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Speick Cream

Just tried this for the first time today. I've never had the greatest of luck with creams, the lather always seems to dry up on me. (tried a few trumpers samples and some cade)

This stuff was great! Speick soap is my go to soap. Love the scent. The cream didn't smell the same, but very similar with a little something medicinal to it.

Was a little more drying than the soap, in that my face felt a little tight afterwards (same pre/post treatment) but can't complain about the results, was a close comfortable shave this morning.

Dare I try a superlather of Speick soap+cream? (who am I kidding, of course I dare...)
Oh I know that, I haven't found a need to superlather anything. I figure if my soap/cream requires superlathering to be useful it ain't useful.

this would just be for the sheer ludicrousness of it all. :001_smile
Some people say that they don't need to add much water to creams because they are already "creamy", but I find that I can add quite a bit more water than might initially seem necessary, and that helps my creams stay hydrated throughout the shave. Once I figured this out, I haven't had any problems with my creams drying out.
I have started face lathering with creams, and have had great success. I leave my brush as wet as possible, squeeze some cream directly into the middle of the bristles, and then start scrubbing. This produces the best lather for me.
Yeah I try not to just add as much water as I think it needs, I keep adding until I get good lather (consistency) and then add more if it's still to thick and sticky, until I get the slickness I want. This goes for anything I'm working with, regardless of soap or cream. They all start out pretty good, but my soap lather gets me through 4-5 passes, cream lather needs a wetting after the 3rd or 4th. Sometimes it's snowing by then. heh.
Top notch cream. maybe you should add a little bit more water do little drops a a time. you DO NOT need to add anything else to this cream. :thumbup:
Top notch cream. maybe you should add a little bit more water do little drops a a time. you DO NOT need to add anything else to this cream. :thumbup:

Oh I know. I had a great time with this cream. It was the Trumpers and Cade creams I've tried that dried out on me... Speick cream did not do this to me. If I had to use a cream it'd be this one.
I "discovered" Speick during our September, or "Speicktember" flavor of the month focus. I say discover because I had used it a few times before sporadically and wasn't overly impressed, but after using regularly during that month, I developed a new appreciation for the great result - left my face very smooth and very comfortable - that this cream provides. For me, Speick is all about the results! :thumbup1:
i really like the smell of speick. old school scent.
but for some strange reason when I use it my skin around my upper lip
burns?? iv'e used it off and on for about a year or so and this always happens?!
I have a very forgiving face and can use pretty much anything on it with no problem. it doesn't hurt or anything just annoying.
That is funny for me it is the other way around, the soap dries my face and the cream is neutral. The cream is one of my absolute favourites.
So far this is the only cream that made me think "I should totally get this" the other ones I've tried made me think "I wonder if the soap is better".
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