Commander Quan
Commander Yellow Pantyhose
What is you're preference for a carry weapon, and why?
I own at least one of each type, except for the DAK, which I don't really understand. For me personally, my first preference is a SA/DA semi auto. I have a Glock 26, and while I know in my head that it is a safe weapon, I'm still not comfortable keeping one in the pipe with it's light trigger. I much prefer the deliberate trigger pull of a DA trigger, at least for my first shot, and there are no external safeties to have to manipulate.
My second preference would be for a DAO revolver. For a carry revolver there is no need to shoot single action, and with no external hammer there is nothing to get snagged one clothing or anything else while carrying or drawing.
I own at least one of each type, except for the DAK, which I don't really understand. For me personally, my first preference is a SA/DA semi auto. I have a Glock 26, and while I know in my head that it is a safe weapon, I'm still not comfortable keeping one in the pipe with it's light trigger. I much prefer the deliberate trigger pull of a DA trigger, at least for my first shot, and there are no external safeties to have to manipulate.
My second preference would be for a DAO revolver. For a carry revolver there is no need to shoot single action, and with no external hammer there is nothing to get snagged one clothing or anything else while carrying or drawing.