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Source for ARKO shave stick?

Does anyone have a source for this stuff? I would like to try it but WCS, Bestgrooming, and classicshaving do not carry it.

If anyone would be interested in PIF'g me a stick that would be great otherwise all I have to trade with right now is Conk Bay Rum and Williams soap, a variety of blade extras from a sampler pack, and an extra new bottle of dollar store Old Spice. I also have a bottle of Glycerine from Walmart that I have barely used that I would be willing to swap as well.

Gracias Gents! :001_smile
You can get them on eBay for $4.38 shipped. I wouldn't recommend the vendor who ships their soap from Turkey due to the long travel time. I'd recommend buying on eBay if you don't plan on purchasing anything else at the same time from one of the online shaving vendors.
I had an Arko shave this morning. It never fails to deliver. I only use mine once a week or so. One stick will last me a LONG time....actually starting to not hate the smell too much, too.

I've had good luck ordering Arko products from www.tulumba.com in the past. The sticks run $2.49 (no idea of shipping cost), plus they stock 6-8 different Arko creams.

Hope that helps,

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Thanks for all the info guys! I am going to pick up some ARKO and see how it goes. I am looking for a good cheap soap to rotate with my Williams and to serve as a backup "go to". 12 sticks for $1.50 each is an awesome deal. I read all the reviews and it seems that ARKO is truly a huge bang for the buck. Can't wait to try it out!
Shoebox carries it at $2.39.

Probably want to order additional stuff to make the shipping cost worthwhile.
15 sticks on Amazon.com for $20 w/ free shipping. $1.33/stick to your door.
Shipping didn't take long, not sure if it was sourced locally or from Turkey... it doesn't really matter.
15 sticks on Amazon.com for $20 w/ free shipping. $1.33/stick to your door.
Shipping didn't take long, not sure if it was sourced locally or from Turkey... it doesn't really matter.

That's the deal I took too. Came out of somewhere in NJ actually. I was a little disappointed to not get the box that the dozen comes in (was going to stick the big Arko Man from the box up on the wall at work... Lend me your cool o Arko Man!!), but after a few boxes of tissues and a case or two of beer I think I'm over it. Mostly. *snif* :blushing:
That's the deal I took too. Came out of somewhere in NJ actually. I was a little disappointed to not get the box that the dozen comes in (was going to stick the big Arko Man from the box up on the wall at work... Lend me your cool o Arko Man!!), but after a few boxes of tissues and a case or two of beer I think I'm over it. Mostly. *snif* :blushing:

Yeah, the box would have been nice. They could have collapsed it and put it in the envelope but it probably would have gotten destroyed in shipping.
"Shaveabuck" is good source, their price on the sticks is among the cheapest around. Unlike many sellers they have graduated shipping rates based on weight, instead "flat rate" schemes like some sellers, which seem to force you to buy more than you need just to make the shipping costs worthwhile.

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