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Stupid things I don’t understand

Charities that pay their top staff huge salaries, spend crazy amount on PR, and advertising.

Small percentage of money coming actually goes to charities mission.

Every non, and not for profit files IRS FORM 990. The 990 is the tattle tale on charities.
Charities that pay their top staff huge salaries, spend crazy amount on PR, and advertising.

Small percentage of money coming actually goes to charities mission.

Every non, and not for profit files IRS FORM 990. The 990 is the tattle tale on charities.

My daughter is the business manager/ HR manager for a local charity in the Denver area. She is compensated for her work (long hours + high stress), but she could earn a lot more if she took her skills and time to a for-profit corporation. In order to attract good people, charities have to pay a decent rate.

You are right, though about some charities. On the rare occasion I answer a call from a charity, the first question I ask is how much of my potential donation actually goes to serving clients. If they cannot answer that question, I hang up. Some telemarketers will skim 50% off the top for soliciting the funds.

Before donating to a charity, you might want to check online rating agencies such as Charity Watch to see if the organization is worthy of your money. The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability is another good agency providing information if you plan to give to religious charities.
I dont understand why the click and collect shopping button that lets the staff know you're waiting has to try and sell you house and car insurance, along with shopping deals.
Well people have become upset, in hurry, and last seem no to care about anyone but self. I drive daily, and yesterday was typical two people on FREEWAY cut infant of me almost causing accidents. I live in mirrors, and am aware of what is going on around, and near me. People or should I say some people should chill, slow down, and be pedestrians.
Devices w lights telling me that they’re off can be cured w a piece of black tape. Same thing for idiot lights on your dashboard.
Stupid is trying to get better look at Baby Rattle Snake, then getting bit. Because your not trained to handle poison snakes.

Buddy was Navy CorpsMen, he frequently had Marines pick up a Gila Monster at 29 Palms.

Went they bite, they hold on forever.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Found another.

Amazon Prime app on the iPad. Keeps track of your recently watched videos. Well for whatever reason Freaks & Geeks won’t go away even though I’m done with it. If you press and hold it a menu box will pop up and one of the options is “Hide this video”. So I think…ok cool, I’ll just hide it and it will be gone. No, here’s the stupid thing…..it just darkens it and puts a “do not enter” sign over it. HOW THE BLANKETY BLANK IS THAT HIDING IT???.

If it was hidden I would be able to post a screenshot and no one here would be able to see the darn video. Clearly it is not hidden!! STUUUUPPPIIIIDDDDD



My elbows leak
Staff member
Found another.

Amazon Prime app on the iPad. Keeps track of your recently watched videos. Well for whatever reason Freaks & Geeks won’t go away even though I’m done with it. If you press and hold it a menu box will pop up and one of the options is “Hide this video”. So I think…ok cool, I’ll just hide it and it will be gone. No, here’s the stupid thing…..it just darkens it and puts a “do not enter” sign over it. HOW THE BLANKETY BLANK IS THAT HIDING IT???.

If it was hidden I would be able to post a screenshot and no one here would be able to see the darn video. Clearly it is not hidden!! STUUUUPPPIIIIDDDDD

View attachment 1670174

Well, in their defense it IS directed towards people who buy Apple products, so...


Dances with Wolfs
1). I like the status lights on my routers, switches, and other networked appliances. They tell me what is going on at a glance. If they bother you, turn them off, or put tape over them.

2) on-off switches on said appliances are dumb. Why would anyone want to turn off an Ethernet switch?

3) black e-tape works great on the dummy lights in the car.

4). Home automation is great. My normal light switches and thermostat are still there on the walls in their original locations. But the automation lets me control things from my phone, tablet, or with voice control like Alexa. Or setup routines to control things automatically as per a schedule.

5) To have home automation where there are no wall switches in each room is ridiculously stupid, and something I have not witnessed my self.

6). Thermostat is another story. That was always and traditionally been in a single location, where you have to walk there to make adjustments. So having it on a digital control panel is no different. Plus it can be controlled by other means as mention above. So improvement is evident in this case.
Got that beat, annoying as that is.

Reminder light on the water pitcher to change the filter? Seriously, like I need a battery driven light to tell me the water tastes like crap.
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