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Recommend me a straight with disposable blades?

Hi All,

Looking to switch from DE to a straight with disposable blades, I've seen a plethora of el cheapos out there and would like the forum members to comment and pass recommendations. I don't mind spending on a high quality item. Kindest regards from the UK! :thumbup:
Also taking a step into straight razor shaving. I just picked up a Feather Artist Club SS. I haven't shaved yet but it is an incredible design.
I have a Dovo Shavette which I am very happy with. The blade holder is probably not the sturdiest on the market but it does its job and I have never had any issues with it. The Dovo shavette has the advantage of not being as expensive as the Feathers which IMO are so expensive that you are better off getting the real deal in the first place.
I bought a Feather SS when I decided to try straights. I thought lower maintenance demands would appeal to me. It wasn't long before I had a box full of straights and the Feather was relegated to travel only use. Properly cared for (kept dry and stropped), the straight is more satisfying to shave with. Others, however, differ. Some prefer the machine-made sharpness of the AC blades. Others like those same blades, but after they're stropped or used a couple of times. I'll take one of Doc's edges over either.
Like Gustav I have Dovo shavettes. One with DE blade, one with the longer Dovo blade. They have served well. I share his view that the blade holder doesn't seem sturdy but in practice both have been fine. If you have the budget and think you won't go to a regular straight the Feather seems to be the king...
I went the other way then Imarkow, I decided to try a Feather (RG) and I fell completely in love with these razors, all of my straights and maintenance stuff went out the door about a year later as I just didn't use it anymore.

I have tried others like the Kai Excelia's and the Feather SS folding and non folding models but didn't like them and sold them again, these are in my current shave den

What are you looking for in a shavette? Do you want something that shaves and feels close to a true straight razor, or does that matter? What kind of blade are you looking to use, DE, SE, or are you OK with a proprietary blade that is specific to the shavette you buy? There are lots of options.

Weck - My personal Favorite, uses Hair Shaper SE blades. Vintage, pick up from eBay.
Feather Artist Club - Expensive, but shaves great, and uses special blades (ditto for KAI razors)
Parker - inexpensive, lightweight, uses half a DE blade.
Dovo - Twice the cost or more than parker, has different holders that can take 1/2 DE blades, hair shapers, and Merkur long DE blades. Feels wierd and is super light to hold, but I get a smoother shave than with the parker.
Sanguine (& CoolCut models) similar to the Parker, but less expensive. The Shaving Shack and Bluebeards Revenge/Dreadnought are rebranded Sanguines.
Hi thanks for the replies everyone. I'm just making the switch to straight from DE. I'm leaning towards the Parker, but the feathers have really tickled my fancy. They are beautiful, do they work with half blades because their specialist blades are expensive.

I'm glad to inform that I've just bought a cheap £7 Sanguine coolcut4 from eBay just to try it out and see what the feel is. Does anyone have any experience with it? I'm also thinking about the Parker but may just jump straight to feathers.

I'm looking for a really smooth as a baby shave, I do have thick middle eastern type hair. Kind regards.
Feather ACs will only take the special Feather blades, not DE blades.

The CoolCut4 is really about the same thing as a Parker. The main difference is the scales. The CoolCut4 are metal while the Parker scales are plastic. Shave wise, no different since they both use a DE blade, and both hold them the same way.
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