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Source for Dutch Platinium Injector blades?

Every morning, I gaze in horror at my dwindling supply of the great Platinium blades. Does anyone know of a reliable source for them?

And while we're at it: Is there a way to reload an empty metal loader with new blades (I just can't use those *** plastic loaders....)
At least I managed to reload the old metal loader, so I won't have to bother with the crappy plastic *** anymore.
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the two dutch online stores I have done business with are barbershopclasics.nl and tuttoitaliaonline.nl if you don't see what you want give them an email
the two dutch online stores I have done business with are barbershopclasics.nl and tuttoitaliaonline.nl if you don't see what you want give them an email

The problem is that those blades aren't produced anymore since the 70's or so; I don't think those vendors can easily get them either.
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