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SAO, DAO SA/DA, Striker Fired, DAK what's you're preference?

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
What is you're preference for a carry weapon, and why?

I own at least one of each type, except for the DAK, which I don't really understand. For me personally, my first preference is a SA/DA semi auto. I have a Glock 26, and while I know in my head that it is a safe weapon, I'm still not comfortable keeping one in the pipe with it's light trigger. I much prefer the deliberate trigger pull of a DA trigger, at least for my first shot, and there are no external safeties to have to manipulate.

My second preference would be for a DAO revolver. For a carry revolver there is no need to shoot single action, and with no external hammer there is nothing to get snagged one clothing or anything else while carrying or drawing.
For carry, I prefer either DAO, or Striker fired, with no safeties. I like being able to just draw and fire, and I like a consistent trigger pull shot to shot. If you have a proper holster, you really shouldn't have to worry about accidentally bumping the trigger of a striker fired weapon.
I have SA, DA/SA, and Striker fire.

My favorite to carry? Ruger SR9c. Striker fire with extra safety :) GREAT trigger on it, way better than a friend's Glock 19. WAY better. Which is why I like the side safety...

For a range gun, Give me my 1911 all day long. I just won't carry one. But I enjoy shooting it more than any other handgun.
I prefer single-action automatic pistol designs above all. The safety is a wonderful switch that turns on the nicest automatic pistol triggers possible on 1911s, Hi-Powers and such.

I was equivocal about DA/SA designs for years. Have owned a few but don't have any currently. I'm actually warming up to the notion of the DA/SA trigger as a worthy alternative to the SA trigger. With familiarization it would certainly be a capable system for the thoughtful defensive carry user.

I utterly loathe and despise anything to do with a DAO trigger in all it's different manifestations. Don't care if it's "safe-action" or otherwise, I don't personally want any part of a DAO automatic. Seems like the daftest notion to ever gain popularity, the DAO automatic pistol trigger. I'll shoot a double-action revolver in DA mode but want the ability to also use it in single-action mode. I like choices.

Only have one, a wretched Kel Tec P3AT and it stays around for deep concealment duties, replacing a cute little Colt Model 1908 .25 which previously was used for deep concealment. I always try to contrive to carry something better than that Kel Tec. Don't like plastic, don't like the horrible trigger, can't see the indistinct lumps provided as sights, and don't have as much confidence in .380 ACP.
Prefer my SA with safety. I love 1911's and carry one during the winter months and a Sig P238 as a pocket carry in the summer. Second, I love my XD SC for summer carry and had work done on the trigger so it is much smoother then what comes from the factory.
For carry guns, I think it is getting comforatble carrying and shooting the gun. Once you are comfortable, I don't think it really matters BUT I prefer SA.

NOW, on rifles it is a completely different story. Love two stage on my competition rifles.
Striker fired for 15+ years.

I can shoot DA/SA and carried the M9 on duty, but don't prefer it.

Single actions also win if you have the time to train extensively with them.

Glock type actions shoot NOTHING like a DAO, the current Apex trigger kits for M&Ps don't get to 1911 levels of crisp, but making a first round hit from the holster, unsupported at 50m isn't terribly hard.
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