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I am really enjoying DE:thumbup: wet shaving. It is nice to slow down and take your time to shave. In a world where everything has become instant, I am finding pleasure in slowing down. I enjoy using a vintage Gillette Safety Razor, the ritual of lathering and using a brush to apply. Then shaving slowly. Your face feels so great after a good shave.



My elbows leak
Staff member
You find most folks here agreeing with you.

I can say that I came back to wet shaving not because of the expense of the cartridges or the environmental impact but simply because I had come to just hate the tedious boring chore that shaving had become.

Returning to wet shaving has reminded me of the personal pampering time, just me, the razor, my soap or cream, and the hot water and steam - man, what more could you ask for?

Well - how about a darn sight better shave than I was getting with a cart and a can of goo to start?
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