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Reliable electroplating. A fantastic job on 34 Aristocrat

The razor just came in the mail today after a two month wait which is fine by me as I was in no hurry. I can't say enough praises for the quality of job that was done on this razor. Every detail from knurling to the numbers are better than what they were before. From their receipt this was done correctly with nickel then gold applied followed by lacquer finish. A beauty and this razor can easily go up against any of the finest British razors.


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Absolutely gorgeous, looks great!!! Where is Reliable Electroplating located, and how much did this one cos if I might ask? I've had a local outfit do some of my nickel razors, but they have been screwing up. I have a 1934, and a '46/47 I need done.
I would be interested in where you got the work done as well. I have a '34 that I would like to get re-plated.
Killer looking razor and I'm not even fond of gold. Wow. The pics are fantastic as well. I don't have as nice a camera as many of you, but it has a lot of options, both automatic and manual that I need to learn to use.

I'd be interested in where you found that plastic stand as well. My guess is you've repurposed it from something else, but I'm just guessing.

2 months is a long time to wait for a razor. I am not that patient.
Thats a beauty! How heavy is this razor?
69 grams

Absolutely gorgeous, looks great!!! Where is Reliable Electroplating located, and how much did this one cos if I might ask? I've had a local outfit do some of my nickel razors, but they have been screwing up. I have a 1934, and a '46/47 I need done.

Thanks. Bill came to $72 with shipping.:001_cool:
Very nice man! :D

Are you going to use it, or just keep for display? :)

Display. To nice to use!:laugh:

That's nice, Very nice!!!
Thank you.

Wow, that is a beauty. Congrats rx and nice pics.


Beautiful razor and excellent job. Beautiful photos of this new masterpiece!
Very kind of you Jake.I'm fond of your photo's too. Thank you!!

Wow! Where did you get the plastic stand?

That actually belongs to one of those fancy small dish displays.

Nice work. Razor is stunning!
Thanks. When I found this razor I thought, "you need a second life". Good to go for another century.:thumbup1:

Thank you all for your kind comments. Dale is amazing and I just wanted to show off his skills. I'm pretty excited as well. In fact can a job be too good? Lol. I won't be using this one as it's much to nice and as a bonus two of my favorite colors. Purple & gold.
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