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QCS Shampoo Bar update

I purchased several shampoo bars from Queen Charlotte Soaps in mid-January. I was curious how long these things would last, and I can tell you, they have far exceeded my expectations. After over 4 months of daily use, the bar of Cedarwood Rosemary is finally biting the dust. I have fairly short hair, and when I shampoo I lather up and rinse - once; so those who have longer hair or lather/rinse more than once may not get quite the longevity I've enjoyed from this bar. I may be able to squeeze a couple of more days out of it, and it's a little sad, but I have a bar of Lemon Bergamot waiting in the wings!
I don't think I'm going to get 4 months out of mine, been using for about a month and it might be 1/2 gone. Still, long enough for me. I could use it more sparingly than I do too, I like a lot of lather.
I've been using the same QCS shampoo bar every day since January 29 (doing the same experiment), and I'd estimate mine is a bit less than 25% remaining. I also have short hair and use it somewhat sparingly. I also make sure it sits in a spot where it doesn't get shower spray on it, so it has a chance to dry out before I use it the next day. This is my last one, so I'm going to have to order more soon.
How are you getting that long? Best I have done is two months. I take it out of the shower and let it air dry and I only use it about every other day. What can I change?
How are you getting that long? Best I have done is two months. I take it out of the shower and let it air dry and I only use it about every other day. What can I change?

I have a little ledge up in the corner of my shower. I stand it on its end, and just rub it on my head about 3 or 4 strokes. Put it back and lather up. If you've got short hair it really doesn't take much to get a solid lather - much less product than I was used to using.
Here is how to get soap and shampoo bars to last long, regardless of whose you purchased:

1. Allow the soap or shampoo bar to fully dry between uses. This can best by using a soap dish where air can flow from the top and bottom. A thin shower net would do almost as good a job.

2. Use it sparingly. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need huge bubbles to clean your hands. If you rub the soap around your hand two or three times, that is enough to get them clean. The only reason soap creates bubbles the way it does is because consumers want that, kind of like how cheddar cheese is colored yellow and salmon is injected with dye to make it more pink.

If you are a man, you will use up soap a lot faster than a woman would. That is just because we are hairier. Handmade soap will also go quicker than store-bought "soap" will. That is just how it is, regardless of who you purchase the bar from.
Since having a look at this thread, I have backed off with the shampoo bar the last few showers and can see where you could make one of these last a lot longer than I am presently. Four months doesn't seem like a stretch because I am going to get 2 + and I am using twice as much as I need. I like an obnoxious amount of lather:) I love the stuff and would still use it if all I got was a month out of it though.
Great stuff-my hair looks and feels great. I've been using the Cedarwood Rosemary for about 3 weeks-don't think it will last as long as the OP. 2+ months does seem realistic based on the amount it's shrank so far. We'll see. It doesn't take much at all to get a full head of lather. The Tea Tree Lavender is next on deck. Those other scents he's got up now sound pretty good-I don't remember those when I placed my order last month. oh no! a new strain of SBAD! :001_smile
I'll tell you my secret to getting a shampoo bar to last a long time.

My first experience with shampoo bars was a travel set from J.R. Liggetts (thought I'd try a small shampoo bar in case I ended up hating them). It came with a little travel bag and a small rectangular piece of plastic Liggett's calls the "soap saver." The idea was to wet one side of the bar and stick it to this piece of plastic. Only one side of the little square gets exposed to water and gets lathered.

I graduated to the Mystic Waters shampoo bar, but I thought the little soap saver thingy was a good idea, so I cut the large bar into little rectangles and use the soap saver. Each tiny little rectangle lasts me about a week. I store the soap saver with the soap attached to it OUTSIDE the shower at all times except when I'm showering, at which time it is on a high shelf where almost no water falls on it.
My wife and I have learned to really appreciate this soap (Cedarwood and Rosemary) and have used it now for 8 months. It has cleared our scalps up and our hair has thickened up dramatically (we are both over 65 so that's impressive to us). What we have done to lengthen the life of a bar of the soap is to cut it in half and use only a half at a time. It has works well for us.
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