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Request Information For The Wiki

Gentlemen, I have been wanting to put some information in the Wiki in about Method Shaving. There are many, like myself, that do not know much of anything about it. I would just like a basic article that explains the basics of the process. Perhaps also some of the pros and cons. If someone is wiling to put this together, I would gladly Wikify it. Or, if the information can be posted here I can put it together from that.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys offer. :thumbup1:
I'll write a page for the Wiki if that's okay with everyone else, it will take around a few days though as I'm quite busy atm.
I just took a stab at the Hydrolast page, and I'll give the Method Shaving one a shot later on.
I just put down quite a bit in the Method Shaving page, but I have to admit that my patience is shot for now. Anyone who wants to add or edit, be my guest.
Originally Posted by Bright (Satin) Futur
Charles Roberts is the go to guy for your question. He'll tell you the long version including technical jargon or you may wish to read about the shaving paste online here. http://www.enchanteonline.com/pages/...owledge Base

And here. http://www.hydrolast.com/shaving/index.php

I use Hydrolast Shaving Pastes which are custom blended to suit your skin/beard type. I use both the #2 or medium velocity paste and the slower #1. These both help further smoothing my shaved skin by providing a buffering layer between the blade and my body parts - This can be very, very important for us wet shavers.

I encourage you to invest in the starter kit http://www.enchanteonline.com/pages/.../hydrolast.htm and ask for free samples. For $24 you'll be very pleased with not only the smoothness of your shaves but also the way your face feels after each morning's ritual!
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