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Sherlock. New BBC drama

I know there's a lot of Holmes fans on here so I thought I would give you all a heads up about this show. It's three or four feature length dramas about Holmes but set in the present day. The first one was shown this weekend in the U.K. So may be on BBC America in a few weeks (online just now). It follows the books very closely and the modern twist is quite a refreshing take on the characters. The screenplay was done by Stephen Moffat who's written some of the best Doctor Who episodes. Well worth seeking out if your a Holmes fan.
I am a Holmes fan & watched the first of this series on Sunday night expecting not to like it but it was very good, hopefully the rest of the run will follow in the same vein.
associated with it - Steven Moffat (Coupling, the current Dr. Who) and stars Benedict Cumberbatch (Atonement) and Martin Freeman (The Office).

I know there's a lot of Holmes fans on here so I thought I would give you all a heads up about this show. It's three or four feature length dramas about Holmes but set in the present day. The first one was shown this weekend in the U.K. So may be on BBC America in a few weeks (online just now). It follows the books very closely and the modern twist is quite a refreshing take on the characters. The screenplay was done by Stephen Moffat who's written some of the best Doctor Who episodes. Well worth seeking out if your a Holmes fan.
I managed to watch the episode, and though I thought the opening wasn't that hot, it went on to win me over. It has enough "inside" references to the original to be interesting, but is not so "modern" to be completely alien. I don't think it will have the staying power of a multi year series, but a short run will be great.

I am certainly a fan of Jeremy Brett for his portrayal of Sherlock, but you have to remember, basil rathbone was once the definitive holmes as well. The sheer number of radio, tv and movie versions of the original as well as new versions of stories is staggering. This show is just the next in that long line.

It is fascinating to think that a creation that is almost 125 years old is still attracting audiences.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
There is only one Holmes - Jeremy Brett.

The screenplay was done by Stephen Moffat who's written some of the best Doctor Who episodes.

Well, if anyone knows how to handle a history of "that actor" being "the definative" version of the character, it's someone who has written well for Doctor Who. Just about every actor who played The Doctor has stepped nimbly out of a large and impressive shadow cast by his predecessors (well, maybe with a few smaller shadows and less-nimble footwork in the 1980s) ... so if there are plenty of fans of both Tom Baker and David Tennant, presumably there can be plenty who enjoy both Jeremy Brett and Benedict Cumberbatch (and Basil Whatsisface ... :001_rolle)
The overall idea isn't bad at all, and the whole thing seems very well filmed; but I thought this first episode's story pretty lame. Let's hope the next ones will be better.
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