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Still wish I could get a razor made of titanium.

I still wish somebody could make a Gillette Tech clone out of titanium, or other 2-3 piece razor. If I was super rich, I'd get somebody to make an exact replica of the Tech razor and make it out of polished aerospace grade titanium. Why, because I mentioned before, it will never rust/corrode, 100% hypoallergenic, will be super strong and very hard wearing and very durable metal. Sure it might be light, but with good technique, you could press lightly to compensate for the lack of weight in the head of the razor. After all, they made techs out of aluminum at one point. Also 316L SS would be a good choice too.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
That's a point of view, normally, a DE won't rust, the blade in it will... Also, I see great looking vintage razors that are 50-100 years old... You really want your razor to outlive you!

I think it would be quite heavy and that razor would be expensive as you pointed out...
I don't think you would have to be super rich.
Just find someone with access to CNC machines, bring the titanium, the solidworks model(or whatever format they require) and a 6pack of beer.:thumbup:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I don't think you would have to be super rich.
Just find someone with access to CNC machines, bring the titanium, the solidworks model(or whatever format they require) and a 6pack of beer.:thumbup:

I think you would need more than 6 beers to make such a razor...

2 workers = 3 beers each, 20 mins each/beer. 1 hour later, out of beer... Mmm. The more beer they drink, the less productive... :biggrin1:
Does anyone have blueprints/technical drawings of a Tech?
I know a guy that has access to CNC machines, Ill run it by him and see what he says.
I'd love one out of that black titanium that I see on some rings, or a mix of the silver and black. Or, since we're making a wish list here, a Tungsten version. Be still my beating heart.
I still wish somebody could make a Gillette Tech clone out of titanium, or other 2-3 piece razor. If I was super rich, I'd get somebody to make an exact replica of the Tech razor and make it out of polished aerospace grade titanium. Why, because I mentioned before, it will never rust/corrode, 100% hypoallergenic, will be super strong and very hard wearing and very durable metal. Sure it might be light, but with good technique, you could press lightly to compensate for the lack of weight in the head of the razor. After all, they made techs out of aluminum at one point. Also 316L SS would be a good choice too.
I'd opt for one if you made a replica of the Fat Handled Tech and crafted a solid handle. Sure, it would be light, but not that much lighter than say, aluminum. More expensive, for sure.
I don't want anything fancy, just an exact replica of the Canadian 1932 Tech razor, the one with the fat handle, not the ball end, thin handle. Also, razor wouldn't even need the handle, just the head of the razor, bottom plate and top cap. I could swap out another handle from another razor.
I don't want anything fancy, just an exact replica of the Canadian 1932 Tech razor, the one with the fat handle, not the ball end, thin handle. Also, razor wouldn't even need the handle, just the head of the razor, bottom plate and top cap. I could swap out another handle from another razor.

Oh, come on :tongue_sm
You want a Ti razor, go all out and get the handle too!
Besides, I believe Titanium can be subject to dielectric corrosion. (I may be wrong)
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