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PAA Copper Ascension Twist Adjustable Razor - A Truly Amazing Razor! (An SWCT Review)


Likes a fat handle in his hand
Welcome everyone, to yet another SWCT razor review!

PAA Copper Ascension Twist Adjustable Razor

For those who know me on B&B, they know that I was seeking this razor, with a passion that would only be rivaled by true love. 😍This razor was chosen to be the last razor that I ever buy, and I am happy to say, that I chose well. This was my criteria for picking out this razor...

(1) I wanted a razor that looked so beautiful, you'd kiss it!
(2) I wanted a quality razor that was built really well!
(3) I wanted a razor that shaved better then most razors!
(4) This razor had to be better then a Yaqi Mellon razor!


The Copper Ascension Twist Adjustable In Rose Gold, is 3.75-inches or 95-mm long, and weighs approximately 4.13-ounces or 118-grams. This razor is CNC machined out of tellurium copper, with a rose gold electroplate coating applied, and is polished for a lovely shine. Starting blade gap is .05-mm or 500-microns.

NOTE: PAA does include a separate ziplock bag, with both a "black," as well as a "clear," nylon washer. But neither are used on the razor, at the time of assembly.


The PAA Copper Ascension Twist, is a 3-piece adjustable razor, innovative designed by the local artisan shop, known as Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements, and manufactured in China. Because of this razors weight, I classify this as a heavy weight razor. While a 3-piece design can add a slight difficulty to beginners, when it comes to loading and removing blades, I felt this razor was really easy to do. Additionally, I noticed that the handle and top cap threading clearances were super tight on this razor, (no slop) the handle rotates the smoothest on the threads I have ever seen, which is indicative of the high levels of quality, that were dealing with here.


I began my wet shaving journey using heavy weight razors, so I am used to it. If you are a beginner, please remember, when it comes to heavy weight razors, you want to let them do all the work, try not to apply pressure if you don't have to. The handle knurling is top notch quality, not only does it provide me superior grip, as opposed to smooth handled razors that allow my fingers to slip, but it also looks really good as well. There are a couple of things which are unique about this razor.


(1) This razor uses what is classically known as, the Double Open Comb head design, (which was introduced in the mid 1940's by Joseph Mellon) which allows for your multiple day whiskers to reach the blade easier. Allows the razor to leave some lather on your face on each pass, so you can go back over the same spot a few times without worry. And allows for easier rinsing of the razor, which reduces clogging.


(2) This razor uses a very unique adjustable design. Most adjustable razors use a knob that you turn one way or the other, which will increase or lower blade gap. While that method certainly works well, it does add additional mechanics, that if not properly maintained, can go wrong. This razor uses a simple method of a tension spring technique, to hold pressure against the blade. When the handle is all the way tightened, you are at the most minimal blade gap, which is really mild. If handle is turned counter-clockwise 1/4 to 1/2 turn, this increases the blade gap, thereby making the razor more aggressive. Do not exceed 1/2 turn out!


This razor is very easy to hold in the hand, balance point towards upper portion of handle. If you prefer heavy weight razors, then your going to like this razor for sure! I began by loading the razor up with a Gillette Platinum blade, then I attached a clear nylon washer, because I don't want to scratch up my razor head, I prefer using it. What is nice is, PAA designed the razor for the use of the washer in mind, and has a recessed slot in the had, to encompass the washer. Knowing how my first test with this razor, was going to be against 7-day whiskers, I elected to turn the handle, 1/2 turn out from seated, to provide me more aggression.



In the WTG passes, handle 1/2 turned out from seated, I managed to shave off my 7-day whiskers, surprisingly smoothly, and managed to get me to nearly a BBS shave everywhere! And not only that, this razor allowed me to get to my problem areas, and get them in a way that my other razors do not in the WTG passes. Additionally, I was able to get the tricky under the nose whiskers without issue, for the first time ever in my wet shaving history, it took no effort, and already made me BBS in that spot! I used the standard 35 degree shaving angle, between steep and shallow, and this razor performed flawlessly.



I lowered the blade aggression to 1/4 turn out from fully seated for the XTG passes. Because most of the whiskers were already removed in the WTG passes, I didn't have a whole lot of whiskers left, for the razor to remove XTG. But in the areas where their were still whiskers around, this razor went after them like a champ. This razors unique design, really allowed for a lot of whisker removal, with not a whole lot of work required on my part. I was able to get the chin and moostash areas to practically a BBS here.



I tightened the handle all the way in, to lower the blade gap to its lowest level 0.5mm. At this point, the razor is really mild, and yet, surprisingly efficient, most likely due, to the open comb design. What amazed me the most, was I felt like I couldn't give myself a nick at all at this blade aggression setting. This razor glided so effortlessly, painlessly, in the ATG passes, and had 0-issues getting to all my problem areas, including, moostash area, chin area, and under the jaw area. Technically, I could have increased aggression back up for greater efficiency still, but I really wanted to test this razors mildness, on the lowest blade gap level.


Double Open Comb Thoughts:

This is not the first time that I've used a double open comb razor, but this is most certainly, the first time I have seen it done right. It did exactly what it was designed to do. It allowed my whiskers to reach the blade without hindrance. It always left lather on my face, so that I could make a few more passes, which allowed me to get more whiskers, which increased productivity. I had an easier time rinsing out the razor of both whiskers and lather. And overall, provided me a much smoother shaving experience, that really sets the bar high, for other razors to try and achieve.


Twist Adjustable Design:

This was my first time, using a razor, that adjusted in this fashion. I have to say, adjusting this thing really is as easy as, rotating the handle. I had 0-issues rotating the handle clockwise, or counter-clockwise, to achieve the desired aggression. Additionally, I felt that the spring tension force applied to the blade, provided by the top cap, provided the necessary blade retention required, in order to prevent blade chatter. This provides exceptional value in a razor IMO, and this cannot be overstated!

No blade tab overhang!

Lower Blade Exposure Makes This Razor Much Safer!



In conclusion, this razor surprised me on levels I was not expecting. Not only is this razor capable of being really efficient, its also extremely smooth. And even at higher aggression levels, I felt that this razor was really safe. And if used on the mildest setting, its extremely safe! Because of this kind of performance, I classify this as a razor for everyone, beginners, intermediate, and expert! This razor took down 7-days of course thick whisker growth, did it without question, knocked it all down, and brought me to a BBS shave with 0-nicks, weepers, nor irritation. I literally achieved the best shave I have ever had in my life today with this razor, and because of this, it just secured its position at first place in my razor arsenal.

This razor gets a 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 out of 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 stars. And this razor gets the SWCT stamp of approval. 🌠


List Of Products Used For Todays Best Ever Shave!


(1) PAA Copper Ascension Twist Adjustable Razor!
(2) Gillette Platinum Blade First Use!
(3) Cayune Workshop Dark Nebula Shave Brush!
(4) Cayune Workshop Dark Nebula Shave Bowl!
(5) Stirling Hot Apple Cider Shave Soap!
(6) Stirling 125G Alum Block!
(7) PAA Ice Cube 2.0 Preshave Block!
(8) Pinaud Clubman Citrus Musk Aftershave!
(9) Stirling Almond Creme Facial Wash!

PS: The Hot Apple Cider was delicious, I smell far too good, their auda be a law against it. 😝


Likes a fat handle in his hand

Picture posting, the bane of my existence on this site. Life can't just be simple so we can have nice high resolution photo's that haven't been compressed down to 50% of the available resolution, so I am forced to direct upload them compressed so you folks can see. Sorry folks, but sometimes life likes to kick me in the pants. Why does this happen? Who knows. Maybe a problem with B&B, maybe a problem with IMGBB, nobody heading off to the races to fix it.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
That's really cool that you made full use of the adjustability in a logical manner. I have never been good about adjusting my adjustables during the shave, set it and forget they call it. If you think about it, rigidity matter the most going against the grain and least with the grain so starting open and tightening down to closed as the whiskers are reduced makes a lot of sense. I also really like the low gap at that fully tightened setting, the reduced range of cutting angles doesn't really bother me and the extra safety is much appreciated. I have several razors that are hard to keep the safety bar on my face against the grain and the "safety" razor effectively becomes a devettte, a shavette on a stick in other words! 😬

(I really like the pictures and I like the look of the razor even more now! Thank you for not once mentioning the PT(bomb tip) marketing phrase, it's so cheesy.)


Likes a fat handle in his hand
That's really cool that you made full use of the adjustability in a logical manner. I have never been good about adjusting my adjustables during the shave, set it and forget they call it. If you think about it, rigidity matter the most going against the grain and least with the grain so starting open and tightening down to closed as the whiskers are reduced makes a lot of sense. I also really like the low gap at that fully tightened setting, the reduced range of cutting angles doesn't really bother me and the extra safety is much appreciated. I have several razors that are hard to keep the safety bar on my face against the grain and the "safety" razor effectively becomes a devettte, a shavette on a stick in other words! 😬

(I really like the pictures and I like the look of the razor even more now! Thank you for not once mentioning the PT(bomb tip) marketing phrase, it's so cheesy.)

Hello Aaron! Its great to see you! :thumbup1:

One thing I have always believed, if I'm going to be using an adjustable razor, I want to utilize the full benefits of it, and adjust the blade aggression, during the different pass stages of the shave. This is how I have been doing it with my Rex Ambassador, Merkur Futur, and my Gillette 1959 195 Adjustable Fatboy. I really appreciate the value that you see in adjusting the razor like I do! :thumbsup:

What you said also makes a lot of sense to me actually. When your going against the grain, it puts added stress on the blade. So if the razor isn't holding the blade rigid enough, it will invite blade chatter, which will turn your face into a kid with acne skin disease lol. I love how the razor adjusts as well, and I appreciate its ability to do so, without inviting blade chatter, provided you don't go past 1/2 turn out.

I know exactly what you are talking about as well. My Feather AS-D2 is like that, it requires shaving shallow, riding the cap, It don't cut nothing in my experience, if you try to ride the bar, it aint happening. And you know me well, that I don't appreciate razors that make me ride the cap. When I saw the extreme arch of the Copper Ascension, and saw its low blade exposure, I was worried it would be the same way.

I can't tell you how relieved, and how pleased I was, that the Copper Ascension does not, require you to ride the cap. Thank goodness! Just tilt the handle to 30 - 35 degrees, and your good to go! No devettes or shavettes on a stick for me, no thank you, I will stick with DE thank you very much lol. I am very pleased that you liked the pictures! I always put some effort into taking them, just wished I didn't have trouble posting them.

And I couldn't agree with you more, I too am not a fan of the cheesy marketing that PAA does. I feel like the marketing is always too much in our faces. Someone sure earns their wages on the labeling too I think, cause its always loud and proud flashy as all heck. lol

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
Great review. I’ve often looked at this razor. It’s really beautiful - especially in polished copper or rose gold - and I love the double open comb design.

I don’t buy the whole adjustable thing, though. Every 3-piece DE razor will give a more efficient shave if you loosen the handle 1/4 turn or so. It reduces the blade curvature and increases blade exposure a little. If you go much more than 1/4 turn it can make a razor feel harsh, in my experience. I haven’t shaved with the Ascension but I’ve done the same thing on many other razors and it does make a difference.
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Likes a fat handle in his hand
Great review. I’ve often looked at this razor. It’s really beautiful - especially in polished copper or rose gold - and I love the double open comb design.

I don’t buy the whole adjustable thing, though. Every 3-piece DE razor will give a more efficient shave if you loosen the handle 1/4 turn or so. It reduces the blade curvature and increases blade exposure a little. If you go much more than 1/4 turn it can make a razor feel harsh, in my experience. I haven’t shaved with the Ascension but I’ve done the same thing on many other razors and it does make a difference.

Thanks so much Mr. Shavington! Hey, can I enable you to buy a Copper Ascension Twist Adjustable today? You know you want it, that sweet polished copper rose gold combination calls to you. It says, please buy me, add me to your collection, but hide me, otherwise the misses might think your cheating. 😂

Seriously though, if you do get this razor, please do let me know, as I will be very eager to read your review on it, plus see some perty pictures.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
Thanks so much Mr. Shavington! Hey, can I enable you to buy a Copper Ascension Twist Adjustable today? You know you want it, that sweet polished copper rose gold combination calls to you. It says, please buy me, add me to your collection, but hide me, otherwise the misses might think your cheating. 😂

Seriously though, if you do get this razor, please do let me know, as I will be very eager to read your review on it, plus see some perty pictures.
It wouldn’t take much enabling to get me to buy one. Especially the one you got with the rose gold plating - which is as beautiful as the copper but won’t patina. Very tempting. That’s why I was interested in your views on the shaving performance and feel.

Have you seen their new 10th anniversary razor, made of Polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride (sometimes called Bakelite). It’s called The Artifact. I know it’s a total gimmick and it probably costs them 50c to make, but I rather like the looks of it too.

If I get ‘em I’ll let you know my thoughts. But I think @GlazedBoker posted about his Ascension a few times and I recall they were positive reviews. I’d trust his opinion more than mine.
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Likes a fat handle in his hand
It wouldn’t take much enabling to get me to buy one. Especially the one you got with the rose gold plating - which is as beautiful as the copper but won’t patina. Very tempting. That’s why I was interested in your views on the shaving performance and feel.

Have you seen their new 10th anniversary razor, made of Polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride (sometimes called Bakelite). It’s called The Artifact. I know it’s a total gimmick and it probably costs them 50c to make, but I rather like the looks of it too.

If I get ‘em I’ll let you know my thoughts. But I think @GlazedBoker posted about his Ascension a few times and I recall they were positive reviews. I’d trust his opinion more than mine.

Since I watch a few of the most popular Youtube wet shavers, I have been introduced to the new PAA razor. Here's my opinion, purely based on what I can visually see, since I don't own the razor. This is in regards to the 10th Anniversary razor, just to clarify for other folks out there.

I think the razor has a gorgeous top cap, I am a fan of art deco culture, especially when its gold plated! 😍 Having said that however, the rest of the razor is garbage IMO. Sorry, for those who love Bakelite, but I can never get behind cheap Bakelite plastic. Is there a reason why ABS is not being used? ABS is known to be like the strongest plastic out there, but nope, make it out of cheap Bakelite, then charge 50+ dollars for it. 🙄

I noticed that PAA has more Bakelite razors that have prettier handles at least. But yeah, I am always going to be a stronger fan of quality metal alloy's. Now talking about the PAA Copper Rose Gold Ascension razor for clarification... The feeling of solid copper in my hands with the rose gold electroplating, and feeling the weight, its enough to make me sing. 👨‍🎤


Likes a fat handle in his hand
@Star_Wahl_Clipper_Treker - I know you have been wanting this razor for a while, and am happy you were able to finally get your hands on one.

The only part of your review I question is:

"...the last razor that I ever buy..."

That is a bold statement. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

I forgot to mention to everyone, that this razor is my early Christmas gift, since I wanted to beat the terrible Christmas rush that usually pushes most folks packages, all the way into January and February before delivery.

And your right, it is a bold statement. But its a statement based on a couple of factors.

(1) I found the best shaving razor ever, made first place in my razor arsenol.
(2) My finances say no more on razor purchases. And it would be a good if I could sell a couple of them honestly. I could use the money to make some credit payments during the tough winter months coming up.

If I manage to hold out buying anymore razors, I should earn an award for that lol.


Slickness is a sickness
I forgot to mention to everyone, that this razor is my early Christmas gift, since I wanted to beat the terrible Christmas rush that usually pushes most folks packages, all the way into January and February before delivery.

And your right, it is a bold statement. But its a statement based on a couple of factors.

(1) I found the best shaving razor ever, made first place in my razor arsenol.
(2) My finances say no more on razor purchases. And it would be a good if I could sell a couple of them honestly. I could use the money to make some credit payments during the tough winter months coming up.

If I manage to hold out buying anymore razors, I should earn an award for that lol.

Well, either way, glad you found a razor you really like (love?). I'm seriously thinking of thinning my "herd" also. Just sold my Henson and Razorock Hawk V3. Probably going to look at some others, maybe PIF a couple.
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Likes a fat handle in his hand
Had another lovely shave with my PAA Copper Ascension today. Plus, I haven't used my CC scuttle since last winter, so it takes a bit getting used to using it again, but it was fun!

My shave soap of choice today, was Stirling Candy Cane, oh my gosh it looks so delicious, it looks like chocolate pudding, I want to eat it! Yummy :tongue_sm


Its been awhile since you folks have seen my scuttle. I wasted no time to scoop some of this soap out of there, and smoosh it down the lather spot in my scuttle.


Then I filled the scuttle with some boiling water from my kettle, then added a couple teaspoons of water to the lather, and then began working it up with my Omega 636 Silver Tipped Badger brush!


Yes, I know, I could have worked the lather a bit more, to remove the couple remaining bubbles. But honestly, I was just ready to slap that on my face, and finish working it on my face, and holy cow, did I have a lather worked up alright, nice thick layer. I wish more Youtuber's would work up a lather like I do, none of that thin, can still see skin garbage. I do it right!


I also added 4-turns of menthol from the grinder, to my lather. My eyes could already sense the vapors as I was whipping up the lather. I smiled in anticipation, as I knew this was gonna be nice. A mix of warm and cool, I'm a crazy ****, its the way I role baby woohoo! :thumbup: Beings this was my first time using the grinder though, I aired on the side of caution. 4-turns was enough to make the lather give me that nice cool feeling, but not enough to cleanse my eyes and nostrils, so I know next time to do more, if I am in the mood to really push it to the MAX!


I don't know, maybe I gave some of you an idea, mixing menthol cool, with warm scuttle lather? Truth is, this is the first time I done it, but I am willing to try anything. Look at my razor right there, resting on that cherry wood, it deserves no less, as its a razor of perfection in my book. 😍


(1) PAA Copper Ascension Twist Adjustable Razor
(2) Gillette Platinum Blade 2nd Use
(3) Captains Choice Starry Night Shave Scuttle
(4) Omega 636 Silver Tipped Badger Brush
(5) Stirling Candy Cane Shave Soap
(6) PAA Menthol Crystals - So Nice!
(7) Stirling Wintergreen Aftershave Splash
(8) Duke Cannon Ice Aftershave Balm


Todays shave went just like the last, only I allowed a bit more aggression in the adjustment when I did ATG. It does tend to shave its smoothest, when the handle is fully tightened, but all aggression's are welcome. I can't stress enough how good this razor feels in the hand, its built like a tank! Nothing about this razor is flimsy guys, this thing will take on anything!

Maybe thats what I should nickname it? Tank! I don't know, I think I am pretty tired right now, and maybe my brain is wanting to enter a state of confusion. Maybe I should get some sleep. But nope, I just couldn't wait to tell you folks about how good my razor did today.

Another 100% BBS shave, 0-nicks, 0-weepers, 0-irritation. This razor makes me happy folks, it doesn't just remove the whiskers off my face, it makes me feel good about life. And now that I got that menthol grinder, I can already tell, that the menthol, is bringing my game up to a whole nuhva level!


Thanks guys!


More Deep Thoughts than Jack Handy
I have the stainless steel and aluminum versions of this razor. It's an interesting piece for sure. I found it mild when it was fully clamped/tightened down, but the adjustability helps the efficiency. It's a fine looking razor for sure. Hope you get many good years of use from it. Congrats!


Likes a fat handle in his hand
I don't know why reading this when I would rather be shaving makes me so happy, but it does. I have to put up with this rapidly accumulating beard until tomorrow morning so I am just going to be happy that you are enjoying all your new stuff(and some older stuff). 😁

I know why, because you sense perfection in Copper Ascension, which is better then candied confection. You know in your heart, that you must get it, for it cannot beat another day without it, thy Copper Ascension awaits you my fine friend. :p

I have the stainless steel and aluminum versions of this razor. It's an interesting piece for sure. I found it mild when it was fully clamped/tightened down, but the adjustability helps the efficiency. It's a fine looking razor for sure. Hope you get many good years of use from it. Congrats!

Dude, thats awesome! Sounds like your well on your way, to eventually adding the Copper Ascension to your collection. I'd be curious to know if you felt that the aluminum version might be too light? And yes indeed, these razors are quite mild when tightened down all the way, but thats what makes them super safe for beginners.

But for those of us who like living on the edge, we enlarge the gap, and bring on that swing, as we hear that copper sing. 😁


Likes a fat handle in his hand

Hello everyone! This is the last report that I plan to do, on my Copper Ascension razor.

Today was my standard 2-day whiskers shave...

(1) PAA Copper Ascension Twist Adjustable Razor!
(2) Gillette Platinum Blade - 3rd Use!
(3) Cayune Workshop Dark Nebula Shave Brush!
(4) Cayune Workshop Dark Nebula Lather Bowl!
(5) Stirling Pumpkin Spice Shave Soap!
(6) Stirling 125G Alum Block!
(7) PAA Ice Cube 2.0 Pre-Shave Cube Prep!
(8) Stirling Almond Cream Bath Soap Face Prep!
(9) PAA Boomtown Bay Rum & Cold Spices Star Jelly Aftershaves!
(10) PAA Chill Mill Menthol Grinder - 6 Rotations!

Today I decided that I was going to go back to my Pumpkin Spice October shave soap. Knowing how it is not mentholated, I read the label and laughed and said, I'll fix that! I put a sizable amount of soap in my beautiful Cayune Workshop Dark Nebula lather bowl, added a couple teaspoons of water to the lather, then I grabbed my PAA Chill Mill menthol grinder, and I did a whopping 6-rotations. Yes, and as it turned out, that equaled 6-rotations towards happiness. 😍

Between the PAA ice cold icy 2.0 menthol cube pre-shave of absolute perfection, and my mentholated lather, the coolness I felt on my face, was nothing short of outstanding! Once I finished the lather application, I went straight to the shave. I did my WTG, XTG, DTG passes with the handle rotated 1/4 out from seated. WTG passes went smooth as usual, and so did XTG passes on face.

For the first time with this razor, the DTG passes on my neck didn't go as smoothly. However, I chalk that up mostly to the fact that I didn't do a hot water face prep this time around folks, I was using cold water, so not the best thing to do in that regard for prepping whiskers I know. And also, with the blade now on its 3rd use, it could be beginning to get dull too.

The ATG passes didn't go badly at all however! I did my ATG passes on 1/8 turn out from seated. I could still tell that I was at a disadvantage from not doing a hot water prep, but the razor was still plowing through the whiskers like a champ. It just goes to show, you could do a half asked job prepping your face, and this razor will still take it down.

That menthol aint for clowns folks, its the real deal. When I did the cold water rinse, wow, lets just say, I really enjoy the invigorating feeling, of my face feeling like its in an ice box. I just love that! 😁 I did get a few miner stings from the alum block, but those were the spots I was going over too many times to achieve my 100% BBS shave, not a big deal though. It was nothing like what that Gillette RED SuperSpeed did to me!

Closest aftershave match I could do for the Pumpkin Spice, was just to slap on some Bay Rum, and then follow that up with some Cold Spices star jelly's. Thank God I am not a loaf of pumpkin bread right now, otherwise I smell so good, someone would want to eat me. :letterk1:

OK, as is usual at this time of the night, my brain is entering a state of confusion, so I probably should end this post here. But suffice to say, after 3 uses of this razor, I am keeping my rating at a solid......

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 out of 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 STARS!
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