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Revisiting the NEW

A bit of background: when I started this whole crazy DE shaving thing a bit over a year ago, I asked anybody I could think of if they had any old Gillettes hanging around that they weren't using. A buddy of mine mentioned this to his dad, who came up with what I subsequently found out was a NEW. Scary looking razor...

So I tried the NEW a few months later, and hacked my face to pieces...

Flash forward to the present: I've been looking at the NEW hanging on my razor rack for months, thinking I'd give it a shot. I did that this weekend, and WOW!

It's much lighter in weight than any of my other razors, and feels a bit strange that way. The blade exposure is also more. But as a shaver, it's fantastic! I loaded it with a Red Pack IP and I'm getting some of the closest two-pass shaves ever.

Day one was the last of my Honeybee Spa Dragon's Blood mixed with a small amount of CO Bigelow's cream. Great irritation free shave.

Day two was Williams Mug Soap. Same great shave.

Day three, this morning, was Honeybee Spa Bay Rum. Still another great shave. The NEW is definitely going to take its place in my rotation...
I find the NEW razor to be an enigma at times. It looks aggressive but rarely does it bite and I find shaving with it to be a positive experience. However, it's not enough to replace my slant razor but good enough for me to add it to the rotation.
Agree with your assessment. Paired with a Feather, the NEW gives a great shave. I'm always delighted when it comes up in my rotation every 6 weeks or so.
the older NEW style is more attractive, but definitely more aggressive. personally, i use and love the more humble common-bar handled NEW which is really like an open-comb TECH.

not much to look at but fantastic to shave with.
I'm a big fan of the NEW - it is a go-to razor for me. I find I switch between the Edwin Jagger DE89L and the NEW - both are seriously sweet for me.
Love me the NEW... Did also knick my face when i first started but after i got my de technique down it was my fav shaver. Too bad i traded mine some time back but now i'm on the search again.
I don't find my NEW to be light at all, in fact it checks in at 86g, more that a FatBoy I believe. Of course CoonCatBob had something to say about that. It is an aggressive shaver compared to the Tech, but good technique gives good results.
The bar handle that came with a NEW I picked up found it's way to an early Tech head, the bar handle is 21g, this handle is 55g.

I have a small handful of NEWs. They are one of my go to travel razors and also get extended stays on my counter in the rotation. Great shavers.
The NEW is a great razor, and I like that the head is thin enough to get under the nose and all the tight corners. Glad to hear that you decided to give it another chance and were rewarded.
I've had a long tooth NEW for a few weeks and it gives the best shaves by far of all my razors, including my R41 and my new DE89L.

It really begs the question why none of the main razor manufacturers make a NEW style head. If Muhle/Edwin Jagger came out with one my cash would be out of the bank in a trice.
I've had a long tooth NEW for a few weeks and it gives the best shaves by far of all my razors, including my R41 and my new DE89L.

It really begs the question why none of the main razor manufacturers make a NEW style head. If Muhle/Edwin Jagger came out with one my cash would be out of the bank in a trice.

I would say that it's probably much cheaper to reproduce a Old Type style head then it is to reproduce the NEW.
Gillette abandon the design for it's low end 3 piece razor when it came out with the Tech, which it made for the next 30+ years.
Both the Old Type and Tech designs look easier to produce then the NEW.
Also most of these companies still use the 3 post design which Gillette abandon in the late 20s early 30s.
Function, love that razor (handle) of yours. a complimentary marriage of design comb/grooves. Nice Bob

Exactly what I thought when I first saw it on Bob's website. The grooves are nice and square, give a very solid grip, but the edges are not "sharp" on the fingers, excellent attention to detail on Bob's part.
I had a 50s Flair Tip laid out for the next slot in my rotation until reading this thread. It is going back into the cabinet and the NEW that I have never used is taking its place. This will be my first experience with the NEW and I am looking forward to it.

Damn this RAD. I have more razors in the "not used yet" category than the "used" one. With the rate I'm accumulating them I don't see that changing anytime soon.
I don't find my NEW to be light at all, in fact it checks in at 86g, more that a FatBoy I believe. Of course CoonCatBob had something to say about that. It is an aggressive shaver compared to the Tech, but good technique gives good results.
The bar handle that came with a NEW I picked up found it's way to an early Tech head, the bar handle is 21g, this handle is 55g.


This is probably one of the finest looking razors I have ever seen. I am finding it hard to not send Bob a note....

I have a couple of common bar handled NEW's in my rotation...long and short comb and every time they give me a fine shave.

I wonder if I should PM Bob:001_rolle
This is probably one of the finest looking razors I have ever seen. I am finding it hard to not send Bob a note....

I have a couple of common bar handled NEW's in my rotation...long and short comb and every time they give me a fine shave.

I wonder if I should PM Bob:001_rolle

Without question. I did.
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