First of all, I'm a Newbie, to both this Forum and wetshaving. I'd like to purchase one, single, solitary, high-end badger hair shaving brush, at least for the time being.
Back-tracking just a bit . . .
A few weeks ago, I thought it would be a good idea to buy (2) brushes; the reason for which I am now at a complete loss to explain. I got so darned wrapped-up in 'premature' SBAD that I lost track of reality...
During that period, several experienced wetshavers advised me to get a Simpson Emperor E3 (Super) and a PJ3 (Best), to experience the best of both 'Simpson worlds.'
Presently . . .
I really would like to own one, good-for-both (soaps & creams), top-notch shaving brush -- Simpson being my brand name of choice.
The Simpson Emperor E3 comes highly recommended, as do the PJ2 and PJ3. Which one should I get?
Joel -- you really have Simpson brushes down to a finely-honed science! Which of the two Simpsons (PJ2 or PJ3) would you recommend, and in which grade of badger (Best or Super)? Would you consider the Emperor E3 a viable contender between the PJ2/PJ3 brushes?
Many have told me that Simpson's Best badger is softer (less 'scratchy' or 'brushy' to the face) than its Super badger grade...
I'd like to purchase this brush ASAP, but would like to make an informed decision before shelling-out the cash.
Any and all feedback would be very much appreciated.

Back-tracking just a bit . . .
A few weeks ago, I thought it would be a good idea to buy (2) brushes; the reason for which I am now at a complete loss to explain. I got so darned wrapped-up in 'premature' SBAD that I lost track of reality...
During that period, several experienced wetshavers advised me to get a Simpson Emperor E3 (Super) and a PJ3 (Best), to experience the best of both 'Simpson worlds.'
Presently . . .
I really would like to own one, good-for-both (soaps & creams), top-notch shaving brush -- Simpson being my brand name of choice.
The Simpson Emperor E3 comes highly recommended, as do the PJ2 and PJ3. Which one should I get?
Joel -- you really have Simpson brushes down to a finely-honed science! Which of the two Simpsons (PJ2 or PJ3) would you recommend, and in which grade of badger (Best or Super)? Would you consider the Emperor E3 a viable contender between the PJ2/PJ3 brushes?
Many have told me that Simpson's Best badger is softer (less 'scratchy' or 'brushy' to the face) than its Super badger grade...
I'd like to purchase this brush ASAP, but would like to make an informed decision before shelling-out the cash.

Any and all feedback would be very much appreciated.