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Shaving With Dad

The recent thread on Christmas presents related to shaving put me in mind of my father and his shaving ritual. He worked six days a week in retail, so he had to look good every day...

My Dad used a Gillette DE adjustable, Yardley soap in the wooden bowl (a Christmas present from my brother and I every year) and drugstore Bay Rum. I remember that later in life he used Mennen Afta. He was a face latherer, and I don't recall ever seeing him make more than two passes. When I was little he'd lather me up, hand me a razor without a blade, and we'd shave together. He did the same thing with my little brother.

Good times, and a feeling of closeness to my father, now gone these many years.

Anyone else have similar memories?

Nope, unfortunately I like many others here was set adrift all by my lonesome~~ However this is something I have and will be doing with my two boys as they come up, now 11 and 7!! Daughter loves to sit and talk with Daddy while he "SHAVES OFF THOSE WHISKERS!!" Then she likes to rub my face, sometimes she is in charge of what daddy will "Smell" like today!
I was fortunate enough to have my father teach me to shave as well. Now he is gone it is something that I will always have with me.
I am now teaching students at the bording school where I went to school to shave (I was a day boy) But I always tell then to talk with their fathers when they go home, My father found for me (in his tool box) my grandfathers straight razor. Now that is something special and something I want these others to have also.....
Unfortunately I don't have a great story like this. By the time I was old enough to shave the Mach 3 was in full swing. I was let loose on my own when my Dad handed me a Mach 3 and can of whatever the common canned crap was at the time.

I won't let that happen to my son!
Like many others my age, I was given a cartridge set up (Gillette Sensor I think) and can of goo and sent on my merry way. But now for me things are different, my kids (6 and 4, girl and boy) like to sit with me and "shave" while I shave. I let them pick out what I'm using that day, which razor, brush, soap/cream, and then off we go. I give them each a brush and razor (without blade) and we lather up and "shave" it's fun when I hear my kids saying, can I shave with this one when I get older. My son is partial to my Fatboy, I think just because its called a "Fatboy"
I remember for father and grandfather shaving. My grandfather used a straight and then Gillette DE and had a very wiry beard - like me. He always was clean shaven and never cut or nicked himself. My father, on the other hand, always cut himself. I always remember him with bits of toilet paper on his face to stem the bleeding. :w00t: He ended up using electrics.

Later in life he suffered from ALS and could no longer shave himself. However, he was always clean shaven usually being shaved by a nurse, my mother, or me when I visited him. When I visited him I would shave him with real shaving cream and a brush and a Trach II razor and would tease him that I would never touch an electric!
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