the living areas which make it appear as if someone is at home.
Well one of besting thing I heard about stupid people is from friend who has been in EMS/Firefighting 37 years.

Stupid people and thing they do is job security for First Respondets.

Two years as Law Dog proved the statement too me, i
Met many dumbos. On worst day of life.
I learned the other day that when the smart plugs I use lose contact with the WIFI they flash a bright blue light. I was up resetting the stupid router in the middle of the night so the whole house didn't look like a sale on aisle 5.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
The router lights are probably a sales thing. When people are faced with a dozen different routers on a store shelf they will likely pick the one with more lights. It looks like a better value product than one with no lights. Living with it is a different matter.

It’s like how new homes are often sold with touchscreen panels for controlling lights, aircon, etc. They are extremely inconvenient - you can’t just switch the lights on or turn up the temperature, you have to walk all the way to the room with the panel, go through the menus, and adjust it from there. And of course they go wrong, when a simple light switch will never fail. You also have to spend days learning how to programme it, and then try to remember which is bedroom 3 or bathroom 2. Horrid things, but they sell houses because they look like impressive technology if you don’t realise the practicalities.
I kid you not, the last power outage in our area, the power company texted me to let me know my power went out.
I get that all the time. Then later I get a text telling me that the power is back on. Along with a phone call on the land line in both cases.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I kid you not, the last power outage in our area, the power company texted me to let me know my power went out.

We do that too and it would make more sense if they were like “the power is out, it will be restored in 2 hours”. But nope. It’s just - there is an outage in your area. Well duh!! What’s fun is when people call and say “The power is out when is it coming back on?” And we are like uhhhh, we don’t have any outages whats your address? “123 ABC Rd”. OK…have you been home recently Because that was restored 4 hours ago. “Ohhh, no I haven’t been home, I just got a text that said it was out”.
I have a TP link router. I have a total of more than 40 devices connected to my router. Some are connected directly to the router using Ethernet. Some are connected through multiple Internet switches. Some are connected through MoCA (ethernet over coax adapter). Some are connected directly with the 2.4 gHz, 5 gHz and 6 gHz WiFi networks of my WiFi 6e router and some are connected through WiFi access points.

I one or more devices goes offline, I have to do some significant troubleshooting to determine if the problem exists with the cable modem, the router, the switches, the MoCA adapter, the access points, or the individual Internet adapters used by the devices.

Thus, I appreciate the blue lights on top of my router. The router sits on top of a tall cabinet such that I cannot see the lights from floor level, but I can see them from my balcony. When the lights are blue, I know things are working properly. that is a comforting feeling.

I fully understand that someone with a simple Internet setup with only 13 devices connected directly to that router might not need or want the lights. However, it sounds like TP Link has made providions to disable those lights if they are disturbing you. The design engineers must also take into account more sophisticated users who might benefit from the lights.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I have a TP link router. I have a total of more than 40 devices connected to my router. Some are connected directly to the router using Ethernet. Some are connected through multiple Internet switches. Some are connected through MoCA (ethernet over coax adapter). Some are connected directly with the 2.4 gHz, 5 gHz and 6 gHz WiFi networks of my WiFi 6e router and some are connected through WiFi access points.

I one or more devices goes offline, I have to do some significant troubleshooting to determine if the problem exists with the cable modem, the router, the switches, the MoCA adapter, the access points, or the individual Internet adapters used by the devices.

Thus, I appreciate the blue lights on top of my router. The router sits on top of a tall cabinet such that I cannot see the lights from floor level, but I can see them from my balcony. When the lights are blue, I know things are working properly. that is a comforting feeling.

I fully understand that someone with a simple Internet setup with only 13 devices connected directly to that router might not need or want the lights. However, it sounds like TP Link has made providions to disable those lights if they are disturbing you. The design engineers must also take into account more sophisticated users who might benefit from the lights.

Get out :001_tt2:
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