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Son's first shave today....

Fired him up with some Trumper's Lime and I gave him a NOS Atra with a European Gillette cartridge. He only has peach fuzz, and mostly in the goatee area, so I just had him shave that part. I had forgotten how hard/scary it is to shave the first time around. LOL.

I gave him good instructions: face wet, warm, lubricated; no shaving over unlathered surfaces, etc. It went really well. No cuts, no blood; BBS!
Nice to have a father teaching you the tricks, for the rest of us thank you Badger n Blade:001_rolle
Congratulations on passing down a cherished ritual to your son. It will be the sort of thing he looks back on fondly when he is older.

That's awesome. My introduction to shaving was "here is a can of shaving cream and razor...be careful". I think the introduction of cartridge razors made teaching your kids to shave less of an issue for many as they are easier to use.

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